《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Oh look, a snake


"I know I am asking a lot from you but I really like her and probably won't be there for too long. Do this favour and protect her. She doesn't have anyone else, not even her best friends. I can only rely on you" the recipient reads a portion of the letter Yoongi wrote

"Hi, Jisoo," Rose says nervously and breaks the silence between them

Jisoo takes a glance of all of them

"Move over, you're blocking my locker," she says

Rose gets a bit flustered at the tone with which Jisoo spoke to her. She looks at Lisa and sees that she is just as confused

Rose immediately steps aside and Jisoo opens her locker

"How have you been doing?" Lisa asks

Jisoo doesn't reply, instead she puts her books inside the locker and closes it. Jennie and Irene are looking at her being surprised at the change of personality.

Jisoo isn't the least bit bothered that the entire gang is around her, as if they don't matter at all

She closes the locker after being done and looks at them

"Same old boring faces, I feel tired already," she says quietly but making sure that they hear her.

She starts leaving but while walking away she sees Taehyung. Earlier she couldn't see him because she was too focused on Jennie and Lisa

It has been a year since she last saw Taehyung and he looks a bit changed. His hair is messy, hands in his pocket while he is staring blankly at her. There is one thing constant on his face, the coldness

Jisoo sees Jimin standing next to him and looking at her too. She removes her gaze and walks inside the classroom

Jennie is the most surprised one, it takes her some time to process what she just saw

The bell rings

"Let's go inside guys" Jimin says and walks in the class

As soon as they enter the classroom, they see Jisoo sitting on Jennie's bench

There has been a rule has everyone in the class used to abide by for the last year or two. The seating arrangement. Taehyung and Jimin sit together at the back. Jennie and Irene in front of them. Jungkook in the row on Taehyung's right. And new addition, Lisa and Rose in front of Jungkook, on the right of Jennie and Irene

But today, Jisoo sitting on Jennie's place. Jennie used to sit there even when Taehyung and Jisoo dated. But what has gotten into Jisoo the past year to have the courage to sit over there

Everyone in the classroom is quite shocked by it too. Meanwhile Jisoo is scrolling through her phone minding her own business not giving a shit about anyone


"This is my seat" Jennie comes forward and says

Taehyung doesn't say anything and walks to his seat and sits down, Jimin follows him and sits down too

Jungkook looks at Rose and Rose nods at him, so he sits down too. The teacher is going to come soon. Lisa, Rose and Irene stand behind Jennie

Jisoo doesn't answer instead keeps scrolling through her phone

"Hello? I said this is my bench" Jennie tries again

Jisoo kicks the beside beside her without looking up. Jennie is taken aback by this

"I am not sitting there. That is Irene's seat. You're sitting in my place" she says being extremely angry

Jisoo laughs at something funny on her phone and looks up

"Seat down if you want to or else fuck off. You're blocking my view to the board" she says

Everyone in the class grasps at this. Jisoo is not going to move from there

Jimin rests his head on his hand over the desk and looks at Jisoo and smiles

Jennie has had the best one year, everything was how she wanted them to be. Everything was in her control, and everyone worshipped her. How dare Jisoo talk to her like that

"Are you kidding me? Get up from my seat right now or else-" Jennie screams without being able to hold it in anymore but Jisoo interuppts her in the middle of her sentence

"HUSH. You're being too loud" she says and puts her headphones on

Jennie looks at Lisa desperately in want of help

"Jisoo?" Lisa says

Jisoo keeps listening to music and looks at the window

"Jisoo" Lisa screams this time

Jisoo removes the headphones and looks at her

"Oh look a snake" she says seeing her

"Excuse me?" Lisa says

"Nevermind. It was in the lyrics, What is it?" Jisoo asks

"Can you sit over there and leave this seat for Jennie?" she says pointing to the first bench where Jisoo used to sit with Yoongi

"Wait, you're speaking for Jennie? Apparently the snake is a rat too" Jisoo says

"Oh look the teacher is here" she adds seeing the teacher walk in

Jennie glares at Jisoo and sits on another bench with Irene while Lisa and Rose sits in their usual seat in front of Jungkook on Jisoo's right

"I am so sorry I am late" someone says from the door

"Oh the new student. come in" the teacher says

The student walks in, it's a girl. A pretty one indeed

"Introduce yourself" the teacher says warmly

"Hi everyone, I am Kang Seulgi, your new classmate. Nice to meet you all" she says


"Sit down now. Hope you have a great year with us" the teacher says

Seulgi looks around and sees that the seat beside Jisoo is empty. She doesn't hesitate and makes her way to Jisoo

"Can I sit down?" she asks

"Sure" Jisoo smiles at her

Jennie and Irene are bubbling in anger. Jisoo and the new girl is sitting in their place. There hasn't been a single day when someone tried to sit on their place.

