《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》The Silent One Speaks up


"Enough with your bullshit" Yoongi says and walks up to Taehyung. He grabs his collar and punches him in the face. Taehyung reciprocates and both of them start a fight

Jennie and Jisoo run towards them. Jisoo tries to pull Yoongi out while Jennie goes to Taehyung but they don't stop.

At one point, Taehyung punches Yoongi so hard that he crashes on the floor..

"Stop it!!!!!" Jisoo screams out loud and everyone becomes silent

She runs towards Yoongi

"Are you fine?" she asks

Yoongi's nose is bleeding but he smiles

"I am fine. You should leave" he says

Jisoo stands up and looks at Taehyung

"Are you happy now? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't understand, what did I ever do to you to deserve this?" she says

Taehyung doesn't answer. He tries to control the anger that is raging inside of him

"And you.. You care about me like your own sister? You hooked up with my boyfriend behind my back for two whole months.. And yet you have the courage to stand upto me and call me names?" she says

And then she looks at the whole crowd

"What are you guys looking at? Where were you when Taehyung cheated on me? Not a single one of you came to ask me if I was doing fine. Instead, you started pointing my flaws and gave thousands of reasons on why I don't deserve Taehyung. Just because I am not your posh cheerleader like Jennie doesn't mean that she'll get away with everything she does while in each step I take, you'll criticize me. And even if what the video showed was true then why aren't you saying anything to Taehyung? He is there in the video too, right? But of course, I am the one who'll always get blamed because i don't fit your stupid criteria" she says and no one says a word. Yoongi gets up being surprised but also secretly proud of the fact that Jisoo is finally speaking up for herself

"I fucking celebrated our 3 months of being together the day before he broke up with me. I pray, i swear, i pray that someday something like this happens to you guys too. And then you'll realize what it feels like. I am not attractive, neither am I pretty like Jennie but she literally slept with my boyfriend and you guys even after knowing that didn't say a word against her. I am fucking tired of your bullshits" she adds

Jisoo then walks towards Taehyung

"You're saying that the video is not fake and we are in it together? But I am not the girl in the video. You can barely see my face properly. I was with Yoongi at that time. And I don't need Yoongi to defend me neither did I asked him to. He defended me because he felt the need to. Because he is a good friend and cares about me. Not like you" she says

"I just wish that I never met you," Jisoo says and walks towards Yoongi and her girls

"Let's go. Your hand is bleeding. We should dress it up" she says and they leave together

Taehyung, Jennie, Jimin and everyone watches them go. No one is speaking a word against Jisoo. Jimin feels guilty for framing Jisoo like this

He never liked Jisoo but he wouldn't have made the video viral like this if Jennie didn't ask him to. The only reason he recorded this was to make fun of Taehyung later and pull his legs. And he thought that showing the video to Jennie will teach him a lesson. But now he feels bad for Jisoo, she didn't deserve this


Taehyung watches Jisoo leave holding Yoongi's hand.

The only thing that echoes in his head is what Jisoo said "I wish I never met you before"

His forehead is bleeding but he doesn't feel the pain. Yoongi punched his face and the corner of his lips are bloody. He wipes the blood off and looks at Jimin

"Let's go," he says and as he walks away Jennie touches his shoulder

"I am coming too," she says

"I want to be alone" Taehyung replies and puts her hand down

Jimin while walking looks back at Jennie and she shakes her head as if signaling him not to say anything.


"Show me your hand," Jisoo says to Yoongi

They are sitting in the emergency room.

