《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》The ̶W̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ Changing Room


Jisoo comes back to her room and locks herself in. She didn't see this coming. The person who made her feel worthless and who took all her confidence away from her wants her to act as if none of it never happened.

She keeps thinking about the past. When Taehyung was her everything. Funny how the person that can once made you feel so special is like a stranger to her now. The train of thoughts doesn't stop but Jisoo soon falls asleep


Jisoo receives a phone call early in the morning

"hello" she says in a sleepy voice

"Jisoo? Is this you?" Mrs Minji says from the other side of the phone

Jisoo opens her eyes hearing her voice

"Yes Ma'am?" she says

"Can you join the cheerleader group today? This is an emergency. One of the cheerleaders is very sick and I can't find any replacement during this time. The match is in a few hours. I remember once Lisa talked about your dancing capability. The routine is very simple. Please don't reject it. This is a huge competition and I'll lose my job if I can't find a replacement" she pleads

"Ma'am. I am not that good of a dancer. And I've never even practiced the routine. How can i memorize it so soon?" Jisoo replies being concerned

"I am sending you a video of the routine. It is the easiest thing ever. Just basic moves since this is the first game.." she says

"But I don't even have the cheerleader costume. I really don't think that I am the right person" Jisoo says

"I'll manage everything. Can you come now? I'll teach you the choreography on spot and then you'll practice once with the team and you'll be good to go. I know I am asking a lot from you. I'll give you extra credits if you agree" She says

Jisoo wants to say NO but Mrs. Minji is her favorite teacher. She has helped her a lot during her freshers' year

"okay ma'am. I am on my way" Jisoo says and hangs up

She feels excited but a bit scared too. She likes dancing a lot but never thought that she'll get to be a part of the cheerleader team. She freshens up, wears a loose t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Classes are canceled today for the match. Everyone is going to watch the match. Jisoo calls Lisa and Rose but none of them pick up. Of course, it's 7 am. They are probably dead asleep now

The match is at 11. Jisoo will get about 3 hours to practice. She comes downstairs and asks her mother to drop her at school. Her mother squeals like a little kid when she hears about it

"Best of luck baby," she says after dropping Jisoo off

Jisoo walks towards the teacher's room and knocks the door

"Mrs. Minji?" she says

"Oh, Jisoo you're here. Thank you so much. Let's go to the practice room. Did you see the video I sent you?" she says as they head to the practice room. It's in the sports building. Jisoo hasn't been there much. All the cheerleaders and the players have their changing room and resting area there

"I did" Jisoo replies

She ties her hair up and starts practicing the moves. The steps are very basic and not that hard. It takes her a little more than an hour to get everything memorized

"I think we're done. It's 8.47. Everyone is going to arrive at 10. You're sweaty and tired, right? Go to the changing room and take a shower if you can. Here are your clothes and shoes" Mrs. Minji says and hands over a bag to Jisoo


"Are they gonna fit?" Jisoo asks

"Like a glove" she replies and smiles at her

"thank you so much, Jisoo. You really saved me today. I have other things to do. I'll take my leave. Call me if you need anything" Mrs. Minji hugs her and leaves

Jisoo feels extremely tired and exhausted. She hates this sweaty feeling and badly needs a shower

She looks around trying to find the changing room. The entire place is very confusing. She finally finds a changing room and enters it. Nobody is here as usual. There are lockers and benches inside

"This is probably the locker room. Then the washroom must be inside of it" Jisoo says to herself

There is another room inside the locker room. Jisoo walks towards it and opens the door

"Oh finally I found it," she says

The community washroom. There are about 8-10 showers inside and none of them are covered from the rest. Jisoo feels very shy to even think that girls take shower here together. She just wants to hurry up before someone comes inside

She puts the bag on a table, removes the hair tie, and lets her hair down. She turns the boiler on and within a few minutes the entire room gets filled with steam. Jisoo starts humming a song and removes her shoes. She turns the showerhead on and undresses herself

Ahhh a hot steamy shower after an hour of practicing is the best feeling ever

Jisoo enjoys her shower a but she did everything quickly because she was scared that someone might come in. The steam of the room begins to disappear. She is wrapping herself with a towel when she hears someone open the door to the locker room

"What a great time. I just finished taking my shower" she feels proud of herself for doing things right on time

"Who is this?" someone asks

Jisoo freezes in her spot. It is the voice of a guy. Her back is facing the door and she is wrapped in a short towel barely covering her up to her knees

"What-- what are you doing inside the girls' changing room?" she says nervously without turning

