《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Decisions


"She deserves to know this," he thinks to himself

Jimin walks towards Jisoo and sits beside her

"I need to talk to you about something," he says

"I am listening" Jisoo replies

"You know that day when you got kidnapped? I wasn't the only one there. In fact, I had no idea that you've been kidnapped. Yura texted Taehyung........" Jimin goes on


Yura, don't you dare to lay your finger on her. I'll kill you Taehyung writes but Yura doesn't reply

He looks at Jisoo's picture, examines each and every detail like a hawk. The place seems familiar, there is a Grafitti on the wall behind Jisoo. He knows that he has seen this place somewhere. His heart is beating so fast, he just wants to find Jisoo and protect her

"Jimin," he says and scrolls through his ig and finds a picture where Jimin is standing in front of a wall very similar to this. He knows that Yura told her not to share anything with anyone but he calls Jimin, After all, Jimin was the guy who set up Taehyung and Yura

Jimin picks his phone up and Taehyung says everything in detail. Jimin is just as shocked as Taehyung is

"Dude I know that place very well. But that is now abandoned as far as I know" Jimin says

"I am just scared that something will happen to Jisoo"

"I am coming to your house. We'll go together, should we call the police?"Jimin asks

"No not until we make sure that Jisoo is with us. I am not taking any risks" Taehyung says and hangs up. He changes into a shirt quickly and Jimin arrives. They both set out to the place where they think Jisoo is in

Jimin drives as fast as he can.


Taehyung and Jimin soon arrive outside the abandoned building

"I came here a long time ago. This used to be different back then but I can remember the place pretty well. What should we do?" Jimin asks

"Our first priority is Jisoo. We have to do bring her out unharmed. But if Yura knows that we're here, she might try to harm her. We have to be very secretive" Taehyung says

Both of them enter the building sneakily making sure that no one sees them. Suddenly they see two guys, both in black shirts and they are wearing a mask thus hiding their face

Taehyung and Jimin hide behind a wall. They don't want these guys to see them. One of the guys sees their shadow and he signals his partner. Taehyung and Jimin don't know that they've been discovered. Suddenly one of the guys comes from behind the wall and punches Jimin, Taehyung runs towards him but the other guy holds him too. Jimin punches the guy while Taehyung tackles the one holding him. Their fight brings the attention of other guys and they all rush towards the source of the sound, even the two who were guarding the door.


"What happened?" they scream without knowing what is going on

Taehyung hears them, they are all probably coming here. He screams

"Jimin, Jisoo. Go to her"

"What about you?"

"I'll keep them busy. Go and take her out of the building" Taehyung screams

"I am not leaving you alone. They are a lot in number" Jimin replies

"Just fucking go before they do something to her. And don't tell her that I am here" he screams and Jimin smashes the guy down

"Why not? Let me be here with you, how will you take on all these guys alone?" Jimin asks being concerned

"Just listen to me, go to her and take her out of here. Imagine I am not here" he replies

Jimin looks at him and runs inside trying to hide from the other guys coming their way

Taehyung fights the guy holding him back and looks to the front. There are 8 other guys looking at him and smiling

"Came alone, huh?" one guy says

Taehyung doesn't reply. He just hopes that Jimin makes it in time. He gets himself ready to take on all of them. But he is greatly outnumbered. One of them hit him on his leg and Taehyung crouches down, another one takes the wooden chair and smashes it against his forehead

Taehyung can't keep up anymore but suddenly they can hear sirens

"Who the fuck called the police?" someone says in a scared voice

"Leave him and run" another one suggests

They all start running in the opposite direction from where the sound is coming. But soon they realize that police have surrounded the entire building. Taehyung manages to get himself up and he hides inside one of the rooms hoping and takes deep breathes.

His head is aching from the pain but he can't give up. He takes a look through the door and sees that the guys are being handcuffed

"Raid the entire place," an officer says

Taehyung doesn't know what is going on. Is Jisoo safe? Where is Jimin? He doesn't know if he should come out or not. He decides to stay put

Soon Jimin comes inside in search of Taehyung and Taehyung comes out, covered in blood.

