《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Living Room


Jisoo holds her papers tightly and walks in without knowing what else is waiting for her

Taehyung's house is probably the largest one among all of them. Jennie leads her to the living room

"Wait here. I'll ask him to come downstairs" She says

"I am going to finish it and head straight home," she thinks to herself. The idea of Jennie and Taehyung doesn't bother her that much anymore. She is kind of used to them being together. Yes, It sometimes hurts to see them being so intimate with each other but it is nothing compared to how she felt in the initial days right after the breakup. It still breaks her but not as hard as before

Jisoo waits for them for another 10 minutes. She can hear Jennie's giggles from upstairs with no sign of Taehyung coming down. She takes her phone out and scrolls through her ig. Yoongi has uploaded a new story. She opens it up and sees that Yoongi is out with Irene to a club of some sort. Jisoo thought that they are together only for the project but they are hanging out after school too

Now, this is hurting Jisoo. The fact that she lost her best friend for a guy who doesn't give a damn about her

Taehyung comes downstairs and stands in front of Jisoo. He is wearing a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of black denim. He brushes through his messy hair with his hand roughly to fix them. He looks at Jisoo

"oh you're early," he says

Jisoo stands up too and looks at her phone

"It's 7.45. I was here at 7 just as you told me and I've been waiting here for the past 30 minutes. I have other jobs to do instead of waiting for you to stop fucking around and do some actual work" Jisoo says

"Uh hello, I was working upstairs too" Taehyung jokes and it makes Jisoo's imagination go wild

"This guy thinks sex is some kind of work?? Well I mean, if you out physical effort in something then it is work. But in other sense--" Jisoo thinks to herself

"You're really thinking hard on this" Taehyung smirks and walks towards the kitchen. The kitchen is right behind the living room only separated from the latter by a counter. Jisoo follows him

"Well can you please focus on the project for an hour? I don't have all the time in the world" she says

Taehyung opens the fridge and takes a bottle of water out. He starts gulping the water down like a monster

"I get it. You're very tired of all the "hard work". I am tired too. of waiting for your ass to come down and focus on what is important. Just tell me if you want to work today. Cause if you don't, I'll leave" Jisoo says pretending to be tough. As if nothing bothers her anymore

"By "hard work" what do you mean?" Taehyung tries to pull her strings

"babe, don't tease my poor cousin anymore" Jennie comes down too. She's wearing a loose t-shirt and nothing else. Taehyung's t-shirt. Jisoo can remember the shirt well because she complimented Taehyung the day he wore it to one of their dates. That was her favorite shirt of Taehyung


Jisoo brings her gaze down as Jennie walks towards Taehyung and kisses him on the lips. Taehyung looks at Jisoo and sees that she is feeling uncomfortable. She isn't even looking at them

"Okay, let's do this fast" Taehyung says and walks towards the living room

"I'll make something to eat while you two work. You said that you're hungry Tae. In the middle of it," Jennie says in a playful manner

Taehyung looks back at her

"Yeah, I need some food," he says and goes to the living room with Jisoo

Both of them sit down on a sofa and Jisoo hands him the papers.

"These are the lines. In the new perspective, Daisy picks Gatsby in the end. Tom cheated on her and lied to her so it is of no use to pick Tom. Tom will leave being furious about her decision and he'll end up getting in an accident killing Myrtle which will take his life too. Daisy will own all his properties following his death and live with Gatsby for the rest of her life. That's it" Jisoo explains

Taehyung keeps looking at her coldly right from the first sentence

"You fucking killed Tom?" he says

"yes, I did. Now can you please memorize the lines so that we can practice it for some time? I need to leave" Jisoo says

"Why? Why are you in such a hurry?" Taehyung asks

"None of your business" Jisoo replies

She also reads at the script one last time. Jennie enters the room with pancakes. She puts the plate down and sits on Taehyung's lap as usual. and kisses him

Taehyung puts the script down and kisses her back

"Can you guys fuck after I leave? Like hello?? I am not here two see two horny people makeout. I just want my work to be done with and leave" Jisoo says

Jennie glares at Jisoo and stands up

"You're in his house and he can do whatever he wants to in his space," Jennie says

Jisoo stands up too "I am sorry but I didn't sign up for a live porn session" she replies

Jennie feels extremely offended at this

"You know, if I were you, I wouldn't lose my dignity in front of my cousin like this with my boyfriend," Jisoo says

"You can only wish to be me" Jennie replies being angry

"Oh God, who wants to be a bitch!! I am perfectly fine the way I am. What you two are doing is bothering me because I am not used to stuff like this and you both know it. But yet, you're doing it to make me feel uncomfortable intentionally" Jisoo says

"You don't have to be so jealous of me you know" Jennie replies but knows that her comeback if weak as fuck

"I have no reason to be jealous of you. You are probably the last girl that I'll be jealous of Jennie. Please fix that in your head" Jisoo says and looks at Taehyung


Jennie can't find any replies. She looks at Taehyung hoping that he'll defend her but he says nothing. He is just looking at Jisoo with a blank expression.

