《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Yura and Jisoo?


How can her own best friends be like this? How could they tell such horrible stuff to her? She has already gone through enough and the last thing she needed was to lose her friends too. We might say that she is weak and vulnerable but in my eyes, she is the strongest person ever. A lot of people would've crumbled by the circumstances but she held her head up high and is still thriving hard. She is rare, isn't she?

"Please meet me tomorrow in college. I need to talk to you"

Jisoo replies but she still can't digest that Taehyung can do something like this

"Is he really this low?" she thinks


Jisoo enters college the next day and she can already feel the heaviness of the atmosphere. She sees a crowd in the middle of the hallway and walks towards it

Yura is standing in the middle and Taehyung and his gang are standing in front of her. Jennie and Irene are screaming at Yura. Jisoo sees that Yura has no one backing her up. She is standing there alone. It reminds her of her past

Jisoo steps forward and stands beside Yura

"Will you quit it?" she says

Yura looks up and sees Jisoo. Although on the outside, she is playing the victim card, all of a sudden, seeing Jisoo, she smirks to herself

"Why are you coming between us? She wrote lies in her status. Taehyung would never harass a girl. He isn't that type of a guy" Jennie says

"He touched me against my wish. He was drunk and kept harassing me. And then he made so many promises to me and convinced me to sleep with him" Yura says

"You are contradicting your own story. At first, you say that you didn't support him touching you but then you fucking allowed him to sleep with you because of the promises? Seriously? If he touching you felt disgusting to you then why did you sleep with him?" Jennie throws logic


Yura gets flustered at this and Jisoo can sense it. She looks at Jisoo in search of help

"How do you know what happened that night? Were you in Yura's shoes? Do you even know how she felt?" Jisoo says

Taehyung looks at Jisoo, she is really believing the lies? Does she really think that he can do something like this to a girl?

"Seriously Jisoo? You are defending her? I thought that you knew Taehyung. None of us here knows Taehyung better than You and Me. But still, you are believing her?" Jennie says being surprised at Jisoo

"Jennie, all I want is for you to stop the witch-hunting. It could be a misunderstanding but it will never get solved if you keep screaming at her" Jisoo says

"You want to solve it, Jisoo?" someone says from behind the crowd and walks towards them. It's Jimin

He stands beside Taehyung and looks at Jisoo

"The last thing I expected from you is to support her even after knowing Taehyung," he says

"I know Taehyung well enough to believe that he lied to her and made fake promises," Jisoo says confidently

"But that is not the topic we're talking about, are we? We are talking about the harassment part, the accusations that she put on Taehyung. But guess what, I am the one who introduced them and I have messages--" Jimin says but Taehyung interrupts him. Taehyung hasn't spoken a word till now

"I slept with her that night at the party. Only that part is true" he says looking straight at Jisoo

"You're a fucking liar. You harassed me before that" Yura screams at Taehyung

"Dude I have the mess--" Jimin says again but Taehyung stops him this time too

"Let's go," he says to his gang and starts walking away from the crowd

"Yeah leave, but remember, I will fight for myself and give you what you deserve," Yura says indicating Taehyung

Jennie Jimin Jungkook and Rose leave but Lisa stays behind. She walks towards Jisoo


"Taehyung is the worst type of guy, isn't he? He can lie, he can make fake promises but he will never touch a girl without her consent. You know it better Jisoo. He is not so cheap" Lisa says and leaves

Yura looks at Jisoo after Lisa leaves

"Can I talk to you alone?" she asks

Jisoo nods and they both enter an empty classroom. As soon as they enter, Yura doesn't beat around the bush and gets straight to the topic

"I need your help. To get back at Taehyung. He can't just use me like this. He made so many promises to me, he said that he loved me but how can love disappear so fast. You're his ex, right? He did the same to you, I guess" Yura says

"Ummm Yura, I can understand all the fake promises and stuff but, to be honest, he has never tried to take advantage of me. Even when we were alone, he'd never touch me without my permission which I never gave him. That's why it is hard for me to digest that he would force you to do something like that" Jisoo says

"But he did make fake promises to you too, right?" Yura asks

"Yes, he did," Jisoo says

Suddenly Yura's eyes light up

"Then we can do this together. You and me. Even if it is hard for you to believe, this is exactly what happened. He kept touching me throughout the whole party being drunk even though I kept denying. And he convinced me to do it with him" Yura says

"Were you two dating?" Jisoo asks

"Yes, obviously. He told me to keep our relationship private and that's what I did. I trusted him" Yura says trying to trap Jisoo in her words. Jisoo gets hit by the last line - I TRUSTED HIM-

"What do you want me to do?" Jisoo asks

Yura smiles to herself, Jisoo is trapped completely

"I want you to stand beside me, I want you to speak against him. Tell everyone how he used you and harassed you" Yura says

"Mr. Taehyung, I am going to ruin you. I gave you the last chance but you ignored it and kept me waiting. Now it's my turn" Yura says to herself

"But he has never harassed me," Jisoo says again

"Then make something up. Stories or situations. The crowd is definitely going to believe it if you join me. We can teach him a lesson. Guys like him deserve this, trust me" she says

"What-- I am not going to make up stories to tarnish his reputation. I am not going to lie" Jisoo says

"Did you see how Jennie insulted me in front of everyone? He and his petty gang deserves it" Yura says

"Yura" Jisoo says

"Did Taehyung really harass you that day?" she asks

"You don't believe me? Please unnie, I am not lying" Yura says

The bell rings

"I have class now. I'll talk to you later" Jisoo says because feels strange knowing that Yura asked her to make up fake harassment stories

"Sure unnie, but don't forget about what I said. We can ruin him together" Yura says and Jisoo leaves without replying

As soon as Jisoo enters the classroom, her eyes go straight to Taehyung. Jimin is saying something to him being angry but he is looking at Jisoo. Jisoo walks to the front seat and sits down. Soon Seulgi joins her

"Dude, why the fuck did you not let me show the messages? I have clear proof that she wanted to meet you and spend time with you alone. Everything would've been cleared by this" Jimin says to Taehyung

"I want to see the extent to which she believes her and supports her" Taehyung replies looking at Jisoo

Jimin looks at Jisoo too

'You're crazy. This can ruin your future" Jimin says

Taehyung doesn't reply, instead, he examines Jisoo. He can only see her back but still, he can't keep his eyes off of her. For once, he wants to know if Jisoo really trusts Yura to this extent

The class soon ends and Jisoo is packing her bag

Taehyung walks up to her and as he walks past her, he says

"I didn't do it Jisoo"

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