《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Daisy and Tom


Taehyung keeps stealing glances at Jisoo who is busy laughing with her friends. He takes a sip of the wine and eyes her again. Jennie keeps looking at other peoples' outfit and judging them in her head

A slow music plays and Yoongi looks at Jisoo

"Shall we?" he says and extends his hand

"Why not?" Jisoo replies and holds his hand and both of them walk towards the dance floor

Taehyung sees Jisoo and Yoongi dancing, Yoongi's hand in Jisoo's waist and both of them looking at each other. Yoongi says something that makes Jisoo laugh

Taehyung puts the glass of wine down and looks at Jennie

"Let's dance" he says

Jennie smiles because this is the first time in a while that Taehyung himself has come forward.. "The dress did it's magic on him" she thinks and they walk towards the dance floor and start dancing too

Throughout the entire time, Taehyung and Jisoo kept glancing at each other. Everytime Jisoo looks at Taehyung, he'd bring Jennie closer to him, just to show her. Regardless to say, Taehyung's attention was hardly at Jennie..

"I am so thirsty. I need to drink something" Jisoo says to Yoongi

"Sure" he replies and they both walk out of the dancing floor

"let's stop here" Taehyung says to Jennie and without waiting for her, he walks out too

"Yoongi, come here. I need to show you something" Lisa almost screams

"Lisa is calling me" Yoongi says to Jisoo

"Go ahead. I'll join you guys after having a drink" Jisoo says and walks towards the bar alone

Taehyung walks upto the bar where Jisoo is sitting and waiting for her drink

"Can I have this dance with you?" Taehyung asks

Jisoo gets shocked hearing his voice and more surprised at what he said

"I don't think that your girlfriend will like it" she says

"Since when do you care about her?" he says

"I don't. None of you matter to me" she replies

"Then you shouldn't have a problem in dancing with me. It's just a dance, right?" Taehyung says looking at Jisoo trying to lock her in his words

"How can he even ask me to dance with him?" she thinks but what comes out of her mouth is more shocking than Taehyung's proposal to dance with her

"Sure. Let's dance" she says taking a sip of the drink the bartender just served her. Taehyung smirks and holds Jisoo's hand and both of them enter the dance floor again..

Jennie sees them and she wants to slap Jisoo right on her face but controls herself. Lisa taps Yoongi and points towards taesoo. Yoongi looks back and sees them walking towards the dance floor

"Why the hell is Jisoo going to dance with him?" she says

"What is wrong with them dancing? They know each other well, in fact I love seeing Jisoo like this.. When she looks so headstrong, without letting anything bother her.. Let her dance with whoever she wants to. It's her choice and we know Jisoo. She won't do anything wrong" Yoongi says to Lisa.

The idea of Jisoo dancing with Taehyung bothers him a bit but he tries to let things go and trusts Jisoo


Taehyung and Jisoo make their way to the dancing floor. Taehyung holds Jisoo waist and Jisoo puts her hands in his shoulder and looks at him. He looks the best in formals. His black suit matches his cold personality a lot. They both move to the music and never once do they break their eye contact. They kept stealing glances at each other all this time and now that they are dancing with each other, nothing else in the world catches their attention except for the person standing in front of them

Taehyung suddenly mouths these words

Jisoo looks up being surprised

"You've read The Great Gatsby?" she asks

"Finished it in 5 hours, yes," he says and spins Jisoo

"Why do you think that Daisy chose Tom and not Gatsby? Even after knowing that Tom had an affair? I kept asking myself the same question. Why didn't she just accept Gatsby, the guy who loved her to the moon and back. Why Tom? The liar?" he asks Jisoo

Jisoo keeps dancing, she has no idea what he implying to.

"Cause Gatsby lied about his business and Tom's money provided Daisy with a substantial life" Jisoo replies

"but didn't Tom lie to Daisy as well? About his affair? And Gatsby did all that to get Daisy in his life.. But why did Daisy till choose Tom over him?" Taehyung questions Jisoo

"He did but-" Jisoo stops midway

Taehyung says another quote from the book

Jisoo keeps staring at him without understanding what he is trying to say

"My heels are killing me. I need to rest" Jisoo says trying to get her out of the conversation and walks up the stairs and gets inside one of the rooms

Taehyung stands in the middle of the dance floor, watching Jisoo run away from the reality.

Jisoo looks around the room and it is like a Luxurious hotel room. She stands in front of the mirror and looks at herself. What was Taehyung trying to say downstairs? She asks herself again when suddenly Taehyung walks inside the room and closes the door

Jisoo looks back "What are you doing here?" she asks

"I didn't get my answers" he says

"I have nothing to say to you. It's a good thing that you've finished the book. We'll talk about the project tomorrow" Jisoo says

"I asked you a question downstairs" Taehyung says once again

Jisoo doesn't reply

"Why did she choose Tom, the guy who was lying to her all the time and having an affair over Gatsby who loved her with his whole existence and would never do what Tom did?" he says

Jisoo still doesn't say anything.. Taehyung understands her silence

"What if I put it this way. If you were Daisy, would you change the ending?" he asks

Jisoo knows what Taehyung is doing. He is purposely putting her on the spot

"I don't know," she says

"But you do" Taehyung comes close

"I don't think that Daisy should've chosen Tom. He lied and broke her heart while Gatsby helped her enjoy her life. She should've chosen gatsby" she says without understanding what came out of her mouth


