《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Lisa and Rose


Taehyung removes his gaze from Jisoo and onto Jennie

"How much do you love me?" he asks her out of the blue

Jennie gets flustered at his question all of a sudden. Taehyung keeps looking at her expecting an answer

Jennie closes the door and walks towards him

"I don't know know how to describe this but I can give up everything for you. I know I am not the nicest person ever but all I know is that I can't live without you. The day you told me that you kissed Jisoo, the first thing that came to my head was that if you'd break up with me. I was so scared at that moment... I forgave you without thinking twice because I can't let you go. I've never fallen this deep for someone and when I first saw you, I knew that I needed you in my life. Even though you were dating my cousin, I needed you in my life Taehyung. And I swear, I'll keep you happy and won't give you any chance to complain. I love you, babe, more than myself" she says and her voice cracks a bit trying to hold in the tears

"Please, don't ever leave me. I may look strong on the outside but you are my weakest point. I can't imagine living without you" she says and hugs Taehyung

Taehyung hugs her tightly too. He grew up being everyone's eye candy. Girls liked being around him and flirting with him. That's why he started playing around with them too. There hasn't been a single girl who has denied to go out with him till now. But Jisoo never gave him any attention, to begin with.

That made him chase after her. He had a point to prove to himself. That no girl can reject him. That's why he chased after Jisoo relentlessly. He cared less about her feelings and more about his ego. The day Jisoo accepted the proposal was the day he became victorious

"All girls are the same after all. They may play hard-to-get but will give in at the end of the day" he thought to himself that day

And from that day onwards they began to date each other. It isn't anything big to Taehyung to flirt around with other girls while being in a relationship and for Jisoo it wasn't different either. Jisoo was the typical nerd who'd spend 24 hours studying and she set a wall in between them that prevented him from getting close to her

That made Taehyung furious again. He is her boyfriend and it is 2020. Why can't he get intimate with her? He thought that Jisoo is playing hard-to-get again. That's why he started trying to get close to her. But nothing ever worked. He invited her to so many parties and also to his football practice but Jisoo always denied

His exes would always go on parties with him and always liked to show him off in front of their friends. But Jisoo did none. Obviously, he never thought about *happily ever after with Jisoo. He is just a high schooler. He is supposed to get into a relationship and break up. After all, he has to enjoy his life instead of being stuck with a single girl

And the fact that Jisoo was so introvert, it made him frustrated. But there was one thing he liked about her. Jisoo would always make an effort for him, instead of going to parties, she'd suggest that they stay at home and finish the homework. Although she didn't visit him to his football practice, she'd always make sure to ask him about how the practice was. Instead of showing him off in public, she'd express how proud she was of him in private.


But these weren't enough for Taehyung to settle down with her. He always looked for more. And there was Jennie. The cheerleader, the girl that every guy wants to date. Taehyung's attention soon shifted from Jisoo to Jennie. After all, he has conquered Jisoo. Yeah, it was hard but he has done it. Now Jennie seemed like a challenge but right from the first day, Jennie gave him positive signs. There was this thing about her that attracted him towards her more than Jisoo. And he gave in. The day he made out with her, he knew that he wants her in his life now

He never loved Jisoo. What she did for him wasn't enough for him to stay. And it didn't take him a second thought to break up with Jisoo. Isn't it normal? Teenagers breaking up?

But Jisoo fell for him deeper than he could imagine. That is the result of what is happening right now. Now that Jisoo has started going to parties, wearing things that she'd never wear before, seeing her enjoy her life like everyone else makes him miss her. It makes him jealous when he sees her with someone else. This sudden change in Jisoo is something he never predicted. It had only been 3 months when he broke up. He was so into enjoying his own life that he never looked at Jisoo the way she deserved to be looked at

Jisoo gets tired of dancing. She looks up and sees both of them hugging each other

"Who am I trying to make jealous? These two love each other. Taehyung is not me who'll feel vulnerable for things like this" Jisoo thinks to herself and excuses herself from Sehun and goes towards Lisa

"I'll leave. I don't feel like staying" she says

"Why? What happened all of a sudden?" Lisa asks

"Nothing. I'll just leave" Jisoo says and leaves the party alone

Lisa and Rose look at each other. They feel a bit distant from Jisoo. She doesn't share anything with them anymore. Both of them have been feeling it for quite a while but they shake it off of their head and continue dancing

"You've drunk enough... No more drinks tonight" Jennie says to Taehyung and looks down. Lisa and Rose in particular catch her attention.

