《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》New Girl


I bled a lot that day. She kept insisting that I should dress my wound up but how could I do that in front of her? After I dropped them, I was on my way home and the wound got worse. I somehow stopped the bleeding and came back and dressed it up. I have no idea why I fought that day knowing that the doctor has warned me not to exhaust myself. But I couldn't bare Jisoo getting insulted like that. I had to fight regardless of what happens. I've known you for a while and I feel like I've understood you well as a person. That's the only reason why I am writing to you.

"Babe, what are you doing here? And who are you talking to?" someone says from behind and Jisoo looks at the source of the voice

Sehun looks behind and sees Lisa too

"Oh I was waiting for your class to finish," he says

"It doesn't look like it," Lisa says indicating Jisoo

"No I just saw her and she seemed weirdly familiar. That's why I got curious and came to ask her if that is the case," Sehun explains

"That is not the case. Jisoo hasn't been around for a year so you can be sure that you haven't met her before. Now come and sit with us" she says

"Jisoo? So you know her name? Have you guys met before?" Sehun asks

"I am hungry, will you please come? Since when do you care about strangers?" Lisa says

Sehun finds it a bit different, for the past 6 months that he has been dating Lisa, she hasn't been like this. She always behaved like the perfect girl in front of him, the one has a lot of good friends, is fun-loving, kind and loyal too. All these qualities in her attracted him to her. She lives like there is no tomorrow and makes the most fun out of today.

But she behaved a bit rudely in front of Jisoo. But Sehun shakes everything from his head thinking that Lisa might be having a bad day and follows her

"What was that all about?" Seulgi asks Jisoo as she sits down

"There are so many things that you don't know. But don't worry, you'll get to know them soon and you'll probably pick their side, so I am not going to tell them to you. Let me have a friend for a while till you change your mind to sit with me" Jisoo says

"Judging by their behavior and stares, I don't think that I'll ever take their side. A bunch of bitches and a group of................hot boys..........I am sorry but the boys are quite hot. Especially the tall one, the one that sat behind you. He was so flustered when you asked for a pen, that was cute" Seulgi says and looks at Taehyung sitting beside Jennie


"Why is he with that creepy girl? He should be sitting here with us" she says

Jisoo looks at Taehyung too. She hasn't seen that face for so long

"Aww look at you trying to steal glances at him. I kinda ship you two already" Seulgi says

Jisoo starts coughing all of a sudden. "Are you kidding me?" she says

"That was a sudden confession but anyways, my ship is going to sail" Seulgi adds

"Your ship sailed and drowned too" Jisoo jokes

"Huh? It sailed? You two dated each other?" Seulgi gets more curious

"Long story. Now eat" Jisoo laughs and seulgi knows that she is asking too many questions. She laughs too and starts eating

"Umm Seulgi," she says after a while


"Can you dance?" Jisoo asks

"Dance as in??" Seulgi gets a bit confused

"Umm to be specific, Have you ever been a cheerleader?" Jisoo asks

"Haven't ever tried cheerleading but I have been a part of my local dance crew and I think I can manage cheerleading pretty well" Seulgi says being confident

"I am going to audition to be a part of the cheerleader team. Will you join me? I am sorry I know it is a bit random but I just thought that having a company will give me more confidence" Jisoo explains

"Are you kidding me? I love dancing, I'd be delighted to be a part of the cheerleader team with you" Seulgi says being excited

"Technically we aren't yet a part of it. Jennie is the leader of that team, so I don't think that she'll let me pass the audition. But I know that I can give my best and show them what I got" Jisoo says

"When is the audition?" Seulgi asks

"Tomorrow" Jisoo says

"Count me in" Seulgi replies

The bell rings and everyone finishes eating soon and leaves for class

Jisoo and Seulgi are a bit late and as soon as they enter the classroom, a girl walks up to them

"Jisoo, I love your outfit a lot. It goes well with the hair color" she says

Jennie hearing the compliment glares at the girl from her bench

Jisoo looks at the girl carefully

"Wait you're Mimi, right? So I am not a slut anymore? Aren't you the same one who said that I didn't deserve Taehyung? And Jennie was better than me? And that I am a bitch and a hoe? You guys are so predictable. For your information....." Jisoo walks closer to the girl

"I don't forget faces and I remember everyone who called me names pretty well. So go and oil someone else" Jisoo replies and sits on her bench


Seulgi is pretty shocked at how Jisoo completely changed in front of that girl

"If Mimi did what Jisoo said then she soooo deserves it," she thinks to herself and sits beside Jisoo