"So for you, the ending is wrong? That Daisy should've chosen Gatsby?" Taehyung asks

"Y-yes" Jisoo replies

"Look at me" Taehyung says coming closer

Jisoo looks up and her eyes meet Taehyung's

"What if Tom begged on his knees, asking for an apology from Daisy, realizing what he did was wrong. What if Tom promised that he'll never do that again and stay by Daisy's side forever? Would that change your mind?" he asks coming closer

Jisoo doesn't move a bit. Her head feels light as she can see taehyung coming so close to her. He holds her waist and she gets goosebumps from his touch

"What if Tom was me?" he says

"And Daisy was you. Would that still make you want to change the ending?" he says

Jisoo can't bear this anymore. Taehyung comes closer with each passing seconds and she feels weak on her feet. He moves his hand upwards and touches her bareback. His fingers trace their way in her back as if painting a picture. It then moves towards her hair. He loosens the ribbon of her mask and unties it. He then takes her mask off and lets it fall on the ground

He has been craving to see Jisoo's full face the entire time. He then takes the hair that was tucked behind her ears and lets them fall on her face. He touches Jisoo's lips and looks at her eyes

With each touch, Jisoo can feel a wave of current hit her. Taehyung cups her cheeks and pulls her face closer to him. The entire room is quiet but Jisoo can hear herself breathing heavily. If Taehyung comes any closer, their lips will-

Jisoo closes her eyes as Taehyung comes closer and his lips touch hers. At first, it is a gentle kiss. He kisses her softly as if she is going to melt away if he isn't careful. Jisoo losing all control kisses him back. She touches Taehyung's neck and brushes his hair with her hand as taehyung pulls her closer and making the kiss deeper

This time, he kisses her as if this is the last time he'll get to kiss her. He deepens the kiss and both of them keep touching each other. They break free from the kiss for a moment to catch their breath only to kiss each other again, each time with more passion than before

As if all hell has broken free, Taehyung and Jisoo focus on themselves for the first time, without thinking about anyone else, without thinking about the consequences. As if it's just the two of them who matter. The rest of the world can adjust

"We should stop," Jisoo says in the middle of the kiss showing no sign of stopping

"Yes, we should" Taehyung replies but doesn't stop

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. They both come back to their senses and pull away from each other. Jisoo tries to process she just did. The person knocking the door leaves thinking that the room is occupied. Taehyung looks at Jisoo but she looks devastated

"Is anything wrong?" he says being worried

"What did we just--" Jisoo stutters

"I did the worst thing I could do to Jennie. Why didn't I stop you?" she says panicking

Taehyung comes close to her and hugs her.. This is the warmest hug Jisoo has ever received

"Heyy, it's okay. We both did what we felt was right" Taehyung says

Jisoo can't get out of her mind and pushes him away. She runs out of the room and heads downstairs.

She looks at the people like a criminal. Suddenly Jennie approaches her

"That's a nice dress," she says

All of a sudden, Jisoo feels more guilty than ever. She did this to her own cousin. She isn't much different from Jennie, is she?

She stares at her for some time without answering.

"Oh there you are baby," Jennie says to Taehyung seeing him coming down the stairs

Taehyung wanted to talk to Jisoo but she ran away. Jisoo looks back and sees him too. She looks around searching for Yoongi and sees him talking to Rose. She practically runs towards him

"I need to talk to you," she says in a panicked voice

"Are you fine?" Yoongi gets worried

"I just-- can we go outside to a quiet place?" she says

"Yeah sure," Yoongi says and Jisoo holds his hand and goes outside quickly

Taehyung's gaze follows both of them but today he is relieved. He now knows what Jisoo feels for him

Jisoo walks towards the empty road away from the party. She stands in the middle of the road and Yoongi stops too

"What is it?" he says

The quiet street makes Jisoo feel giddy

"I just-- I did exactly what I hated Jennie for doing," she says

Yoongi gets a bit confused

"What did you do Jisoo? And don't speak of you like that. There is a huge difference between you and Jennie. You won't ever go as low as--"

"I kissed Taehyung, just now, upstairs," Jisoo says and the tears make their way down her cheeks

"I don't know why I couldn't stop myself. He is my cousin's boyfriend. Yoongi, I feel sick even thinking about it. What did I just do?" Jisoo says

Yoongi doesn't know how to react to this. He could blindly trust Jisoo all these time. He has been supporting Jisoo for so long cause he knew Jisoo would never do anything wrong

He keeps staring at her

"Jisoo, please I don't like such jokes," he says

Jisoo doesn't reply. She puts her face down and cries. He knows the meaning of her silence

"Yoongi, please. It's getting hard for me. I can't even face Lisa and Rose. You're the only one I can share it to" Jisoo says

"No, please no" Yoongi steps back

"Not this time Jisoo. I have been unconditionally supporting you all along. But not this once" Yoongi's voice cracks from trying to hold his tears in

"I don't know what happens to me around Taehyung. Why I become susceptible to everything he does. Please help me get rid of the guilt" Jisoo practically begs him

"You know what I think? If you are the Jisoo that I was always proud of, you'd walk inside and tell Jennie what you did to her. What she did to you, you never deserved it. But you're different from her. At least that's what I always thought. And ask for her forgiveness. And face Lisa and Rose too. There didn't spend their time trying to help you out of your depression only to come back to square one again. I hope you get what you want," Yoongi says and pauses

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