《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Dogs and sheeps


"I am going to kill Seulgi today," she says to herself

Jisoo enters the classroom and looks for Seulgi

"Yoooo" Seulgi says to her in a cheerful voice

"What's cooking, huh?" Seulgi adds

"I would've killed you if you weren't my friend," Jisoo says being angry

"Uh hmmm, I was expecting a *THANK YOU SEULGI. YOU'RE THE BEST*" Seulgi says in a confident voice

"What did you think will happen if you lock me and Taehyung together? Seriously!!" Jisoo says

"Wait, you guys didn't patch up?" Seulgi becomes confused

"It doesn't work like that Seul. We are not going to patch up, I hate him more than anything else, and getting locked with him in the same room was the worse" Jisoo says

"But the way you look at him made me think that-- Also you protected him in front of everyone. That made me even more confident. I just thought that both of you needed to talk it out and figure out the misunderstanding" Seulgi says

"There is no misunderstanding between us. Everything is clear and about protecting him, of course, I was not going to lie. I said the truth and would've done so if it was anyone else instead of Taehyung. I know you had good intentions but after what I've been through, I can't imagine myself with him. Please Seulgi, understand it" Jisoo says in a soft voice

"I am sorry Jisoo, I thought that I was doing for your good," she says

"Don't worry. I am fine now. Let's go to practice" Jisoo says forgiving her knowing that she didn't mean any harm

"Oh, I forgot about that. Let's go" Seulgi replies

At that moment, Taehyung also enters the classroom. Jisoo sees him walk inside and Seulgi follows Jisoo gaze and looks at Taehyung

"Oh my two students are here," he says

Seulgi glares at him

"Why didn't you come?" Taehyung asks and stands in front of her

"I-- Uhh-" Seulgi stutters

"You know I really wonder if Jisoo made you do all that," Taehyung says

Jisoo gets surprised that Taehyung would even think that. This is guy is so full of himself and he should be repenting for what he did. Instead, he is boasting his ego?

Jisoo gets so angry at this that she walks towards him, smiles at first but then punches him straight on his face

Jimin and Jungkook was sitting behind and seeing Taehyung get punched, both of them immediately stand up

Taehyung didn't expect this to happen. He holds his nose with one hand and sees that he is bleeding

Jisoo looks at him straight in the eyes


"What about now? Do you still wonder if I made her do all that?" she says and walks out

Seulgi is standing there looking at Taehyung. Taehyung is so angry that he can barely comprehend what is going on

"I thought that you liked her but I guess I was wrong. Your ego is too big to like someone" Seulgi says to him and leaves too

Jimin is holding his laughter and whispers to Jungkook

"Our guy just got punched by a girl. Not any girl but Jisoo. Yikes"

"But why did Jisoo punch him out of nowhere?"Jungkook says

Jimin looks at him being disappointed

"You can't find any reasons for Jisoo to punch Taehyung? I can give you hundreds" Jimin says

Jungkook nods realizing what Jimin meant and they both walk towards Taehyung

"You okay bro?" Jimin says but fails to keep a straight face. He immediately bursts out into laughter

The entire class tries to hide their laughter too. Jisoo literally punched Taehyung, who knew it'd happen someday

Jungkook glares at everyone and they all pretend to mind their business

"I am going home," Taehyung says, takes his bag and leaves

Jimin thinks to himself, although he threatened Jisoo not to do anything to Taehyung, he knows that they all deserve what they are getting right now. He cares about Taehyung a lot but even he doesn't know why he enjoyed seeing him getting punched by Jisoo


"Jennie please, I can't keep up anymore. Give me some rest" Farnaz says being tired of how hard Jennie is pushing them to practice

"Rest? That doesn't exist in my dictionary. If you can't keep up then you can leave" Jennie says in an arrogant voice

"Let her rest if she wants to. Not everyone has the same stamina" Jisoo says

"Well if they don't have the stamina then what are they doing in a cheerleader team. What a waste" Jennie replies

"Farnaz is a great dancer. You're pushing everyone too hard. Why isn't Lisa, Rose, and Irene practicing? Aren't they part of the team too?" Jisoo asks indicating the three who are just sitting there and scrolling through their phone

They look at Jisoo hearing their names

"They already know the routine. They don't need to practice" Jennie says

"We're a team, if we practice then we practice together. You're literally overworking us when your

friends are just chilling" Seulgi says

Lisa gets up,

"Sorry not sorry but Jennie is the leader and you have to abide by her. So shut the fuck up and do what she is asking you to do" she says