The class continues

Jisoo doesn't have a pen with her. She immediately looks back at Taehyung

"Do you have a pen?" she says in the most casual way possible

Taehyung gets flustered by this sudden request. He looks around his bench trying to find a pen knowing that he also doesn't have it

Jimin brings a pen out and extends his hand forward to Jisoo asking her to take it

Jisoo looks at him and then at Taehyung

"Do you have a spare pen Seulgi?" she asks

Seuldi opens her pencase showing her tons of pens and she blushes

"Sorry, i was too excited about the first day, so i packed everything" she says and Jisoo laughs

Jimin feels a bit upset that Jisoo completely ignored him even after seeing him offer her a pen

Jisoo takes two pens out of Seulgi's case and hands one to Taehyung

"Take it" she says

Taehyung's eyes look at Jisoo's trying to find the meaning behind this action. He takes the pen from her and Jisoo looks to the front

Irene sees the entire thing and nudges Jennie to look behind. Jennie sees Taehyung taking the pen from Jisoo and she feels like punching Jisoo

Jisoo notes down everything and suddenly Seulgi whispers

"Why is that creepy girl looking back at you every second?" she says indicating Jennie

"She looks creepy to you? Doesn't she look like a Diva or some sort of Goddess to you?" Jisoo says being surprised

"Nah. You're better. What is the deal with her? She is scaring me at how many times she has already looked behind" Seulgi says

"She is the cheerleader captain. You'll start admiring her soon, don't worry. Everyone does" Jisoo replies

"So she is the Regina Goerge of this college? Huh, I have seen plenty of girls like her, who think that they are above everyone else and owns the college" Seulgi says

Jisoo doesn't reply. The fact that Seulgi is able to catch onto things so fast makes her impressed of her

"You're nice. I'll be honest, at first I thought that you'll be the bitchy one but you're so nice" she says

"Haha, focus on class now. We have the entire day to gossip" Jisoo replies

The class ends soon and as soon as the teacher leaves Jennie packs her bag quickly and stands in front of Taehyung's desk waiting for them to finish packing too so that they can leave together

She doesn't want Jisoo to have any interaction with them

Jisoo packs her bag without minding Jennie

"Where are you going now? I am sorry don't mind me please. I am new and don't have any friend" Seulgi says

"You're not that different from me. I don't have any friends either" Jisoo says under her breath

"To the cafe?" Jisoo says to Seulgi

"Can I join you?" Seulgi asks

"Sure" Jisoo replies and they both leave the room

"She was such a bitch to me today. Didn't even care that I was once her friend. Who talks to their friends like that?" Lisa says being annoyed at Jisoo's behaviour

"A friend that befriended her enemy" Jimin says while packing

"What do you mean?" Lisa asks

"No I am just saying that you were a very good friend. A legendary friend" he jokes

"Shut up Jimin. We're not going to talk about her at all" Jennie says and takes the pen that Jisoo gave Taehyung from the bench and throws it outside

"Let's go" she says and they all leave for cafeteria too

Jisoo enters the cafe and sees the old place where she used to eat with Yoongi Lisa and Rose. All of that are gone and she is here alone now

Jisoo walks towards that old bench and Seulgi follows. They both sit down and Seulgi asks Jisoo

"You've been here for a while, right?"

"Umm I guess so. I did my freshers and sophomore year here. did junior year abroad and now I am back to this toxic place for senior year" she says

"Wait why is it toxic?" Seulgi asks being intrigued

"UHHH hello?" someone says and Jisoo looks up

"Did I see you somewhere? I am so sorry but you seem weirdly familiar" the person says

Jisoo stands up seeing the person. She clearly remembers him, Sehun. The guy she once danced with in a club. What is he doing here? As far as Jisoo can remember, he said that he was in his senior year back then. Why is he still in college then?

"Ohh, I don't think so" she replies

"Sorry then. I just saw you and thought that I've seen you before. Nice tattoo by the way" he says with a smile

Thank you" Jisoo replies

"Oh Sehun" he puts his hand forward for a shake

Jisoo nervously shakes his hand and smiles

"And you are?" he asks

Jisoo gets a bit scared that he might remember her if she says her name

"Jisoo. Kim Jisoo" she says hesitantly

"Oh nice to meet you Jisoo" Sehun says

Jisoo gets relieved that he doesn't remember anything.

"You too" she says

"Babe what are you doing here? And who are you talking to?" someone says from behind and Jisoo looks at the source of the voice

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