《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Broken glasses


"Jisoo, will you go on a date with me?" Yoongi asks in a quiet voice

Jisoo looks at him

"Wait, you mean- a "date" date?" she asks

"Nothing. I didn't- I need to go. It's getting late" he says and gets up even before Jisoo can reply

Jisoo stands up too and as she is about to say something, Yoongi looks at her and says

"Bye Jisoo. See you tomorrow" and starts walking

Jisoo watches him go and she wants to stop him and say that she'd love to spend some time alone with him but she doesn't.


Jisoo enters the classroom being fifteen minutes late. The teacher is already here.

"Jisoo, you're late. It is the presentation day and you're late today? Shameful" the teacher says

Jisoo looks at the class and everyone is here. She goes to the teacher and gives the excuse of sickness to dodge the project

"Are fine now? You should've informed me earlier. Then I would've partnered Taehyung with someone else" the teacher says

"I am sorry. But I thought that I could pull it off but I failed" she says

"It's fine. You're a bright student. Take care of yourself. I'll see what I can do" the teacher says

Jisoo smiles at her and sits in an empty chair next to Lisa.

"Pssttt, you're sick?" Lisa asks

Jisoo winks at her and she realizes that all of it was a lie. However the class goes on smoothly and towards the end, the teacher says

"Guys, come to the auditorium after the break. We'll judge you there. And Jisoo and Taehyung, since you guys won't be participating, you can be with the audience if you want to" the teacher says and leaves

Rose runs towards Jisoo and Lisa as soon as she leaves.

"Yall are coming to the club today, right?" she asks

"yeah I am in," Lisa says and looks at Jisoo

"Me too," Jisoo says

"By the way, I am going home. I have no interest in watching some teenagers act cringy in from of everyone" she says

"Omg you didn't even share what happened with your project" Rose nags

"Some other time," Jisoo says and takes her bag

"Take care. See you in the afternoon" Lisa says

Jisoo walks towards Yoongi "Best of luck" she says

"Thank you" Yoongi replies and Jisoo walks out


It's nearly afternoon and Jisoo slept throughout the entire day. She wakes up and checks her phone

Rose has left the address of the club in their group chat

Jisoo opens her wardrobe and picks out a very short dress. She wants to let go of everything today and party hard. She needs to cheer up instead of being depressed all the time


She curls her hair, puts on reds lipstick, a bit of blush and she's done. She looks at her dress, she bought the dress with Lisa and Rose. They pretty much forced her to buy this but she knew that she wouldn't ever wear that. But today, she is in the mood for some change

Lisa honks from outside her house. Jisoo peeks from her window

"Coming," she says and rushes downstairs

"Wtf, you look hot. It's not fair" Lisa says as soon as she sees Jisoo

"Forget about the dress, I just want to dance hard today," Jisoo says and gets on the car

They soon reach the club and sees Rose and Jungkook outside.

"Guys, there you are," Rose says seeing Lisa and Jisoo pull up

Jungkook sees them too and feels a bit nervous about how Jisoo is going to react about him dating her best friend

Both the girls come out of the car and walk towards them

"Well, someone is giving us strong couple goals," Jisoo says and looks at Jungkook

"Why do you look so nervous? We're not going to kill you" she jokes

Jungkook finally gets relieved

"Thank God. I thought that you're not gonna talk to me" he says

"Nah, I am cool" Jisoo smiles and they enter the club

The club is for the posh kids in the area. There is a huge dance floor and a bar and upstairs, there are VIP areas which are transparent where people can drink with their friend circle while jamming to the music

Jisoo enters the club and the loud music and huge crowd of people although used to seem overwhelming to her, today, it isn't bothering her anymore. She looks around vibing with the atmosphere when her eyes go up to one of those VIP areas. She sees a very familiar figure. Kim Taehyung, wearing a red satin shirt and a black pant, sleeves rolled halfway, one hand is holding a glass of whiskey and the other is in his pocket

He is already looking at Jisoo through the glass walls while taking a sip of his whiskey

Jisoo looks at him and immediately turns to Rose

"What the fuck is he doing here?" she asks

" Oh, they are all here. Jimin, Taehyung, Jennie. I am sorry but they are Jungkook's friend. That's why I couldn't say No" Rose says

Jisoo doesn't reply. They walk towards the bar when suddenly an idea pops up in Jisoo's head

"Should I or should I not?" she keeps thinking at the back of her mind

"Fuck, I am gonna do it," She says as she takes a peek of the VIP room again


Taehyung is still looking at her in the same cold manner

Jisoo smirks at this. This is the perfect opportunity to take revenge for what he did yesterday

"Guys I am going to dance," Lisa says

Jungkook also asks Rose to dance with him. This leaves Jisoo alone in the bar. She looks around at the guys on the dancing floor

"I need someone who looks modest and definitely not drunk," she thinks to herself

A guy, in particular, catches her attention.