"A leader hears everyone's voice. Look at Jennie, she is literally dictating what we should do. Is this how it has always been?" Jisoo says looking at the other cheerleaders


"yes and thanks to me, we've won many competitions so step aside and listen to me" Jennie says

"Farnaz, let's rest. You don't seem fine" Jisoo says and walks towards her

"Don't you dare Jisoo. If you step out now then don't come back in" Jennie almost screams

"Enough with your bullshit. I am out of this. Dancing and cheerleading should be fun, something that heals you, not something that stresses you out" Jisoo says and steps aside

"This is my first day and I thought that I'll have a lot of fun but I feel like a puppet. So I am out too" Seulgi says and stands beside Jisoo

Both of them look at Farnaz, she looks exhausted. Farnaz looks at them at first but then looks at Jennie. She is not joining them. Other cheerleaders no matter how exhausted they are, are not joining Jisoo and Seulgi too. They don't want to lose their position in the team

"Well, if you want to leave then you can do so. Others don't want to leave, see. That is what a team is about. They are loyal to me and know that you two don't matter" Jennie says

Jisoo walks towards her "Dogs are loyal to their masters too. I don't want to be a dog or a puppet. Best of luck with your *TEAM*" she says and throws her cheerleader pom pom on the ground and leaves

"What a bunch of sheep, always in herds," Seulgi says and throws her pom pom too and leaves with Jisoo

"Why didn't they leave with us?" Seulgi asks Jisoo as they walk down the hallway

"I am not surprised. They all worship Jennie, I didn't expect much but a little part of me thought that some of them changed. But I guess, not. They will always worship her no matter what she does" Jisoo says

"What a joke, thank God we walked out. let's go home" Seulgi says

"Yeah i know. Let's leave" Jisoo replies

Everyone watches the two go without giving two shits about Jennie

"Look at the audacity," Irene says to Rose

"I know right, their loss," Rose says and sees that she has a message from Jungkook. She reads the message

"Oh no, this isn't good," she says and immediately goes to Jennie and whispers something

"That cunt punched Taehyung?" Jennie screams hearing Rose

"Wait what?" Lisa asks

Rose tries to calm Jennie down because the room is filled with others

Jennie looks at everyone

"What are you looking at? The practice is over. Leave the room at once" she says and everyone rush to get out

"Okay, so Jungkook told me that Jisoo punched Taehyung and his nose started bleeding. He became angry and left" Rose says

"Jisoo is being way too loud these days, don't you think?" Irene says

"No, you know what? As much as I hate the idea of her punching Taehyung, I think it is a good thing. Taehyung won't like her after this for sure. We all know him and his ego. I am pretty sure that he doesn't even want to see her face again" Lisa says with an evil smile

"That better be true Lisa. That better be true" Jennie says trying to control her anger

"This is the perfect chance, Jennie. Be there for him, console him. Maybe he'll see that you'll always support him no matter what and patch up with you. Boys are most vulnerable during this time" Lisa says and hearing that Jennie smirks

"You're right. Maybe unknowingly, Jisoo did me a favor" she says

"Well don't forget that Taehyung hooked up with you while dating Jisoo. I am sure that he has a soft corner for you and that he'll always choose you over that cunty Jisoo. Maybe he is just confused now but you can fade all his confusion away by being with him" Lisa says

Sehun was waiting outside the room for Lisa to finish her practice and he heard everything. What is Lisa talking about? She didn't tell him about this part in the cafe. And she keeps cursing Jisoo every time she says her name

Sehun makes his mind up, he needs to talk to someone else to know what really happened. He blindly trusted everything Lisa said but hearing them speak like that and making plans on how Jennie can cross over Jisoo for Taehyung doesn't seem right

"I have to find everything out on my own. I trusted you Lisa and I hope that you didn't break my trust" he says


Jisoo has had a long day in school and as she is walking home, she can feel that someone is following her. She looks back but no one is there. The entire street is empty, not even a single dog is there

"Maybe it is just my imagination," she says to herself and hums a song to get rid of the nervousness

She can clearly feel that someone is following her but every time she looks back, there is no one. She keeps humming and slyly takes her phone out and as she dials her father's number, someone grabs her from behind and presses her mouth so that she can't scream. Jisoo smells something weird and soon she loses her consciousness

As soon as the person picks her up, a car arrives and they put Jisoo inside. The car drives away leaving no trace of Jisoo behind except her phone on the street, her father's number dialed but she didn't have the time to press that call button

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