"There is another guy" an officer screams

"No, he is my friend, he helped me with everything" Jimin replies and carries Taehyung

"Where is Jisoo?" Taehyung asks as soon as Jimin comes to him

"I've sent her home, don't worry. She is completely fine" Jimin replies

"Can anyone please give us a ride to the hospital?" he asks the police

"Sure young man, you both did well" an officer replies and drops them to the hospital

Taehyung gets his wound dressed up and Jimin looks at him

"I have something to confess," he says

Taehyung looks at him in confusion

"You know, that video about you and Jisoo that spread years ago? I was the one behind that, I recorded it and posted it." Jimin says


"You did what?" Taehyung says in disbelief

"And you're telling me this now? what the fuck Jimin" Taehyung screams

"There are two reasons why I chose now," Jimin says

"reason-1, because if I told you before, you would've beat me to death. And judging by your state right now, I don't think that you can do that" Jimin adds

"I feel like kicking you right now," Taehyung says being angry

"But you can't. That the trick" Jimin jokes

"You are even joking about it?" Taehyung says

"There is a reason why I am joking about it and that brings me to Reason number-2, Jisoo knew about it and she forgave me today so I don't feel the guilt that has been pressing me down for the past year anymore," Jimin says

"And come on, if Jisoo can forgive me then I am your best friend, please forgive me," he says and makes puppy eyes

"The only reason why I am forgiving you is because of what you did today because he didn't hesitate even once before accompanying me knowing that it'll be dangerous. Urgh I can't even be mad at you right now" Taehyung says

"My timing is always right" Jimin smirks

"Now your turn, why didn't you let me tell Jisoo that you're here? If she forgave me for the little contribution I made to save her then she'll forgive you too because no one would've done what you did" Jimin says

"I don't want her to forgive me. I don't deserve her forgiveness. She got kidnapped because of me and I had to save her no matter what. I don't want her to feel that she owes me anything because of this. She hates me a lot and I can see it in her eyes. I want her to forgive me because she actually wants to forget everything I did do her and move on not because I saved her life from an incident that took place because of me. I am not making any sense right now, am I?" Taehyung smiles

Jimin keeps looking at him, if he was in Taehyung's place, he would've made sure that Jisoo knew that he saved her hoping for her to forgive him. But he never thought of it like this

If Jisoo forgave Taehyung today then it would only be because he saved her life and she owes him. Not because she has moved on from the things Taehyung did to her


Jimin concludes the entire story. "I know that I shouldn't be saying this and Taehyung will probably be very mad at me but I have to. I can't take the entire credit alone when I did the easy part and he had to take care of the hardest part alone" he says

Jisoo looks at him, "Is that why he is limping?" she asks

"You're smart enough to understand that," Jimin says

"I said what I had to say but it depends on you. Whether you decide to forgive him or not but if you can forgive me then I hope that you forgive him too. He really likes you a lot" Jimin says and gets up

"See you around" he adds and sits next to Sehun again

Jisoo looks at the campfire and she keeps touching the pendant Yoongi gave her. After contemplating for a long time, she makes her decision and gets up. She walks towards the jungle following Taehyung's trail and soon finds him standing alone in front of a pond looking at the moon

"Hey" she says

Taehyung gets surprised at her voice

"Hey" he replies

Jisoo stands beside him

"You know if Yoongi was here, I am positive that he would make us lie on the grass and look at the moon," she says

Taehyung looks at her as she lies down on the grass and stares at the night sky

"It feels great," she says and signals Taehyung

He hesitates for a second but follows Jisoo and lies beside her too and looks at the sky

"How is your leg?" Jisoo asks


"How did it exactly happen?" she asks again

Taehyung waits a while

"Umm-- I feel from the--"

"You know, Jimin told me everything," Jisoo says and looks at him

Taehyung looks at her too, he warned Jimin not to say anything but he did

"Jisoo, listen, I did what a normal person would do. You don't have to forgive me for the terrible things that I did to you because of this. Forgive me only when you think that you're ready if that ever happens" Taehyung tries to explain his side

"You lie a lot," Jisoo says and looks back at the sky

"But you know what, I forgive you too," Jisoo says. Taehyung looks at her

"I can never love you Taehyung, not again. But I am glad to see that you've become a better person. I can give you a second chance at everything but not at love. I have changed a lot after everything that happened and I can only move forward from here" Jisoo says

"Jisoo if you've really forgiven me then please give me another chance, I'll protect you and be the guy that you want me to be" Taehyung pleads

"I can't. In fact, I won't. And I've made up my mind. From today, you're nothing to me. Just like Irene and Jimin, I don't have any grudges against you anymore. You're not my friend but not my enemy either. We just read together in the same school" Jisoo says and points at a constellation

"Do you think that Yoongi is watching us from up there?" she adds but Taehyung still doesn't reply

He looks at the sky too

"I don't know but if he is watching us then he for sure is proud of who you've become and how far you've come," Taehyung says and closes his eyes to feel the breeze

The faint sound of people singing near the campfire is coming, the weather is cold and the two keep lying there, one looking at the sky and the other staring at the former

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