"Ummm, excuse me for a bit," she says and makes her way down

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" She says to both of them

They look at each other "yeah?" Lisa says

"In private" Jennie replies

The three of them walk to a quiet corner with barely any music

"I wanted to ask you something," she says

"What is it?" Rose asks

'What I did to Jisoo was wrong, right?" she asks

"You have to ask us that? Hooking up with your cousin's boyfriend seems right to you?" Lisa replies

"Then how are you two still with Jisoo who did the same? Does this hate only applies to me and not to her?" Jennie asks

"Wait what? I am confused. Why are you even comparing yourself to Jisoo? Jisoo would never do what you did" Rose says

"Omg, aren't you two her best friend? She didn't tell you guys? She and Taehyung made out with each other on the masquerade. She made out with her cousin's boyfriend. How is that different from what I did?" Jennie says

Both Lisa and Rose look as if they fell from the sky

"Jisoo would never do that" Lisa says

"Wow, she really didn't share it with you two. I confronted her in the classroom the next day"


"So we're supposed to trust you who leaked her video? Cause Jisoo told us that you were the one behind it. So obviously you're spreading rumors now" Lisa says

"Isn't it funny? That she shares everything that I did wrong but didn't share what she did? That is not how friendships work. And you two have been there for her since the beginning. You supported her and became her shield. And what did she do? Tell you what I did but hid her own thing" Jennie says

Rose doesn't want to believe Jennie but she sensed that something was wrong with Jisoo. And these days, she has almost made a wall between them...

"I am sorry but I had to confront you two cause you guys felt like hypocrites. For judging me when I hooked up with Taehyung and then supporting your friend who did the same. But you guys were not even informed about it. That is way sadder. I guess your so-called *best friend* backstabbed you and portrayed herself as the poor victim when in fact she is no less than me. Poor you" Jennie says and leaves

Both of them don't speak for a while

"Lisa, I don't trust Jennie. But if what she said about Jisoo is true, I'd never talk to her let alone keep our friendship" Rose says

"I am-- Jisoo wouldn't do that, right? She knows how it feels when someone lies to you. And even if she did, she'd share it with us immediately. She'd never hide it from us. We've been with her in her most depressing moments. We've supported her always. Yes, I feel a distance between us now but she wouldn't lie to us" Lisa says

Rose looks at her "The Jisoo I know wouldn't do that ever" she says


Jisoo wakes up the next day and her head feels a bit heavy. She checks the clock

"Oh no I am going to be late," she says to herself and rushes to get ready and leaves for school

The entire school looks festive. Tomorrow is the final match for the Inter-school football tournament. Jisoo's school has qualified to play the finals. There are banners and placards and posters and everyone is preparing the school for the finals.

Jisoo gets informed that the first class is canceled. She is walking through the hallway looking for Lisa and Rose and sees them in front of their locker. But Jennie and Irene is with them

She walks towards them

"Hii," she says to them in a jolly voice

They both look at her

"Is there something you want to share with us?" Lisa goes straight to the topic without beating around the bush

Jisoo didn't see that coming. She looks at Jennie and gets a bit confused about what she is talking about

"Umm... I guess, no. Why?" she asks

"Did something happen in the masquerade?" Rose asks

"Between you and Taehyung?" she adds

Jisoo's face gets drained of all colors. Jennie told them everything. This is what she was afraid of

"I-- Guys, I wanted to-" she stutters

"Yes or no?" Lisa asks

"Yes," Jisoo says

"But-" she tries to say something but gets interrupted by Jennie

"you didn't trust me all this time but guess who was telling the truth all along?" Jennie says to the girls

"Jisoo seriously? What are we to you? Do you even consider us to be your friends? Cause if you did, you wouldn't have hidden it from us" Lisa says

"We trusted you blindly. I went to bed last night convincing myself that Jennie was lying. I feel like a fool right now. What is the difference between you and Jennie? Tell me, please. At least whatever she does, she is upfront about it. Not like you. Trust me, if you had shared it with us, we'd have been very angry but as friends, we would have tried to understand you. But now, I can't even try to take your side because you didn't even tell us. We have to know about it from someone else. Tell me, how long did you want to hide it from us?" Lisa says

Jisoo doesn't know what to reply, her eyes turn red. It is her fault that she couldn't bring herself to tell them the truth

"Jisoo, we've been with you always. We didn't sleep before you stopped crying the day you broke up. We got worried about you at every instance thinking if you were going to be fine. I am sorry but seeing you right now, I feel betrayed. And I don't think that I'd ever call you a friend" Lisa adds and walks away

