《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》It might not be what it looks like


As soon as the person picks her up, a car arrives and they put Jisoo inside. The car drives away leaving no trace of Jisoo behind except her phone on the street, her father's number dialed but she didn't have the time to press that call button


Taehyung is taking a shower and he keeps remembering how Jisoo punched him. Steaming is filling the entire bathroom. He takes the towel and wraps himself up in it. He comes to his room and takes his phone. There is a message from Yura

Taehyung reads the message and immediately calls Jisoo. She doesn't pick up. He doesn't believe That Yura will do anything like that

Yura doesn't reply

Yura still doesn't reply. Instead, she sends him a picture of Jisoo, tied up to a chair, she is drenching from sweat and a cloth is wrapped around her mouth

Taehyung writes but Yura doesn't reply


Jisoo is bathing in her sweat. She keeps trying to scream but the cloth around her mouth doesn't let her. The door is locked but two guys are guarding the door making sure that no one enters

Tears are streaming down her face

"Calm down Jisoo, think," she says to herself

She looks around and sees that there is nothing inside the room except for a few chairs. The entire room is dark and the only source of light is the little window that is high up near the ceiling

Jisoo tries to loosen her hand but it isn't working. Yet she doesn't give up, she keeps trying. Suddenly she hears a lot of noise from the outside, it makes her scared even more. The noise doesn't stop, instead, it keeps growing. Someone is here, trying to open the door. Jisoo panics at this, she feels so scared that they might do something to her


The person opens the door and to her surprise, it's Jimin

Jimin sees her "Jisoo" he says while breathing hard, and runs towards her. He takes the cloth from her mouth and unties her hand

"Jimin, what is going on?" Jisoo asks

"Ssshhhh, now is not the time. We need to get out of here" he says

"You are here alone? what is happening outside? I hear noises" Jisoo says

"Nothing, you don't have to think about that. Just follow me" Jimin replies and holds Jisoo's hand

"You have to trust me Jisoo. If anyone sees us, don't worry about me, just run, okay? Get out of here" he adds

"Jimin but how can I leave you behind?" Jisoo asks

"This is your time to take revenge for what I did. Just run if they see us and don't look back, okay? If anything happens to me then I deserve this" he says

"Jimin please, we'll go together" Jisoo pleads

"Jisoo, I hope you forgive me for what I did" he replies and holds her hand tightly

"Let's go," he says and sneaks out of the room. He directs Jisoo in the opposite direction from where the noise is coming.

They see two guys walking towards their direction and they immediately hide behind a wall

"Jimin, there is the exit" Jisoo whispers and points to the direction where the guys are

Jimin takes a peek and sees that the exit isn't far

"Jisoo, how fast can you run?" Jimin asks

"I don--"

"Just run when I give you the signal. And here is my phone, the first thing you are going to do when you run outside is find a safe place and call the police, okay? Find a safe place first Jisoo." Jimin says

"But what about you?" Jisoo asks


"I have to teach them a lesson for kidnapping you, don't you think?" Jimin says

"Noo, you are not going to fight with them. We can just wait here till they leave" Jisoo says

"They are guarding the door, Jisoo. They are not gonna leave. I am going out. Just get out of here as quickly as you can" Jimin says and before Jisoo can reply he walks out and screams

"Idiots, I am here"

Both the guys look at him and run towards him. Jimin also runs towards them and he punches a guy so hard that he falls down. The other guy hits Jimin too and Jimin reciprocates. Once the entire fight gets intense, Jimin screams


Jisoo holds the phone tightly and runs to the exit but she stops

Jimin is pinning both the guys down but he knows that he can't hold them back for long.

"Just go" He screams again and Jisoo runs

Jisoo keeps looking around but there is nothing. She finally finds a gas station and enters it.

"Oh my God, what has happened to you?" the lady on the counter asks

Jisoo is crying, her hands are shaking. She takes the phone and calls the police. She waits in the station until the police arrive

"It's inside that building," Jisoo says panicking and directs the police

They surround the entire building and wait a few minutes. Someone comes out, stained in blood, it's Jimin. The police suspect him but Jisoo screams "That's my friend. Don't shoot" Jisoo says and runs towards him

"They are inside," Jimin says to the police and they all enter the building

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asks

"Uhhh, I've been better" Jimin replies and smiles at her

"You're okay?" he asks

"yeah I am fine" Jisoo smiles and hugs him

"Thank you so much, Jimin. I got so scared that they might do something to me" she says

Jimin didn't expect this coming. He doesn't hug her back, instead, he pats her hair

"I need to talk to the police," he says

Jisoo breaks away from the hug. This man just saved her life

Jimin walks to the police and gives them all the info about Yura, her picture, her phone number, everything

"She is the one behind this," he says

"We'll trace her soon. You did a great job young man" a police officer says

Jimin shakes hand with him and walks towards Jisoo

"Your parents must be worried about you. You should leave. The police will take care of the rest" Jimin says

"What about Yura?" Jisoo asks

"I'll make sure that she gets punished for this" Jimin replies

"You're bleeding," Jisoo says and wipes the blood from his forehead

"We should go to the hospital," she adds

Suddenly the police come out from inside, 9 guys follow them being handcuffed. Jisoo and Jimin walk towards the police and Jimin looks at each one of them

"He took on all 8 by himself" a police officer applauds Jimin

"A brave man indeed," he says

"Jimin you fought all of them to find me? I don't know how to thank you" Jisoo says

"You don't have to thank me. I did my part" Jimin replies

"Kids, hop inside. We'll drop you two home" a police officer says

"You can drop her home. I lost something of mine while fighting them. I need to take it back" Jimin says

"Okay, there are a few officers raiding the place. Ask them and they'll help you" he replies and opens the car door for Jisoo

Jisoo gets inside the car and as the officer turns the engine on, Jisoo looks at Jimin out the window

"I forgive you Jimin, for everything you did," she says

Jimin smiles at her and the officer drives the car away

"I started liking you Jisoo but it feels like a sin now. I can't ever compete with him" Jimin says to himself

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