《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Sharing everything


Do you know what my worst fear is? Leaving without saying goodbye. I just hope that get a chance to say goodbye to her, a chance to see her one last time to my heart's content. I hope that I survive longer but who knows? At least I am happy that am getting to write these letters, I don't know when they'll reach or even if they'll reach you or not but if they do, just know that I am counting on you

"Do I still not know Lisa enough?" he thinks to himself

"Jisoo looks pretty these days, don't you think?" Jimin asks Taehyung

Taehyung doesn't reply but that doesn't stop Jimin

"The red hair suits her better than the black. Who knew I'd praise her looks. Honestly, why did I hate her so much before?" Jimin says and Taehyung gets up from her seat

"I am leaving. I don't want to play today" he says

"Huh? Okay nevermind" Jimin replies and Taehyung leaves

Sehun examines Jimin carefully

"So, Jisoo used to have black hair?" Sehun asks

"Yeah, you should've seen her back then. Typical nerd but look at her now" Jimin says

Sehun takes his phone out and searches for Jisoo on Facebook. He scrolls down and sees a picture of black-haired Jisoo

"No wonder you seemed familiar to me," Sehun says to himself

"Huh?" Jimin asks

"Babe, can you not practice today? I want to spend some time with you" Lisa says from behind

Sehun looks behind and sees Lisa

"But you said that you had to go shopping," he says

"Nah, not in the mood. I want only us two together today" Lisa says

"Okay, I guess I'll have to skip practice today," Sehun says and looks at Jimin

"Sorry brother," he says

"You need to have your priorities sorted bro. Games before girls, dude. Always games before girls" Jimin says

"Stop kidding. Your girlfriend should always be at the top of your priority list" Lisa says

"Yeah sure but not when the girlfriend is Lisa" Jimin pinches her with his words and she glares at him

"Okay enough. let's go Lisa. I have something I want to talk about too" Sehun says and leaves with Lisa


Jisoo is standing in front of her locker when Yura approaches her

"Hii" she says in an excited voice

"Hi" Jisoo replies

"Aren't you leaving? The classes are over, right?" Yura asks

"Yeah, I am waiting for my friend. What about you?" Jisoo asks

"I am leaving too. By the way, I am thinking that you should join me to a party tonight. We'll get to know each other well" Yura suggests


Jisoo finds it weird that if she got molested like she said, why would she be so normal and attend parties as if nothing happened? It's not so easy to come out of things like this.

"Sorry I think I'll pass," Jisoo says sensing that something about this girl is off

Yura's excitement goes away.


"My friend is here. talk to you later Yura. Bye" Jisoo says seeing Seulgi and gets relieved that she got out of that conversation

Yura watches Jisoo leave "Don't worry Yura. Everything will fall according to your plan. Just wait for tomorrow. Be patience" she says to herself

"You took forever there. Wait why are you walking like that?" Jisoo says to Seulgi

"Jisoo, I am literally so confused," Seulgi says

"About what?"

"You know just now when I was taking my books, I and Taehyung were alone in class and after all the accusations I was quite scared. So I hurriedly took my book but tripped on my ankle. He approached me and I swear I thought that he'll do something to me. But he helped me up and asked me to sit down. He picked all the books up and asked me if I could walk. I said that I could and took the books and left. He was so nice to me but I didn't even thank him. A part of me just wanted to get out of there because of what Yura said" Seulgi says

Jisoo doesn't reply but she keeps thinking to herself.

"I should've thanked him but I still don't know him properly. That's why I panicked. Trust me, in the past, boys have tried to hit on me every time they had the chance, and today, Taehyung didn't do a single thing. He didn't even look at me when I was in the class. Kept minding his business" Seulgi says

"Seulgi, do want to go grab a coffee? I want to share a few things with you" Jisoo says

"Sure" Selulgi replies and they enter the nearby coffee shop

"Whatttttt--" Seulgi looks at Jisoo in disbelieve

"I've only seen things like this in movies" she adds

"It's my life sadly but I really wish that it was a movie" Jisoo replies

"So he proposed you and wanted to start all over again but you had feelings for Yoongi and rejected him, right?" Seulgi asks

