《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Trouble in Paradise?


Jimin smiles at her and the officer drives the car away

"I started liking you Jisoo but it feels like a sin now. I can't ever compete with him" Jimin says to himself


Jisoo comes back home and tells her parents everything that happened. They become very worried about her but Jisoo assures them that she is safe and nothing is going to happen to her

Her mother puts her to bed

"You should sleep, baby. Are you sure that Jimin will take care of everything or should you dad talk to him?" she asks

"No, mother. You guys shouldn't worry about it. The police are on her" Jisoo says and her mother gently kisses her forehead and leaves the room. She wants Jisoo to take some rest

Jisoo thinks about everything that happened and she is very grateful to Jimin. The entire incident keeps playing in her head again and again and soon she falls deep into sleep


Jisoo enters the school and heads over to her locker

Suddenly there is an announcement

Jisoo hears her name and everyone looks at her.

"Why does the principal want to see her?" they keep wondering

Jisoo enters the principal's room with no clue of what is going on and she sees that Jimin is inside too. And there are two other people sitting beside him, a couple, roughly of Jisoo's parent's age

"Sit down Jisoo," the principal says in a soft voice

"How are you doing? I got a call from your parents last night. I heard that one of my students, Park Yura kidnapped you after school yesterday" he says

Jisoo looks at Jimin and he gives her a warm smile making her feel comfortable

"Y--yes," Jisoo says

"I am extremely sorry for what you went through. The police also talked to me regarding Yura's information and told me everything. I have already expelled her from school and she'll spend her days in a rehabilitation center. My student's safety is the first priority. So I talked to Yura's parents and they've asked for a favor which I can not grant. It depends on only you and Jimin" she says and looks at the couple

They are Yura's parents? Jisoo thinks to herself

Yura's mother is on the verge of crying

"Jisoo I am really sorry for what my daughter did to you. I really thought that she was doing well in school, even her grades were good but only now I get to know that she kept cheating throughout the whole semester and what she did yesterday is completely unacceptable. I feel ashamed to even call her my daughter. She didn't have a good company, you see. How she knows the guys who kidnapped you is still unknown to me and as much as I feel disgusted, she is still my daughter" She says


"I'll accept whatever punishment they want to give her but please, keep her anonymous. Please. This is a request from a mother to you. I'll make sure that she gets punished for it but if this gets out then even if she fixes herself when she comes back no one will be there for her. They'll still take her as a criminal. You'll never see her face ever again but please grant this favor to me. I am really helpless" Yura's mother adds and kneels down in front of Jisoo

Jisoo immediately gets up from her chair and stops her from kneeling down

"You don't have to do this. I was not going to tell her name to anyone in the first place. I hope she finds the right path, she is still very young" Jisoo says

Yura's mother hugs her and looks at Jimin

"I won't say it either, you don't have to worry," Jimin tells her

"Thank you so much. God bless you too and again, I am sorry for what my daughter did to you" Yura's mother says

"Okay if you guys have agreed on it then the school will also keep it anonymous but Yura is still expelled and we won't admit her again. I can't take that risk" the principal says

"I understand" Yura's mother replies

"Okay, then it is settled. You two should rush to your class. I'll make the announcement" The principal says

Both Jisoo and Jimin get up and leave together

"I didn't expect you to agree to it," Jimin says while walking to the classroom

"What Yura did was wrong but she is getting punished for it. That's enough for me" Jisoo replies

Jimin doesn't reply. He is just surprised at how mature Jisoo is

"We're here," he says and stands in front of the classroom door

"see you around," Jisoo says and enters the classroom first followed by Jimin

She sees Jimin's whole squad inside except Taehyung. Jisoo sits beside Seulgi

"Why did the principal call you?" Seulgi asks

Jisoo is about to say something when the Principal makes another announcement

"With a heavy heart, I have to inform you all that one of our students, Kim Jisoo was kidnapped yesterday and everything happened just outside the school. We still don't know who it is but the police are looking into it. Our student's safety is our first priority so we've increased the security of the entire school. You don't have to be afraid of anything"


"Whhhhattttt" Seulgi says and the entire class starts gossiping

"Why didn't you say anything to me? Who did this?" Seulgi asks

"It's nothing don't worry. Even I don't know who did it. They are still investigating it" Jisoo says calming Seulgi down

Irene hears the announcement and immediately looks at Jennie

"You did this?" she asks

"Wait what-- obviously no" Jennie replies

"Don't lie Jennie. I was sure that you're gonna do something to Jisoo after hearing that she punched Taehyung" Irene replies

"What the fuck Irene?" Jennie says

"Where were you yesterday then? I called you but it didn't connect"

"Because I was busy calling Taehyung, God knows where he was," Jennie says

Irene still doesn't believe her

"Getting her kidnapped is a bit too much, don't you think? You could've asked me first before doing such things" Irene says

"I would never do that" Jennie says

"You hired those two guys, remember? I got so scared when one of them got drunk and I couldn't find him. I felt like my soul would leave my body if anything happened to Jisoo because of our stupidity.. Thank God nothing happened to her but you crossed your limits today"

"Excuse me? You were with me in hiring those guys too. In fact, you fully supported it. So don't come and lecture me"

"It was your plan Jennie and don't put it on me. I supported you in that but that doesn't mean that I'll support you in this too. And I am okay with everything but definitely not okay with you kidnapping your cousin for a boy"

"Irene, how many times do I have to say that I didn't do it?" Jennie screams and slams the desk

"Why are you screaming?" Irene asks

"Because you're being a bitch to me. Before accusing me, remember that the status that you have in this school is because of me. Without me, you would've been just another pretty girl with no friends" Jennie says and Irene gets up from his seat too

"How can you say that to me?"

"But did I lie? You had the audacity to accuse me of something I didn't do? Like fuck off plastic" Jennie screams

Irene doesn't reply. She takes her bag and sits on another seat

Jennie is boiling with anger and she sits down too. Lisa and Rose is very confused at what just happened but they don't say anything

The class ends soon and Jennie throughout the entire class kept calling Taehyung

"Jimin, where is Taehyung?" she asks towards the end of the class

"Ummm probably sleeping. He wanted to take a break" Jimin replies

Jennie rolls her eyes and looks at Lisa and Rose. They walk towards her and leave the classroom together leaving Irene behind

Irene tries to keep her tears inside of her and she takes her bag and leaves alone. She didn't expect Jennie to react like that. Turns out that Jennie is only nice to her when she does what Jennie says. But the moment Irene spoke up about her opinion, Jennie treated her like a trash

Jisoo and Seulgi enter the cafe together

"Jisoo are you fine?" someone asks

"yeah thank you for asking" Jisoo smiles

Everyone is asking her if she is doing okay or not

Jimin, Jungkook, Sehun and the girls except Irene is sitting on one table

Irene walks inside the cafe and heads towards Jennie's table. As she is about to sit down, Jennie puts her foot on the bench

"Take what you said back and say sorry. Only then you'll get to sit here" Jennie says

"Jennie, what is wrong? Let her sit here" Sehun says

Jennie glares at him

"Babe don't say anything. Let them solve it" Lisa interrupts Sehun

"But look at the way she is behav--" Sehun says but Lisa holds his hand making him stop

Irene doesn't say anything

"Seeing you behave like this makes me suspect you even more. I am the worst person here and supported you in everything but not this time Jennie" Irene says and sits in another table alone

Irene can't believe that after doing so many things for Jennie, she is treating her like this because she just voiced her opinion. There is no reason for her not to suspect Jennie. She is capable of doing anything

Everyone starts whispering again

"Did they throw Irene out of their squad?"

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