《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Für Elise


"She asked me to tutor you two on math.... Me......A football player......Who got straight F on every math exam.....Also not on any regular classroom but on the music room......Cause she can't focus around people. That is the dumbest shit someone has ever said to me. She is actually an idiot" Taehyung says getting up from his seat

Seulgi hears it all and she badly wants to open the door and throw him a punch but she controls herself

"He better be on his knees begging for forgiveness for what he said after I patch them up. I am doing him a favor and he is taunting me? Urghhh jerk. But both of them have a lot to say to each other for sure" she thinks to herself and walks away

Little did Seulgi know that putting Jisoo and Taehyung inside a locked room after what happened is the recipe for a disaster

"You're talking about Seulgi?" Jisoo asks being confused

"So how many friends do you have?" Taehyung asks

Ouch, that hurt Jisoo. She knows that she has a single friend. Taehyung doesn't need to rub it in her face

"Seulgi told you to come here to tutor us? What the hell is wrong with her? And if she is such an idiot and you knew about it then why did you even come here? To get trapped?" she asks instead

"Probably" Taehyung replies and sit down

Jisoo glares at him and starts hitting the door again

"Why did you support me back there?" Taehyung asks quietly in the middle of all the noise Jisoo was creating

Jisoo stops and looks at him

"Cause I don't lie neither do I support it," she says

Taehyung stands up and walks towards her

"But you want to take revenge, don't you? Today you had the perfect chance, of ruining me, getting me expelled and making me face the consequences that I deserve" he says and stands in front of her

"I don't have to lie and make up false stories to make you suffer. I can do that in my way without relying on things like this" Jisoo says

Taehyung smiles hearing that and Jisoo starts hitting the door again

"Stop, you're giving me a headache," he says

"Cut your head off then. I am not going to stop" Jisoo replies

"Can they really not hear us?" she adds being worried

"Will you stop?" Taehyung asks again

"Stop? And stay with you here for God knows how long? No thanks" Jisoo says

"Why not? Seulgi worked so hard for this and you want to ruin it? Do it for that idiot" he says

"Don't you dare to call her an idiot again" Jisoo looks at him in the eyes. She wants to avoid fighting with him but he keeps triggering her


"I just stated facts," Taehyung says

"Oh, you want to talk about facts then?" Jisoo asks and starts walking towards him making Taehyung walk back

"Fact is that you're a liar and a cheater and you keep hooking up with random girls and expect things to go the way you want them to be, you're a selfish person who sees nothing in the world but himself," Jisoo says and stops walking

"Woahhh, all that in one breath? Also, you didn't trust Yura's accusations because you were sure that I'll never do anything like that. I guess I am not that bad of a person either" Taehyung says

"Pfft.I just said what I felt. Who knew what you did to Yura. After all, you guys slept together" Jisoo says trying to get back at Taehyung without even realizing what she said

"Yeah so? I had her full consent" Taehyung replies

"So you'll just sleep around with everyone that gives you consent? Oh sorry, I forgot, you're still a high schooler, you're enjoying your life, aren't you? People at this age should explore more instead of settling down with a single person, right?" Jisoo says

"I was ready to change and you know it too. But you left me back then which again is my fault and I acknowledge it and I deserved that. And yes, I'll do whatever I can to get my mind off of you. And did you leave with any closure? None of us knew that you left, none of us knew when you're gonna come back. I lost all hopes of seeing you again and I did what I thought was right for me. You don't get to judge me for what I did because you were not in my position" Taehyung says

"To get your mind off of me? No that is not the reason. I was never in your mind in the first place. You wanted to hook up with girls like you always do and not one inch of you changed like you said you did. You just proved it by hooking up with random girls again. The only difference is that this time it is not behind my back" Jisoo says

"Yes, I did terrible things to you and I said sorry because I really was and wanted you to give me a chance. And I was ready to keep saying sorry until you forgave me but you just disappeared. What was I supposed to do that night? Beg at your feet to take me back?" Taehyung replies

"Oh no, I don't want that hand to touch me. God knows where that has been and who it has touched" Jisoo says

"I take a bath every time I do it, you know," Taehyung says and it makes Jisoo want to puke


"Yeah, I didn't ask for details" Jisoo replies and gives up on trying to get someone to open the door. She walks towards the piano and sits down

