《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Missing someone


"Did they throw Irene out of their squad?"

Seulgi is surprised that Irene is on her own

"Woah, what is going on?" she asks

"I don't know," Jisoo says being just as confused as Seulgi is

Both of them finish eating and the bell rings

"Isn't this our off period? Let's go to the library and solve some math problems" Seulgi says

"Sure," Jisoo says sipping on her drink and they get up

Irene finishes eating last and she heads to the cheerleader's room.

"What do you want?" Jennie asks as soon as she enters

"I am here to practice" Irene replies

"You can practice all you want when you apologize to me," Jennie says

"I am not apologizing for that Jennie. What has gotten into you? I am your friend" Irene becomes angry

"Friends don't throw baseless accusations. If you don't want to apologize then say bye to the cheerleader team. Afterall you got into the team because of me without any audition. You really think that you would've passed the audition if it wasn't for me?" Jennie says

Irene looks at Lisa and Rose but they are quiet. It applies to them too "But--"

"What is wrong Irene? Just fucking apologize" Rose comes forward

"You stay out of this. This is between us" Irene says

All the cheerleaders are looking at them. They've never seen them fight like this

"I am still waiting," Jennie says

"I am not going to apologize. I really thought of you as a good friend but Jennie, truth be told, you are no one's. And before screaming at me, you should remember that I know all your darkest secrets, so keep your fucking tone down. I can ruin your life in ways no one else can. Don't make me open my mouth" Irene replies out of anger

"You slut, showed your true color after all this time?" Jennie screams

"Get out of here Irene," Lisa says

Irene smirks at them

"It'd be my honor to get out of this trash," she says and leaves the room


Jisoo and Seulgi are in the library, Seulgi is solving a math problem while Jisoo is lost in her thoughts while looking at somewhere

That corner, where she met Yoongi and bunked her first class. He made her feel good about herself with his words. He is the most amazing man she has ever come across and Jisoo knows that no one can top that. She walks towards that corner and sits down alone

Seulgi sees that Jisoo isn't the least bit focused on maths. She closes the book and sits beside Jisoo

"Is anything wrong?" Seulgi asks

"I really miss him" Jisoo replies and wipes her tears


"It's fine. You can cry all you want" Seulgi says

Jisoo rests her head on Seulgi's shoulder and Seulgi pats her hair

"I still think about what Yoongi's reaction would've been when I confessed to him. He would've probably run away with all his might" Jisoo laughs in the middle of crying thinking about the scene

"I wish I had the chance to meet that person. Judging by everything that you said, it makes me want to meet him more. You know your eyes light up every time you speak of him" Seulgi says

Jisoo doesn't reply, her eyes just stare blankly into space

Seulgi receives a message and checks it

"Wow, the school has arranged an overnight trip for us. Just the perfect news in a moment like this" she says

"Oh good. Have fun then" Jisoo replies without any interest

"Wait what? Noooo. I can't have fun alone. You have to come" Seulgi says

Although Jisoo strongly protests at first, Seulgi convinces her at last

"It'll be a breath of fresh air for you," she says

Jisoo nods and they both get up


Irene is sitting alone on the basketball ground. She never thought that Jennie would behave like this

Sehun is practicing basketball and suddenly Irene catches his attention. He puts the ball down and walks towards her

"Hey, what's up," he says

"Just go and hang out with you ass-licking girlfriend"

"Woah that was harsh. They are all your friends, you don't have to be so mean?" Sehun says being surprised

"Baby boy, you know nothing about them, you know nothing about Lisa. So you don't get to tell me what to say" Irene replies

"Umm Irene, you've been here since the beginning right?" he asks

"yeah, so?"

"Then you know everything that has happened here before?" he asks again

"I know more that people think I know. Why are you asking me?" she replies

"Cause I want to know everything. Lisa said that Jisoo hooked up with Taehyung behind Jennie's back and that's why she broke their friendship but I think that there is more to that story?]"

