《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Fictions


Jisoo hearing her name being called with Taehyung can't believe her ears. This is the last thing she wanted to happen. She stands up with shaky legs and walks to the front. They both take the assignment sheet and as Jisoo tries to sit back on her seat, Taehyung stops her and holds her hand

"You are sitting with me" he says as he almost drags Jisoo to his bench and sits down

Jisoo shakes even thinking about the fact that she has to do a whole project with Taehyung. Jennie looks back and her eyes are on fire. Jisoo tries to ignore her and focuses on the class

"So, each of you will get a fictional book. You'll have to study the book hard and understand the plot and portray two characters of the fiction in your way. You'll have the provide us with a new perspective for the plot. There will be a presentation on the auditorium in front of the audience, and you'll have to present the plot of the book in the most realistic way possible. I'll mark you based on your understanding of the characters and your way of presentation and the language. Remember, this is a major project for you. Other sections are also going to participate. The one team that does the best, both of them will get extra credits on top of the marks that they will score. the marks will be added to your final result so I hope you take this seriously" the teacher says

Suddenly the entire class becomes silent. They didn't expect this assignment to be so important. and on top of that, they are competing with each other too for the extra credit. 

"Now each team will come forward one by one and randomly pick a paper from this box. It'll contain the name of the book you'll portray" she adds and calls the teams forwards

Rose picks a paper and reads it out loud

she looks at Jungkook. He smiles at her hearing the name of the book

"They took what I wanted," Irene says to Yoongi. Yoongi pretends that he didn't hear her

Lisa's team:

Jennie's team:

Irene comes forward with excitement and Yoongi follows in the most unenthusiastic way ever

Irene squeals. She wanted a romantic book. Yoongi feels uncomfortable even thinking about him and Irene portraying the characters of the book

Jisoo looks at Yoongi's face and she finds it funny. She tries to hold back her laughter but Yoongi notices her laughing at his condition. He glares at her and she composes herself back again

Taehyung notices it all but keeps it to himself. Jisoo walks forward and she wants something like or anything of that sort away from all the romantic novels

She nervously picks a paper and opens it

she reads out loud

"It is going to be hard to put this story with a new perspective but best of luck," the teacher says

"Out of all the books, I had to pick this? The irony" she thinks to herself while Taehyung doesn't react 


"This is all for today. I hope you guys will discuss things among you and give us the best presentation" the teacher leaves

As soon as the class ends, everyone starts discussing the plot with their partners. 

"Have you read The Great Gatsby?" Jisoo asks Taehyung

"Do I look like someone who'll read shitty ass novels?" Taehyung replies

"You have to read the book. Else how will you come up with a new perspective? You need to know about the characters" she says

"I'll just read the synopsis online. I have football practice and all. I can't waste my time reading a damn book" Taehyung says. He is still quite upset about what happened yesterday

"Are you kidding me? You have to read the book. It's a good book. You won't regret" Jisoo says

"Can you just make a new perspective and give me the notes. I'll memorize my lines and play the character. That'll be enough" he says

"Listen Taehyung, you might not care about the assignment but I do. I need those extra credits and I'll not let you be the barrier. So you are going to finish the book by tomorrow" Jisoo says in a dominating voice

"Are you coming to the masquerade?" Taehyung asks out of the blue with his eyes gleaming in hope. The irrelevant question that he asked all of a sudden bears meaning but Jisoo doesn't understand it

"How is that related to the assignment?" Jisoo asks

"Why the fuck can't you answer a straight question? Yes or No? Or have I become too much of a stranger that you can't speak about anything to me aside from the assignment?" Taehyung says being visibly angry

"Just read the damn book by today," she says, takes her bag and leaves the room

Yoongi watches her leave and looks at Taehyung. Taehyung punches the desk and looks out the window. Jisoo keeps pulling all his nerves

"So about the "kissing in the rain" part" Irene says

"Are you even listening to me?" she asks seeing Yoongi being distracted

"Is that part even important?" Yoongi says trying to show his dedication

"It's the main scene, isn't it?" Irene replies

"Yeah but obviously, we need to show a new perspective. And on top of that, I am pretty sure that no one will want to see two high schoolers kiss in a school assignment in front of everyone" Yoongi says

"So let's do in alone then?" Irene says under her breath


Jisoo is in her bedroom. Nothing about today is going right. She didn't talk to Taehyung for the rest of the class. She just wants to quit the assignment but she can't.

"Honey, get ready. I and your father are leaving. Come soon, okay?" Her mother says from downstairs

"okay, mom. I'll come with Lisa and Rose.." Jisoo replies

Jisoo has always enjoyed the masquerade because it is for a good cause after all. But why the hell did Taehyung ask about it today?