"Can you like, stand 10 feet away from me? I don't want the air that is touching you touch me too" she says and realizes that it didn't make any sense. She just wants to get back at Taehyung

"Yeah obviously I can," Taehyung says but keeps standing there

Jisoo sees that he isn't moving and signals him to walk towards the window

"I can but I won't. I am not your slave you know. I can stand wherever I want to" Taehyung says

Jisoo clenches his teeth, why is he so good with words. She shakes him from her head and looks at the piano

She learned to play a piece long ago, she wonders if she still remembers it or not. Taehyung stands in front of her, watching her intently

Jisoo barely remembers the keys but she starts playing regardless. Taehyung didn't know that she can play the piano too. He keeps looking at her in awe. Jisoo smoothly plays the song and the melody echoes the entire room

All of a sudden, Taehyung walks behind her and crouches a bit down to get to Jisoo's level. He comes close to Jisoo and extends his hand to wrap them around Jisoo's hand and touches her fingers. He is covering Jisoo's back completely but he focuses on the piano

Jisoo gets shocked at this and looks back at him

"What the-" she says but gets interrupted

"you're playing the wrong note," he says and guides Jisoo's fingers to play the piece in the right notes

Jisoo freezes and she can't move but Taehyung plays the song perfectly with her hands but before he can finish Jisoo pushes him

"I told you to maintain your distance" she almost screams

"Yeah but I couldn't bare you ruining the masterpiece by playing it on the wrong note," Taehyung says

Jisoo doesn't reply, for the whole year that she has been away, she didn't come close to any guys. It might be easy for taehyung but it isn't easy for her. The last thing she wants to do is come close to him

"I didn't know that you can play piano," Taehyung says

"I can't. I just learned that piece long ago" Jisoo replies

There is a brief silence between them

"That day at the park, I didn't hold you back when you said that you liked Yoongi because I knew that he's better than me and deserves you way more than I did. I wronged you and hurt you so much but I didn't say a word when you started walking away. Cause I wanted the best for you and at that moment, it was Yoongi and not me. But I meant everything I said and you had no right to just vanish into thin air from the next day. I deserved to know that you're leaving cause I asked for forgiveness and realized my mistakes" Taehyung says after a while

"I almost gave up on getting you back" he adds

"Almost? I think you should fully give up on getting me back"Jisoo replies

"I really like it when you keep your mouth shut," he says

"And I really like it when you keep your distance from me" Jisoo replies

"Well, it wasn't my friend's idea to lock us in. So who are you blaming?" Taehyung asks and sits on the seat

Jisoo knows that she can't blame Taehyung for this situation

"Whatever. I don't care about you" Jisoo says

"I never said you did"

"I am just saying. Your stupid gang looks like a circus to me" Jisoo changes the topic knowing that she is losing against him

"Yeah if you join us then we'll be a full clown show. And with this hair, you can be the ringmaster" Taehyung replies

"Excuse me? Nothing is wrong with my hair. I don't hang out with jerks" Jisoo says finding nothing else to make a comeback with

"yeah I forgot, you hang out with idiots," Taehyung says and walks towards the door

He turns the knob a bit and uses his other hand to shake the door slowly and there is a crackling sound and the door opens

"Wait, I tried that too but it didn't open," Jisoo says

"Doors don't respond to idiots, "Taehyung says

"You must be talking about yourself. If you knew how to open it then why didn't you do it before?" Jisoo says

"Cause I didn't want" he replies

"I can't believe I had to spend such a long time with you. If I knew it'd open like that then I would've tried that way before" Jisoo says and takes her bag

"You had your phone with you. If you wanted to leave so bad then you could've called someone. I really thought that you are a smart girl but is it Seulgi's impact?" he says

Jisoo thinks to herself "Shit, I have my phone with me. Why the fuck did I not think about it?"

"Step aside. I don't want to see your face anymore" Jisoo replies completely ignoring what Taehyung said

Taehyung steps aside to make way for her

"Call me if you get stuck on math," he says

Jisoo looks back and she is flaring in anger, Taehyung defeated her in the battle of words today. And now he lands his final blow

She doesn't reply and walks out

"I am going to kill Seulgi today," she says to herself

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