《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Threats and Accusations


I want her to feel beautiful and to feel that she is enough. Will you do that for me? I have been thinking about it all day and you're the only person I can think of

"Jimin" Jisoo calls him in a quiet voice but he hears her and stops at the door and looks back

Jisoo looks at him

"How is Taehyung doing now?" she asks

Jimin can feel the softness of Jisoo's voice, he didn't think that Jisoo will crack so easily

"Better than before but still not good enough," he says

Jisoo walks towards him and her voice changes

"Well, what can I say? Karma doesn't spare anyone, does it? And everything that you guys went through for the past one year is nothing compared to what you will feel now. Not any part of sympathizes for him, he broke me first and left me alone to suffer and if that is what he is going through right now then don't you think that it is well deserved? And you know what Jimin?" Jisoo inches close

"You threatened me not to do anything to them right? I am threatening you right now, each one of you will pay for your deeds and I'll make sure pf it. You, Taehyung, Jungkook everyone. Do whatever the fuck you want to do cause I AM NOT SCARED OF LOSERS LIKE YOU" Jisoo says and leaves the room

Jimin is standing on the doorway alone. She isn't even close to cracking. For a moment Jimin thought that the old vulnerable Jisoo came back but she didn't. He thought that threatening Jisoo will cause her to back down but it backfired, he is the one who got threatened

Jisoo is walking home, she remembers how Yoongi used to drop her every day and those moments at that time seemed so normal but now she craves for these moments to come back


Taehyung checks his phone- 14 missed calls from Yura

This girl is literally after him. He thought that it'll be a one night stand but she has been calling and texting him. She even tried to talk to Taehyung in the college but he ignored her completely


He receives another text from her

"Why aren't you picking my phone Oppa? I want to meet you right now. Come and meet me in front of the N Shopping Mall. I am waiting for you. Don't ignore me like this, the consequences won't be good"

Taehyung sees the message but ignores it. She is just another girl that he slept with and he thought that they've established that fact pretty well. But even after that if she keeps running behind him then it is not his fault

He opens the drawer of his wardrobe and takes out a bunch of worn-out papers so carefully as if these are his treasures.

He opens the first one and reads it

"Dear boyfriend,

This is just an appreciation letter that I am writing to you. Do you even read those? I just see you putting these inside your bag and you always say that you'll read them alone at home, and I wonder if you do. After today, I'll get to know if you really read my letter hehe. I know you read them so I know you'll pass the test, anyways, back to the appreciation part- I love you with my whole existence. Every time I look at you, I get reminded of how lucky I am to date someone like you, I'll always try my best to keep you happy and give you everything that you deserve. I might not be the best but I hope that I am enough. I heard that when you love someone, no one else matters and that person looks the best in your eyes. And trust me, I can see no one except you and I know that it is the same for you too.

I start missing you the moment you leave my side. Isn't that funny? And do you know one thing? When I come back home after spending time with you, your smell comes off of me. I don't want to take anything for granted, I appreciate everything you do for me. Urgh, it's been 2 months only and I am so deep in love with you which is only gonna grow deeper as the time passes. And for the nth time- I LOVE YOU A LOT. THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING MY FLAWS AND FOR BEING THE BEST BOYFRIEND I COULD'VE EVER ASKED FOR YOU.


And for the experiment, I've already written countless letters for you, right? I don't know but I like the old school ways better. So if you're reading this part then it means that you've probably read the whole letter which I know you will. I'll wait for you tomorrow in the same classroom where you proposed to me first. Meet me there before the class starts, okay? I'll be waiting, don't make me wait. Ahaha I know you won't"

The letter ends. Taehyung knows that he never read any of the letters. Little did he know how precious these will be for him one day. Probably Jisoo waited for him that day in the classroom, probably she was heartbroken when he didn't show up and probably this is the only reason why she never wrote to him again. But he'll never understand how Jisoo felt that day. He can't even imagine how he completely ignored all the efforts Jisoo was putting on their relationship

How did he lose such a person? For the past year, he has read this letter every day. He has pictures of Jisoo saved in his phone, he watches them every night hoping that she'd come back even if it is for a second. He wants to go back in time and change only one thing, HIMSELF

He started doing drugs and slept around with other girls just to divert his mind but nothing worked. No one can fill the gap in him. He reads each of the letters again and closes his eyes remembering all the days he spent with her


Jisoo opens her Facebook and scrolls down while munching on her food. Suddenly Seulgi messages her with a screenshot

"Omg is she talking about that hot guy? His name is Taehyung too, right?"

Jisoo checks the status in the screenshot. It is from a girl called Park Yura

She is accusing Taehyung of lying to her and using her. Apparently Taehyung made promises to her and made her soft for him. But then in a party, he got so drunk that he kept touching her inappropriately even after the fact that she kept denying. He convinced her to sleep with him with fake words and now after being done with her, he is ignoring her completely. She makes so many accusations in her status

Jisoo is extremely shocked, she immediately checks the girl's profile. She is a bright student with good grades. Jisoo still can't believe that Taehyung will do something like this. He has never tried to touch Jisoo without her consent, let alone force him on her

Jisoo checks the comments

"I don't believe it, you want attention"

"Taehyung has always flirted with every other girl. I am not even surprised"

"Does he have a thing for nerds?"

"OMG Taehyung is so low"

"Taehyung should be thrown out of the school for such predatory behavior"

Jisoo sees that there is a commeny from Jennie to

Jisoo is taken aback by everything. She doesn't know what to believe. And as if these weren't enough, she gets a message from the girl herself, Park Yura

"Unnie, I know that you don't know me but I know you. You are Taehyung oppa's ex, right? I've heard a lot about you. Please unnie, I need your help. I can't do this alone"

"Yeah? What do you want to talk about?"

"Please meet me tomorrow in college. I need to talk to you"

Jisoo replies but she still can't digest that Taehyung can do something like this

"Is he really this low?" she thinks

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