"Yes and look at fate, Yoongi isn't here with me," Jisoo says

Seulgi's eyes glisten from the water that is accumulating

"Jisoo ya, you're such a strong person. I don't think that I could've ever survived that. It makes me proud of you" she says trying to hold her tears


"Thank you. But what I am confused is about the fact that when me and taehyung were dating, he never tried to touch me or make me feel uncomfortable. How can he harass Yura?" Jisoo says

"I have heard that people change over time but I don't know. He seemed nice to me" Seulgi replies

"But-- does he still love you," Seulgi says being curious about the two of them

"Why does it matter?" Jisoo asks

"I just want to be vindictive this time. I am going to make sure that they are left with nothing, that is when they'll understand how I felt the entire time" Jisoo says

Seulgi doesn't reply

"If what Yura said is false then Taehyung is innocent. And if he truly loved Jisoo and Jisoo left him for someone else and disappeared for a year, what punishment can be more than that? If he loved Jisoo then he must've suffered for the entire year and is even suffering now. The rest of them are chill but Taehyung is the only one who kept suffering" Seulgi thinks to herself

"But I need to know if he still loves her or not to prove my theory," she says

"Huh-?" Jisoo asks

"nothing. I am done with my drink. Wanna leave?" she asks

"Yeah, I am done too. Thank you so much for listening to me" Jisoo says being grateful

"Hey, you should never say thank you to a friend" Seulgi replies and both of them leaves


"Lisa, I want to know about Jisoo. Jimin said that you're hiding something from me" Sehun says

They are sitting in a cafe and Lisa has been talking for the past half an hour.

Lisa stops eating at this question and looks at Sehun. She has never been the kind to fall for guys, in fact, she thought that she'll just enjoy her life being single. But Sehun changed that. She has started loving Sehun more than herself

"I am sorry that I didn't share it with you before. I didn't think that it was necessary but I guess you deserve to know everything. Jisoo was my best friend until she lied to me and stabbed me and Rose in the back. She made out with Taehyung in spite of the fact that Taehyung was dating Jennie, her cousin. And she hid it from us. We were there for her the entire time and supported her but she kept lying to us. I felt like a clown when I got to know the truth. And I felt so bad for Jennie, imagine being in her position. That's when I decided that I shouldn't be friends with Jisoo anymore and over the course of time Jennie was very nice to me and we became friends. That's it" Lisa says

"Jisoo did that? Wow" Sehun says being surprised

He remembers meeting Jisoo a long time ago in a club. They danced together but he lied to her that he was a senior in high school. he was still a sophomore and new to the town so he figured that saying everything to a stranger he just met at a club isn't right. At that time, Sehun did have a little crush on Jisoo and he thought about her a lot after that day but over time, he forgot about her.

It's hard for him to believe that Jisoo would do something like that but he trusts Lisa more than anything

"It must've been hard for you," he says

"I just don't want to talk about her or see her face. Please don't mention her name again" Lisa says

"But if she says sorry then shouldn't you and Rose--" Sehun says thinking that the Jisoo he knew for a brief moment wouldn't be such a villain like Lisa said. There is her side of the story too

"I said don't take that name in front of her. she can say sorry to my hand and I'll slap her with it," Lisa says

"But you're friends with Taehyung. Isn't he equally guilt?" he asks

"Sehun, will you stop? It's all Jisoo's fault. Why don't you get this simple thing? Taehyung is your friend too" Lisa says

Sehun doesn't reply. He met Jimin and Jungkook in junior year when he shifted to this college and they played a match of football together and immediately became buddies. He met Lisa through them and they both felt the connection. But the Lisa sitting in front of him right now is so different from the initial days

"Babe forget about them. It's just me and you. What matters is that I love you a lot and won't be able to live without you. No matter what happens I want you to be by my side and support me" Lisa says

"I'll be there right next to you so that no one can hurt you in the first place," Sehun says and lightly kisses her hands


Seulgi comes back home and the first thing she does is look at Taehyung's ig. She already follows him and after much thinking, she decides to dm him

she writes and waits for a reply

"I need to find out what he feels for Jisoo now." she thinks to herself

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