"He looks good. Plus he doesn't seem to be drunk either" she says to herself

Taehyung's eyes examine Jisoo like a hawk. She makes eye contact with the guy a couple of times and smiles at him sending him positive signs. The guy looks quite handsome and he is dancing in a quiet, unostentatious way

Jisoo stays in her seat while giving her attention to the guy. After a while, the guy leaves the dancing floor and walks towards Jisoo

"Hi, I am Oh Sehun" he says and sits next to Jisoo

"I am Jisoo" Jisoo replies and smiles at him. She tries to take a peek at Taehyung from her peripheral vision and can see him still looking at her

"So, what do you do?" she asks

"Oh, I am in my senior year of school. What about you?" Sehun asks

"Sophomore" Jisoo replies but she intentionally keeps smiling flirtatiously just so that Taehyung can perceive the idea that they are flirting with each other

"Can I buy you a drink?" Sehun asks

"Sure. Without alcohol please" Jisoo says and Sehun orders two apple juice for both of them. They both cheer before taking a sip of their drink

"I need to tell you something," Jisoo says

"Yeah?" Sehun replies

Jisoo comes close to Sehun's ear

"You were looking quite hot while dancing," she says and immediately becomes a bit shy that she said it to a stranger

Sehun giggles at this "Well, thank you. Umm... Actually I'd like to dance with you" he says

Jisoo doesn't hear what he says. She is trying to find Taehyung up in the room but he isn't there anymore. Suddenly someone grabs her hand and says "excuse me" before dragging her to a corner

Jisoo knew who it was as soon as she heard the voice

Taehyung brings her to a closed corner where there is no one. He lightly grabs Jisoo's hair from behind and brings her closer

"I am telling you for the first and last time, stay away from other guys" he says

Jisoo tries to free herself but his grip is firm

"Why don't you mind your own business?" she replies

"If I see you talk to another stranger like that again then it won't be good," he says without giving any importance to what Jisoo said and leaves

This infuriates Jisoo a lot.

"What does he think of himself?" she says to herself

Jisoo comes back to the bar and sees that Taehyung is back to the VIP area and this time he holding a whole bottle of whiskey in his hand and drinking while looking at her

Jisoo is now more determined than ever to take revenge for yesterday night. She looks around for Sehun and sees that he is back at the dancing floor

She gets up from her seat and walks towards him. Sehun sees Jisoo and extends his hand. Jisoo holds his hand and Sehun pulls her closer and both of them start dancing rather intimately.

The music is loud, Sehun and Jisoo are having the time of their life, both of them dancing without minding the people around them. Sehun spins Jisoo a couple of times and then Jisoo crashes on his chest and they both laugh at this. Jisoo puts both her hands on his shoulder and keeps dancing. Even Jisoo didn't know that dancing was this fun before.

Taehyung sees the entire thing from above. As much as he wants to go down and take Jisoo away from that guy, he knows that he doesn't have that right anymore to say what Jisoo can do or can't do. He warned Jisoo before thinking that she wouldn't do anything else but it didn't make any difference

Jealousy, anger everything creeps inside of him. He wanted to make Jisoo jealous of Jennie by being close to her but Jisoo didn't falter. She stood on her ground firmly without showing any sign of jealousy. Previously right after the breakup, he could see how much Jisoo got affected by seeing him with Jennie but after doing everything yesterday, it still didn't bother Jisoo like he wanted it to

His plan didn't work rather it backfired. Earlier Jisoo used to be shy to go out let alone dance with a stranger but now she doesn't even hesitate to flirt with them. He keeps drinking the whiskey and at one point sees Sehun hold Jisoo's waist and he reaches his limit.

He hits the whiskey bottle against the wall out of anger and it breaks into pieces. He is standing on shards of glasses and his eyes turn red. He is drunk and angry and jealous

Jisoo is dancing with Sehun with a free mind. Even though he is touching her waist, it doesn't make Jisoo uncomfortable because he is not doing it in a pervert-ish way. His hands are gentle and he is just genuinely having a good time while making sure that Jisoo is comfortable.

"Omg, what happened here?" Jennie rushes inside seeing the broken pieces of glasses

Taehyung removes his gaze from Jisoo and onto Jennie

"How much do you love me?" he asks her out of the blue

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