《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Bang Bang


Promise me that you won't betray her too.

Taehyung walks up to her and as he walks past her, he says

"I didn't do it Jisoo"

Jisoo gets caught off guard by his deep voice all of a sudden. She looks back

"I would never touch a girl without her consent" Taehyung says and leaves the room

"What did he say? What did he say?" Seulgi asks being intrigued

"Nothing. Let's go to audition" Jisoo says and leaves with Seulgi


"Uhhmm Hello? This is for cheerleaders only" Jennie says after seeing Jisoo and Seulgi walk inside the indoor basketball ground. The audition is going to be held here. Lisa, Rose and Irene are here too. They've made it into the cheerleader team, being Jennie's friends has its own benefits

Seulgi and Jisoo completely ignore her

"Okay, so is everyone here?" the teacher asks

"Ummm yes but I think two of our friends forgot their direction and ended up here. We can start once they leave" Jennie says to the teacher

The teacher gets a bit confused and looks at Jennie. She points at Jisoo and Seulgi

"Wait, us? We are your friends? You can only wish" Jisoo says without minding the fact that the teacher is here too

"So what are you here for? The audition? As if you'll get it. Listen Jisoo, our school's cheerleader team consists of only the finest and sorry to break it to you, it is not your place" Jennie replies

"And who are you again?" Jisoo asks

"I am the leader of the team" Jennie says being angry

"Okay you two stop" The teacher says

"Jennie, everyone can audition. Whether they'll get in or not depends on their performance. So start the audition without arguing"

"But they don't have shot. I just don't want to waste your time" Jennie says

"I have enough time to watch two performances, don't worry. Just start" The teacher commands and Jennie is forced to start the audition

There are about 11 girls and Jisoo and Seulgi are going to perform last. Jisoo looks confident but on the inside, she is just as nervous as everyone else, if not more

"Cheer up girlfriend. We can do this" Seulgi says trying to lift Jisoo's confidence up

9 girls are done with their performance. The teacher isn't much impressed with anyone of them. They all know how to dance but not good enough to make it to the team. As of now, the cheerleader team has girls who are perfect- in height, figure, dancing, personality. All of them are here to see the audition of the new members and none of them are impressed either especially Lisa, Rose and Irene keeps rolling their eyes after each performance

"Number 10- Seulgi" Jennie says and turns the music on

Seulgi has performed with her crew before and that's why she isn't nervous. She starts performing and everyone looks at her. Her moves are smooth, her expressions are perfect. Jisoo feels proud watching her perform but she gets more nervous. After seeing this performance, the expectation for her is going to rise even more


Seulgi performs a one-minute routine and everyone claps. The teacher is smiling wide knowing that she has found a gem

"Write her name down" she says to Jennie

Jennie hesitates for a moment but ends up writing her name

"Number-11 Jisoo" Jennie says and smirks

Jisoo walks in nervously. She has forgotten her whole routine out of nervousness. She can't even remember the first step

Jennie can sense the nervousness and she smiles at her and turns the music on..

The first beat starts and wait--

"That isn't the song I gave her" Jisoo thinks to herself

is playing

But Jisoo gave

Jennie purposely changed the music last minute and Jisoo isn't prepared at all. Lisa and Rose smiles too knowing that Jennie changed the song. The music is playing and Jisoo just stands still and looks at Jennie

Jennie smirks and winks at her. The basketball players also enter and sit on the audience side. They have practice after the audition. Taehyung Jimin and Sehun are here too. They are waiting for the audition to end so that they can play with others. They sit together and sees Jisoo stand there like a statue. All their attention is at Jisoo. Jisoo sees the boys sit in the audience seat right in front of her and she didn't see that coming. It makes things more hard for her

"Jisoo dance" Seulgi whispers loud enough enough for Jisoo to hear it

The teacher also looks at her being disappointed. Jisoo clenches her fist and closes her eyes. She can't do this. She has never craved for attention and the fact that everyone is looking at her feels overwhelming.

The intro music is about to end but Jisoo hasn't started dancing yet

"Jisoo what are you doing" Seulgi thinks to herself

"Why did she come to audition if she can't even move a single muscle?" Jimin says but on the inside he is anxious too. Everyone is watching Jisoo and if she keeps standing there like that, it won't take long till they make fun of her

Jisoo suddenly opens her eyes. This song has more beats than Shake It Off. She holds the pendant Yoongi gave her and takes a deep breath in

"If not now then never" she says to herself.

Sure she got a body like an hourglass

The first verse starts and all of a sudden Jisoo's facial expression changes, she looks fierce, She hasn't practice anything for this song but as soon as the first verse plays, she starts free style dancing. She has heard the song a million times and knows each beat well

She perfects each move and in the middle of the song, she does a sick body wave and some of the boys from the audience whistles for her.