Jennie hearing everything looks back at her again

"Yoo Jennie, will you stop looking over here? If you are interested in me or Jisoo then just say it instead of being creepy like this. I support homo so chill and say it. But don't stare like this, you're making me uncomfortable. I am not into girls and I don't think that Jisoo is either so obviously it's gonna be a no from us but don't just stare at us like that. Both of us are pretty, i know, but there are other girls too. Look around honey, expand your horizon" Seulgi says

Jennie didn't expect this

"You think you're funny new girl?" she asks

"That wasn't even a joke. I am serious Jennie. Even my wallpaper is rainbow. I support you" Seulgi says in a straight face

Jimin laughs out loud from behind

"You two girls are turning my boring into entertaining one," he says

Jisoo laughs a bit at Seulgi's hilarious comment too but she looks at Jimin

"Don't worry. I'll personally entertain you Jimin, we have some unsettled things, remember? Or should I show you the video to make you remember?" Jisoo says and smiles at him

Jimin immediately stops laughing, obviously he remembers everything. Taehyung looks at Jimin with a confused face

Jimin didn't tell him that he recorded that video neither did he tell about Jennie. He looks at Taehyung and nods as if nothing has happened

"Can I talk to you for some time?" Jimin says to Jisoo

"I am listening" Jisoo replies

"Alone," He says

Taehyung is very confused at this. What video and why does he want to talk to Jisoo all of a sudden? He looks at Jisoo in search of an answer

"After class," Jisoo says and looks to the front

Jimin smiles and whispers to Seulgi

"That was so funny, I can't laugh else Jisoo will be mad but I want to give you the credits," he says

"Why is she so mad at everyone?" Seulgi whispers back

"By the things that happened to her, she has all the right to be mad. Chill" he replies and Seulgi nods

The class soon ends and Jisoo waits for Jimin to finish packing

"I'll leave then. I have your number, I'll call you later" Seulgi says to Jisoo

"Okay. Take care. And remember, we have an audition tomorrow" Jisoo replies

"Bro, you guys should leave together. I'll join later" Jimin says to Taehyung

Taehyung looks at Jisoo and Jimin. Not a single part of him wants to leave the two together. Moreover, what is Jimin going to talk to Jisoo about? It is her first day here after a year and Jimin has never talked about Jisoo.

But either way, he trusts Jimin. Maybe there is something. Taehyung leaves with others and Jennie glares at Jimin before leaving

"What do you want to talk about?" Jisoo asks

"You've changed" Jimin says

"I like this Jisoo better" he adds

"SO?" Jisoo asks

"Nothing. I just wanted to say that I'd really appreciate it if you stop talking about that video in front of Taehyung" he says

Jisoo laughs at this

"Seriously? That's what you wanted to say?" she asks

"Jisoo, I've already apologized to you. And I know that whatever I did was wrong. I haven't talked to Taehyung about that video because past is in the past. And I hope that you forgive me too and move on from what I did" he says

"You didn't tell Taehyung about the video? Why am I not surprised? Does your so called *squad* has any real friends or are you all fake?" Jisoo asks and hearing this Jimin becomes extremely angry

"Don't call me a fake friend Jisoo" he says trying to control his anger

"But that is exactly what you are" Jisoo says further fueling his anger

Jimin slams the desk in front of him

"I thought that out of everyone, at least, you'd understand why I didn't say anything to Taehyung. You didn't say anything to Lisa and Rose that day too, right? Why did you do that Jisoo? Are you a fake friend too?" Jimin asks

"Don't link this with that. You didn't know how I felt that time" Jisoo tries to argue

"NO, I know exactly how you felt that time. I am afraid too, that I'll disappoint Taehyung if I tell him everything. I don't want to lose them. And don't you dare to question my friendship, you're the one that has messed him up and left him. I am not blaming your decision but whether you accept it or not, whatever Taehyung is now is because of you. He used to drink all night and take drugs and stuff I don't want to talk about. I am the one who stood beside him and pulled him out of those things. I am taking care of the mess that you made. Don't you dare to question my friendship ever again. I don't care about Lisa Rose Jennie or Irene but I am warning you Jisoo, if you try to do anything to Taehyung and Jungkook because of past grudges, I won't spare you" he says and starts walking out

"Jimin" Jisoo calls him in a quiet voice but he hears her and stops at the door and looks back

Jisoo looks at him

"How is Taehyung doing now?" she asks

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