"It's really nothing. You guys should go home" Yoongi says but doesn't show his hand

"Are you kidding me? Look at yourself" Lisa says

Jisoo wipes the blood from his nose. "Your nose is continuously bleeding. I think we should go to the hospital" she says

Yoongi looks very pale

"I am fine. I need to go home" he says

"Just give your hand. You need to get dressed" Jisoo says and as she tries to get a hold of his hand, Yoongi forcibly takes his hand away and stands up

"I said I am fine," he says in a rude way

"I wanted to-" Jisoo stammers because she never saw Yoongi being rude to her

Lisa and Rose are also quite shocked at how he behaved. All Jisoo wanted was to help him

"I am sorry, Jisoo. I'll get the first-aid when I go home, okay? I promise" he becomes soft immediately knowing that he shouldn't have reacted that way. He became scared that Jisoo might see his injection marks if she folds his sleeves

"I am sorrrrrryyyyy" he says in a puppy voice

"Ewww. You're cringing me out" Lisa says

"Are you serious? That's cute" Rose says

All of them laugh and Yoongi looks at Jisoo. She looks the best when she is smiling

They leave the room without getting anything done. They are heading home together. Lisa and Rose are walking in front followed by Jisoo and Yoongi

"Thank you Yoongi. But you really don't have to walk us home. You need to go home and dress your wounds" Jisoo says

"You don't have to thank me. I'll be fine. These small wounds won't kill me, don't worry" Yoongi jokes but Jisoo gets a bit serious

"I know why you became angry back there"

"You do?" Yoongi becomes scared all of a sudden. Did she figure out his sickness?

"You're angry because of that video, right? You did your best to get me out of there unharmed but I managed to mess things up. I swear I don't know what is wrong with me. This isn't only Taehyung's fault. It's my fault too. I was the girl in the video but I pushed him away. Yes, I couldn't do it at first. But I did push him away, trust me. Nothing happened" she says

Yoongi feels a bit relieved knowing that Jisoo doesn't know anything about his health

"Jisoo, you don't have to justify it to me. I am not angry at that. I just hope that you move on someday and find the perfect guy for you. And I am proud of the way you gave them a piece of their own cake. You're finally ready to survive in that hell without me" he says

"Nope. You have no idea how much I wanted to run away from that crowd. But God knows what got into me" Jisoo chuckles and Yoongi smiles to


They reach Jisoo's house first.

"We're gonna spend the night here today," Lisa and Rose says

"Can I come too?" Yoongi jokes

"Nope, Girls only," Lisa says in a serious voice

"Okay never mind" he replies

"Ohhh I almost forgot," Rose says

"There is going to be a masked ball tomorrow. Us three always attend it. You should come too" she says to Yoongi

"What is that? I've never heard of it" Yoongi replies

"It's basically a charity event. Pretty much everyone attends it. All the credits to our parents though. They donate all the money obtained from the party to any organization of their choice. So it's for a good cause" Rose explains

"And let me tell you, the parties are so elegant. More like a fairy tale ball" Lisa says

"You guys are going?" Yoongi asks but mainly looks at Jisoo

"We have to. Our parents pretty much force us to go every year. So, we don't have that much of a choice. You should come too" Jisoo says

"Sounds interesting," Yoongi says

"Oh, there is a dress code though. The boys have to wear a suit and the girls will wear a gown. And you have to carry a mask" Lisa describes

"Pick us up at 8 tomorrow?" Jisoo says to Yoongi

"Our parents are going to go early as usual but we always go together" she adds

"Sure" Yoongi smiles

"Take care. See you at school. And please, take care of your wound and get it properly washed" Jisoo says with a concerned look in her face

"I will. Don't worry" Yoongi replies and leaves


"You're okay, right?" Rose asks closing the door of Jisoo's bedroom

"I want to confess something. I don't want to hide anything from you guys" Jisoo says as the three of them settle on the bed

"I was the one in the video" jisoo says

Lisa chokes on the glass of water and she puts it down and looks at Jisoo

"You're kidding," she says

"I am not. I know you two are disappointed but that was me. I lost my way and....." Jisoo shares everything that happened, how Yoongi tried to get her out, how she came close to Taehyung and how she pushed him away

"Girl... I-" Lisa stops without completing her sentence

"But whatever you say the fact that Yoongi made a whole new story just to protect you is praiseworthy," Rose says

"But why did Taehyung say the truth? I mean, it'd hurt Jisoo's reputation the most. Why would he do that to Jisoo?" Lisa asks

"I don't know. I didn't expect him to say that too. He saw how they were making fun of me. But he added fuel to the fire" Jisoo says