You see anybody could be bad to you

You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah


Jisoo during this verse looks at Jimin and during the *a good girl to blow your mind* she squats down in a sexy way and fans herself with her hand without breaking the eye contact

Jimin gets thrown out of balance at this sudden move, he least expected Jisoo to look at him during that part and when she was fanning herself, she winks at him too. The boys sitting behind cheers loudly for Jisoo

"I--" Jimin says but stops himself

Taehyung sees Jisoo wink at Jimin. He clenches his teeth but doesn't express it on the outside

Jisoo keeps dancing and at one point, she looks at Jennie and brushes her shoulder off as a dance move and she receives even more cheers for it. Finally the song ends and everyone claps for her

Seulgi got so scared for a moment but she is clapping the hardest for her

Jennie doesn't clap, she keeps a straight face.. The teacher stands up

"You know all this time, I thought that Jennie's stage presence is unmatched but I feel like you can give her a tough competition," she says to Jisoo

Jisoo's heart is beating so fast, she just did it

"Write her name down" the teacher says to Jennie

"No, as a leader of the team, I can't work with her." Jennie says

"What is the problem?" the teacher says

"It is a long story Ma'am. But I don't think that I can be a part of the team too if Jisoo joins" Lisa says

"But look at her dance. What is wrong with you guys? We have a perfect team and the talent that Jisoo just showcased needs to be appreciated. She deserves to be a part of the team" the teacher says

"I'll leave if she joins" Lisa says

Sehun sees everything from the audience seat. Why is Lisa being like this? Jisoo gave a mind blowing performance but why is Lisa being so adamant?

"I will leave too" Rose and Irene says

"And so will I" Jennie says at last

The other cheerleaders doesn't say a word. They don't mind Jisoo being a part of the team but Jennie holds the most power here. She has been managing the team for 2 years and even the teacher knows that

"I won't join the team if Jisoo doesn't get selected" Seulgi says to the teacher

"Fine by me" Jennie says

"Stop it you guys" the teacher screams and looks at Jennie and Lisa

"I am still the teacher and I call the shots. If you want to resign then do it. All of you. My team doesn't need such arrogant people. Jisoo and Seulgi are part of the team, their performance is definitely up to the mark. And what is the point of holding auditions if those who perform well doesn't get in? Anyone who wants to resign from the team are more than welcome to do" she says and looks at Jisoo and Seulgi

"Welcome to the team" she smiles and looks back at others

"Who wants to resign again?" she asks but none of them reply

"Good for you" the teacher says and leaves. Jisoo and Seulgi also prepares to leave but Jennie and her girls walk towards them thus blocking their path

"What do you wanna prove, huh?" Jennie says

"You're just jealous Jisoo, jealous of the fact that we're doing better than you. You want to replace us but let me tell you, none of it will work" Lisa says

"Make way for the queen. She is tired from showing off her talent. She can talk to her fans later" Seulgi jokes

Jisoo cracks at this "How do you make up such things on spot?" she says laughing

"Oh laugh while you can Jisoo. Just because fate favoured you today doesn't mean that it'll favour you every time" Rose says

Jisoo stops laughing and looks at them..

"Who let the dogs out without leashes?" she says and takes her bag

The girls get extremely offended at this but Jisoo said what she said. She starts leaving when all of a sudden Lisa screams from behind

"You're such a bitch Jisoo, why the fuck did you come back?" she says but Jisoo pretends not to hear her and leaves

Sehun heard Lisa scream and curse at Jisoo. This is not the Lisa he knows. She behaved rudely that day too, what is wrong with her all of a sudden

"Why is Lisa behaving like this lately?" Sehun asks Jimin and Taehyung

Jimin looks at him, "Bruh, she didn't tell you anything? I thought that you know everything and still decided to be with her" he says

"Tell what?" Sehun becomes curious

"That she is a hypocrite, a snitch and a backstabber" Jimin says

"Stop kidding man. This isn't funny. How can you say this about your own friend?" Sehun says being serious

"Sehun, let me be very clear. The only friend I have is Taehyung, Jungkook and you. None of these girls are my friends and the only reason I am associated with them is because they are your girlfriends and stuff. And I can still understand where Jennie is coming from but Lisa and Rose? Nahhh, I'd never want friends like them after what they did to Jisoo" Jimin says

Sehun doesn't ask anything else. He looks at Lisa and sees her talking to Jennie and Rose. She has always looked so perfect but today he can see jealousy in her eyes.

Lisa is talking to Jennie when she suddenly sees Sehun in the audience. She didn't see him there before. All of a sudden, her expression changes and she smiles at him

"hi baby" she says

Sehun also smiles at her but he knows that he is faking it.

"Do I still not know Lisa enough?" he thinks to himself

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