"What? She only told you that part? She isn't even honest to her boyfriend, but I am not surprised" Irene replies

"Sehun, you two are happy now, and trust me, you don't want to hear the truth," Irene says

"No, I want to" Sehun replies

Irene takes a deep breath and tells everything to Sehun, from the start

Sehun doesn't say anything for a moment. If he had heard it before, he would've never believed it but judging by how Lisa has been behaving these days and how she has been speaking, he believes everything without a second thought

"Do you want to know the kind of person Lisa and Rose are? They want attention, Jennie would never be friends with them and they knew it too. Being around with Jennie gives you attention but they didn't have that. That's why they hanged out with Jisoo having no other choice. But the moment Jennie approached them playing the victim card, they had already decided which side they are gonna be on cause this is their only chance to be in her good books" Irene says


"Who am I kidding? I am equally at blame at this. But I truly considered Jennie as a good friend and wasn't there for the attention. I supported her at everything she did because that's what friends do. But she kidnapped Jisoo yesterday and no matter what, I can't bring myself to accept it. The least I can do is honor the friendship we had and not say anything to anyone about it. And I hope you don't too" she adds

Sehun gets up without saying anything

"So you don't trust me? You're just like everyone else Sehun. You'll never want to accept that your girl Lisa is a fucking snake" Irene screams watching him leave


"What happened? Why did you call us here? Jimin and Jungkook walk inside the cheerleader's room. The room is empty, only Jennie, Lisa, Rose and Sehun are here

"You guys should talk to Sehun. He has gone crazy" Jennie says

"Sehun please let me explain myself" Lisa cries

"I gave you the chance to explain yourself before but you lied back then too. How do I know that I can trust you now? You have two faces Lisa, one in front of me and one in front of everyone. I don't want to be associated with you anymore" Sehun says

"Woah what happened?" Jimin is a bit confused

"Leave it. Irene told me everything. You were right about her" Sehun says

"Uhh finally someone acknowledges me" Jimin jokes and everyone glares at him

"Irene told me about everything you guys did. And Jimin, don't fly so high, you're not so innocent either" Sehun says

"The fact is, no one here innocent bro, not a single person and we all know it" Jimin replies

"Oh, so everyone knows everything and I was the clown here. I get it" Sehun says and as he starts leaving Jungkook holds his shoulder

"Don't do this dude" he says

Sehun thrashes his hand away and looks at him

"You can date and be in love with a snake all you want. But I can't. You know, Rose and Lisa are just the same and it makes me wonder how you are still with her even after knowing everything. So don't tell me what I should do and shouldn't. I pity you for dating someone like her" Sehun says angrily and leaves the room

Lisa falls on her knees

"I loved him a lot. How could he do this to me? All I wanted was a second chance" she says

"Don't give up babe. He'll understand everything when his anger cools down. Give him some time" Rose sits beside her and consoles her

"He is a jerk, how can someone leave their girlfriend like this? Piece of shit" Jennie says

Jimin doesn't have any sympathy for Lisa. He turns around and looks at Jungkook

"You know, I stand by what Sehun said about you dating Rose," he says

"Bro shut up. Sehun can do what he wants to but I am not going to leave Rose" Jungkook replies and walks towards Lisa

"Let me drop you guys home," he says and leaves with Lisa and Rose

Jimin and Jennie are alone in the room

"You know Jennie, I've been thinking about something," he says


"Judging by everything that has been happening, I am confident that karma spares no one. And when it touches you, it'll rip you off in pieces and leave nothing behind. And trust me, It has already touched you and I can feel it" Jimin says

Jennie's eyes open wide "This is not funny," she says and immediately leaves the room

"But I am not joking," Jimin says in the empty room


That night Jisoo kept thinking about Yoongi and she decided that she is going to visit his grave. She took her dad's car and left for the cemetery. This is the first time she is visiting his grave after coming here, earlier she didn't have the courage but today she just wants to be near him

She stands in front of his grave and sees that the grave is maintained well. Unlike other graves, Yoongi's one looks the cleanest, as if someone has been taking care of it for a long time, the headstone looks like it has been regularly washed, there are no weeds around the grave, as if they have been pulled out regularly, and the most surprising thing is that there is a bouquet of fresh flowers just below the headstone

"Did someone visit his grave today? It was probably his mother" Jisoo thinks to herself

She touches his headstone and gets goosebumps. A part of her still doesn't want to believe that he isn't here

She kneels in front of it and breaks down into tears. Jisoo thinks that she is alone at the cemetery so she cries her eyes out

But a person looks at her from far, he/she saw Jisoo's car pull up in front of the cemetery and immediately hid behind a tree but left the bouquet behind by mistake, this is the same person who has been maintaining the grave all this time. He/she sees that Jisoo is crying and saying something to Yoongi but they can't hear her from the distance, so they don't even try to hear her

Afterall Jisoo is speaking to Yoongi, it is not their place to hear it

It's full-moon today. The person looks up at the sky and smiles at the moon.

"Even the moon came out to see the two together," he/she says

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