"Can I say what I think? To be honest, I think that he is jealous. Like he saw Yoongi protecting you and suddenly out of nowhere he decided to jump in say the truth? And he even hit Yoongi without any reason. To me, it kind of seemed like the two had some sort of enmity between them for a while which was just waiting for an excuse to be unleashed and today they got that excuse. It was more like two guys fighting for you" Rose says

"Why would he be jealous?" Jisoo asks

"Come on. We saw that video. He got so close to you. Does he miss you or something?" Rose says

"Nahhh. I don't believe that. What if he instructed someone to record the video?" Lisa says

"No that isn't possible. He didn't know that I was there. Even I was shocked to see him" Jisoo says

"Whatever you say, I don't know what happened to Taehyung. I never liked him but also didn't expect him to do something so low. He could've lied easily and dissolved the issue" Lisa replies

"Jealousy, I swear," Rose says again

"You're in your fairyland" Lisa replies

"I don't want to talk about the incident anymore. I have had enough of Taehyung and from now on, we are strangers and nothing else" Jisoo says

"That is the best thing to do" Rose hugs Jisoo and the three of them spend the rest of the day together


The next day

Jisoo feels nervous to walk inside. Everyone is going to talk about the video and this makes her feel uneasy. However she takes a deep breath and opens the door.. As she is walking towards her class, surprisingly, no one is talking about her. A few even give her a warm smile..

It puts Jisoo's mind at ease. Maybe everything she said yesterday has had its own impact

Jisoo walks inside the classroom and everyone including Yoongi is here

"How are you? What about your wound?" she asks immediately after sitting down

"Good as new" Yoongi replies

The teacher walks in

"Alright, today I am going to give you guys a group project. It'll be done in a team of two. I've assigned the teams by my choice. I expect you to submit your papers within a week" she says

Jisoo looks behind at the girls hoping that she gets paired up with one of them or with Yoongi. She'd be happy with anything one of them

The teacher calls the name one by one

"Irene," she says

Irene stands up

"Yoongi... Pleaseeeee make it Yoongi" Irene prays

"Bae Irene and Min Yoongi," the teacher says

Irene puts the biggest grin in her and Yoongi signs

"Urrrgghhhh" Jisoo says under her breath

Both of them walk towards the teacher who hands them the topic of the assignment and sits together in another bench

"Park Chaeyong and Jeon Jungkook"

Rose feels her heart skip a beat at the fact that she is paired up with Jungkook. Jisoo doesn't mind at all. She trusts Jungkook. In fact, Jungkook is the only one in the group that she likes. She protested before about them being together but if Rose has no problem then she shouldn't have any problems either

"Kim Jennie and Kim Jaemin," the teacher says

Jennie stands up from the seat in a thud and looks at Jaemin. He is the nerd of the class with round glasses. He gives Jennie an awkward smile and Jennie feels as if she is about to vomit

"I want to change my partner. I have Taehyung, why would I partner up with someone else?" she says

"You have to work together like I said. If you don't want to then it's fine. I'll give you an F. And judging by your result, I don't think that getting an F is something you can afford right now" the teacher says with a rude voice shushing Jennie

Jennie makes a bitchy face and walks forward, takes the assignment paper, and sits beside Jaemin

"Park Jimin and Lalisa Manoban," the teacher says

Lisa stands up with the biggest smile on her face

"I am going to teach that bitch a lesson" she says to herself

Jimin feels scared at the announcement. He never liked Lisa because she kind of looked like a gangster to him. And among the 3 girls, she is the only intimidating one. He nervously stands up

"Okay last one, Kim Jisoo and Kim Taehyung"

Everyone in the classroom gasps at the announcement. Jennie slaps the desk and stands up

"Change them right now," she says

Yoongi looks at Jisoo and then at Taehyung. Taehyung smirks at him as if he has won something

Jisoo hearing her name being called with Taehyung can't believe her ears. This is the last thing she wanted to happen. She stands up with shaky legs and walks to the front. They both take the assignment sheet and as Jisoo tries to sit back on her seat, Taehyung stops her and holds her hand

"You are sitting with me," he says as he almost drags Jisoo to his bench and sits down

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