Taehyung didn't expect Jisoo to react this way. He thought that she'll feel vulnerable and realize what she is missing out. But instead, she did the opposite. He keeps getting surprised by Jisoo every day. As much as he hates to admit it, but Jisoo being this strong and standing up for herself makes him more attracted to her. She is no longer the girl who'll cry at every other thing.

And today, Taehyung crossed all limits in front of her but HOW IS IT STILL NOT BOTHERING HER

"What if she has moved on?" he thinks to himself... A lot of thought jam his head but his expressions are blank and cold

"I am leaving," Jennie says in an angry voice and heads upstairs to get her things. She soon comes down, this time wearing pants and with all her things in her hand

"Oh she does have a bit of dignity left I see," Jisoo says while looking at her pants

Jennie puts her middle finger up and looks at Taehyung

"Call me when you're done with the stupid project," she says and leaves

Taehyung is sitting in the empty room. Jisoo watches Jennie leave and feels proud that she didn't crumble before them. But she knows that they've reached her threshold, so she is barely holding her tears back

"You know what" Jisoo looks at Taehyung

"There is no project. I don't need those extra credits. I'll make up an excuse that I was sick or anything like that. The teacher knows me well. So she'll be considerate. You don't have to force yourself to work with me" Jisoo says and wears her backpack

"Please dump the papers in the trash," She says looking at the sheets that she made and walks out the house

"Jisoo wait" Taehyung comes out the house too and screams her name making her stop midway

Jisoo stops for a while but doesn't look back. She then starts walking as if she didn't hear him. She is tearing up, she can't let Taehyung see that. Taehyung doesn't call her name anymore. He lets her go

Jisoo takes her phone out and texts Yoongi

Yoongi sees it but doesn't reply. Jisoo gives up all hope of having him back in her life. She keeps crying all the way home... Standing up against Jennie drained all her energy but she kept remembering what Yoongi would expect her to do in that situation and kept going

She reaches her home after a 7-minute walk. She kept her head down throughout the entire walk trying to hide her tears instead of the fact that there was no one there. She was probably hiding it from herself, that she is crying again for the same guy

She wipes her tears after reaching home and looks up

Yoongi is standing in front of her door, looking at her. He was in the club moments ago and now he is here

"Are you fine?" he asks in a concerned voice

As soon as Jisoo sees him, she runs towards him and hugs him and cries in his arms

"I am not," she says

"What happened?" Yoongi says with the same concerned tone

"Let me guess, it's Taehyung again?" he says without even waiting for Jisoo to reply

Jisoo nods his head and breaks the hug being embarrassed that she hugged him out of nowhere

Both of them sit on the stairs of the front porch. Jisoo shares everything that happened back in his house and this morning too

"So Jennie knows about it?" He asks

"yeah, Taehyugn told her"

"But Lisa and Rose?" he asks

Jisoo doesn't reply but her silence gives Yoongi the answer

"But you did well. By giving Jennie a taste of her own medicine" Yoongi says

"But why are you crying though?" he asks

"I don't know" Jisoo starts crying like a baby

"I feel miserable Yoongi. Seeing how everyone's life is falling into place while I am still standing in the same place. Rose is happy with Jungkook. Lisa has a damn good life that she is happy about. Taehyung and Jennie are happy together. Even you are with Irene. But i just-- I want to be happy. I don't need a man Yoongi. I am not crying for a boyfriend. I am crying because I don't know why I can't be happy? Every time I see them together, it breaks me apart. I want that feeling to be gone. I want to be happy too" she says while sobbing

"I am with Irene?" Yoongi says finding it amusing

"yeah, I saw your story. You are hanging out with her, I know" Jisoo says while wiping her tears

Yoongi looks at her

"She seriously cries like a 2-year-old," He thinks to himself

"She forced me to go there. We were supposed to work on the project but she dragged me there instead. In no way am I with her" he says

"I am sorry, Yoongi. I disappointed you that day" Jisoo says

"It's not about disappointing me. You don't have to say sorry. I don't want you to lose yourself in this process" he says

"SO we're good?" Jisoo asks

"We're good" Yoongi smiles

Jisoo smiles too and looks forward to the empty road. She has missed Yoongi so much. Even though it's been only a day, she couldn't bare how he ignored her. And she is glad that at least, she has him now

Yoongi's eyes say something else. His reports came today. His platelet count is below 50,000. He can feel the weakness take over his body. Ever since meeting Jisoo he hasn't skipped taking his medicine because he desperately wants to hold on to his life this time unlike before. But it isn't working. And he doesn't want to keep ignoring Jisoo anymore. His eyes shake as he processes the idea of not being able to sit next to Jisoo anymore

"Jisoo, will you go on a date with me?" he asks in a quiet voice

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