Jisoo starts tearing up and looks at Rose

"Please, Rose. I know it is my fault. But I didn't know what to do. Yoongi told me to tell you but I didn't. I didn't have the courage" she pleads

"Woowww. So even Yoongi knows? And we don't? How long have you been with him to share something like this with him and not us? I would've understood that you didn't share it with anyone but you did. With Yoongi. And not us. You know what Jisoo, you are not the person I thought you were. I hated Jennie for doing that to her own sister but how do I defend you now? don't ever talk to me from now" Rose says and follows Lisa

Both of them feel unwanted and betrayed by Jisoo

"Awww, someone doesn't have friends anymore. That's what you deserve for trying to hook up with my boyfriend. Look around Jisoo, no one is there in your life. Not Taehyung, not your best friends, no one. This is what you deserve" Jennie says in a very low tone and leaves with Irene

Jisoo looks around and Jennie is right. There is no one else for her anymore. She has lost everyone. Her tears are rolling down her face and she feels as if her legs are numb. She kneels down and keeps crying. Students start gathering around her being curious about what happened to her

"I have no one now," she thinks to herself as she cries

Suddenly she feels someone's hand over her shoulder

"What happened?" the person says

She looks up and sees Yoongi, in his football jersey, probably came from his practice

"Lisa and rose" Jisoo can't finish her sentence due to the tears and tries to catch her breath

Yoongi looks around and sees everyone staring at them

"Get up. Let's go somewhere else" he says and helps Jisoo up and walks away from the crowd with her. They go inside an empty room

He lets Jisoo sit in one of the benches and kneels in front of her

"What is it Jisoo?" he asks,

"Jennie told them everything. Lisa and rose-- They said that they don't want to see my face anymore" she says while crying

Yoongi wipes her tears

"Don't cry Jisoo. Of course, they feel betrayed. But I am sure that they didn't mean it" he says

"I'll talk to them and sort things out, okay?" he says

"But they hate me," Jisoo says in a broken voice

"They are probably angry Jisoo. But as soon as the anger dies down, they are going to come back to you" Yoongi tries to reason with Jisoo

"You didn't see their face Yoongi. They looked at me with disgust. The same look that they give every time we talk about Jennie. I have lost them," she says

"At least you realize that it is your fault. That is enough. If they are your true friends, they'll come back to you soon. You just have to apologize to them. Friends can't leave each other like that" he says

"Yoongi, I have no one in my life right now. You wouldn't leave me ever, right? No matter how many mistakes I make, please don't leave me. Make me understand and I'll correct them all but I can't afford to lose you too" Jisoo says

"I won't, don't worry," Yoongi says in a low voice

Jisoo wipes her tears "I'll do what you said. I'll apologize to them until they forgive me. I'll try my best to get them back in my life" she says

"That's the spirit. I have football practice now. Go and make things right. And if you feel sad or anything, I am always here" he says

Jisoo nods and watches him go. She hasn't lost everyone. She has Yoongi by her side. The one who always understood her and stood by her side no matter what

Jisoo looks around the school for Lisa and Rose and she finds them in the cafe, with Jennie. They are laughing with her while having their food

Jisoo clenches her fist gathering all her energy and walks towards them

"Can I talk to you guys for some time?" she asks

"What is it?" Lisa says without giving much attention

"Alone, please," Jisoo says

"We don't have the time. If you want to say something just say it here" Rose says

Jisoo looks at Jennie. She looks as if she is enjoying the situation

"I want to apologize. I know that what I did was wrong but please don't ruin our friendship like this. I'll do everything to make things right. I need you guys. You are my only friend. Please I am really sorry. But this isn't worth breaking our friendship" Jisoo says

"Done?" Lisa says

"Let's go guys," she says and looks at Jennie and Rose as they stand up

"You should give up on hoping that we'll forgive. I don't know about Rose but I won't forgive you. I hate liars and hypocrites the most and you're both of them. I feel ashamed to even think that you were once my friend" Lisa says

"Guys, let's go. We shouldn't spend time on worthless people anyways" Jennie says

"Yeah, I am full" Rose replies and the three of them leave the cafe

Jisoo watches them go and just stands there. She tried talking to them throughout the entire day but all they did was put her down and make her feel so small.

Yoongi messages her towards the end of the day

Jisoo waits for him to reply but he doesn't. She thinks about how close she was to Lisa and Rose and what they've become now. How they've insulted her every time she went to apologize to them today... She keeps rewinding the moments in her mind and soon falls deep into sleep

Even the strongest bond that one made for years can break apart in a single mistake. And a bond of only a few months can stay strong even after hundreds of mistake

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