She shakes everything off of her head and starts getting ready. She does her hair first. She keeps it simple, her straight hair parted in the middle, tucked behind her ears. She doesn't wear any earrings or necklaces. The mask itself is quite heavy and so she doesn't want to look over the top. Even her makeup is simple. She barely does anything to her face. She wants the natural look today added to the fact that she can't really do much makeup. She wears a nude lipstick and takes her dress out. She finally wears her heels and she is ready


It's almost 8 and Yoongi texts her

"I am outside your house.." 

"Coming" Jisoo texts back and looks at herself one last time in the mirror. She adjusts her mask a bit and comes downstairs

Jisoo walks out the door and Yoongi's mouth opens wide. She looks flawless in her dress and that mask. He pauses for a brief second as Jisoo walks towards him. He has never imagined Jisoo in a dress like this. Her hair tucked behind her ears, her smile everything draws him towards her. 

He falls for her deeper than ever. How is it possible for him to fall for her over and over again? If only he could express how badly he wants Jisoo to be a part of his short life but he can't. Every night he goes to bed thinking if he is going to get to see Jisoo the next day and prays that he gets to see her one last time. The uncertainty kills him every day. The way Jisoo is holding her dress and walking towards him, it seems unreal to him. He just considers him lucky for even getting the chance to see this version of Jisoo 

But it is better for both of them to maintain the distance for the sake of everything

Jisoo is also kind of shocked to see Yoongi dress so formally. She is so used to the casual easy-going guy but today he looks so different. Yoongi is wearing a navy blue tuxedo with a black bow and is standing in front of his car. His hair is set in the most perfect way ever and he doesn't look anything like his usual self. He looks like a whole different person, more manly, more masculine

"You're looking gorgeous" Yoongi says as he fails to find words to describe Jisoo

"Thank you," Jisoo says in a graceful way

"Where are the others?" she asks

"They probably have already reached there. Didn't they call you? Lisa and Rose went together and said that I should pick you up" Yoongi says

"Oh, so it's just us two?" Jisoo says all of a sudden becoming shy. She knows that Lisa and Rose did it intentionally...

"I think so," Yoongi says and opens the car door

Jisoo gets in and he starts driving

"Should we put on some music?" Yoongi says and turns on the music

"Wait wait, this is my jam," Jisoo says as Yoongi scrolls through the playlist

Jisoo sings along with the lyrics and starts dancing with her hands. Yoongi finds it cute and can barely focus on the road as he mouths the lyrics too. Jisoo feels free when she is with Yoongi. She keeps hyping herself up with the music and enjoys the little drive to the ball

Yoongi gets out of the car and opens Jisoo's door. He takes her hand and walks inside. 

They are a bit late. Everyone is already here. Yoongi and Jisoo head towards the main party hall and as they are walking down the stairs hand in hand, all the eyes of the guest shift towards them. The entire party looks like a fancy, tasteful 90s gathering. Everyone is wearing a mask, some are dancing, some are laughing, while others are having some serious talks trying to secure the business deal for themselves. 

Jennie's mother looks at Jisoo and she double-checks to see if it really is her. Jisoo is wearing the prettiest dress in the most elegant way possible and she hates it. She looks at her own daughter, Jennie, and compares them both in her head

"My daughter is looking better" she tries to convince herself but her heart says otherwise

Jennie is wearing a red body con gown with a deep V neck. She looked for the sexiest dress to stand out and this dress hit all the criteria. It is backless, it shows her curves, everything is perfect in this

Taehyung has been thinking about Jisoo all day long. He has never attended this masquerade before. His parents have always forced him to attend it but he never came. But today he kept thinking if Jisoo is going to come or not cause she has been attending this party every year. The only reason he came today is with the hope that Jisoo will be here too. As soon as he sees Jisoo, he can only feel his heart beating faster, his breath getting heavier. He has never seen Jisoo in a gown like this and with that mask on, she looks more like a mystery that he wants to solve.

Jennie sees Jisoo too and immediately walks towards Taehyung and holds his hand. Jisoo looks around the room and sees the two together. But her eyes are staring at Taehyung. He is wearing a classic black suit with a vest and a tie. He has his one hand inside his pocket and the other is holding Jennie's hand

Both of them look at each other for some time and the eye contact gets broken as Lisa calls Jisoo and Yoongi

"I swear, by God, you two look like the perfect couple ever," she says

"Look at yourself, prettiness" Yoongi compliments Lisa trying to divert the topic

"Is that Jisoo's boyfriend?" Jennie's mother asks Jisoo's mother trying to spy on her 

"No, that is Yoongi. They are just friends" Jisoo's mother says and sees the sudden smile on Jennie's mother's face as if she is relieved to hear that Jisoo isn't dating him

"But these two are very close friends. So I wouldn't mind if Jisoo dates him. He is a very nice guy and a handsome one for sure" she says trying to add some fuel to the fire burning inside of Jennie's mother's mind and walks away

Jennie's mother looks at Taehyung

"Jennie's boyfriend is better," she says to herself trying to convince her heart once again

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