"Jisoo, is that you?" the person asks after hearing Jisoo's voice

Jisoo comes to her senses and finally recognizes the voice

"Yoongii?!?!? What are you doing here? Are you a pervert or what?" she says and feels extremely shy

"You are scolding me when you are taking a shower in the boys' room?" he says finding it funny

Jisoo turns around hearing it as if the sky has fallen on her

"Wait, what?" she asks

As soon as Jisoo turns around, Yoongi brings her gaze down because he doesn't want to make Jisoo feel uncomfortable. After all, she is barely wearing anything

"Who said this is the boys' room?" Jisoo asks clearly being mindless about her cloth

"umm.. the sign on the door?" Yoongi replies

"Fuckkk. I was sleepy and then I had to practice-- I didn't even see the sign" Jisoo says being embarrassed at what she did

"It's fine. I'll be in the locker room. Wear your clothes and come out. People will come soon. Do it fast" Yoongi says leaving the washroom

Jisoo quickly reaches for her bag when suddenly Yoongi comes back in and locks the door of the washroom.

Jisoo gets scared at his intentions and as she is about to scream Yoongi grabs her, pins her against the wall and covers her mouth tightly

"SShhhh," he says

"cdjkjdn" Jisoo tries to say something but Yoongi's hand doesn't let her


"The players are here," Yoongi says and someone knocks the door

"Who is it? Open the door. I'll take a shower too" a guy says from the other side

"I need some time. Give me 5 minutes" Yoongi says loudly

"Make it quick man" the guy replies

Yoongi removes his hand from Jisoo's mouth and looks at her. Jisoo feels guilty for doubting his intentions. He was just saving her from another embarrassment. If anyone sees her inside the boys' changing room, they'll make up the dirtiest stories about her and try to ruin her reputation

Jisoo looks at Yoongi and for the first time, she sees that his eyes aren't black. they are a bit brownish and when he smiles, they smile in their own way. His gummy smile and his dimples, everything looks so perfect

"What are you looking at?" Yoongi asks

"Ohh-- umm. nothing. What do I do now?" Jisoo says trying to take her mind off of his damn eyes

"First of all, you need to get some clothes on," Yoongi says looking at her towel

Jisoo's face turns red finally realizing that she is still wrapped in just a towel. She wants to dig a grave right there and lay on it. Yoongi being so close to her made her mind rusty

Yoongi walks back a bit to give her some space

"I'll close my eyes and look back. Wear your clothes quickly. We need to get you out of here without getting noticed" he says and walks towards one of the walls and closes his eyes

"Don't look back" Jisoo says and opens her bag. Her hair is dry as she didn't wash them

She takes the cheerleader outfit and shoes out and wears it quickly. It fits her quite well.

"I am done," Jisoo says to Yoongi and he looks back

As soon as Yoongi sees Jisoo, he can't take his eyes off of her. He hasn't seen Jisoo like this ever. She looks the prettiest in that costume and it takes him a while to come back to his senses

"Are you part of the team?" he asks

"Oh yeah. Mrs. Minji called me this morn--" Jisoo gets interrupted

Someone knocks the door again.

"Dude, you can't occupy the whole washroom like this. It is for everyone to use. Open quickly. Everyone is here" the guy says

Jisoo gets scared and walks towards Yoongi.

"urgh. Why do they need to take a shower now? Couldn't they have taken it in their house? They are homeless or what?" she says being annoyed

"You're blaming them for your fault? Players like to take shower before every match. It refreshes their mind" Yoongi says being amused at Jisoo's situation

"then refresh your mind all you want at home" Jisoo replies

"Bro I am giving you 5 minutes. If you don't open up, I'll bring the keys and open the door. We have a game to play" the guy says

"Who the fuck uses keys to open a washroom door? And why the hell does this door even has a key?" jisoo replies

"Wow, you are blaming the boys for wanting to shower in THE BOYS' WASHROOM. You're blaming the door for having a key?" Yoongi finds it very entertaining.

"You do know how to walk straight into trouble, don't you?" he adds

"You can make fun of me some other time. What do we do now?" she asks

"what do I do? I have to open the door. They have to a shower, you know" Yoongi jokes

"i swear, I'll kill you" Jisoo glares at him

"You will? I am the only one who can save you. Let's assume that somehow you get out of here by luck. The moment you step out, all the players in the locker room are going to see you come out. The rest is history" he says and steps closer to Jisoo

Jisoo walks back but Yoongi doesn't stop. She soon hits the wall and has nowhere to go

"So in conclusion baby girl, You need me" Yoongi rests his case

Jisoo knows that she cannot survive alone. All the players are in the locker room

"Sorrryyyyy. save me please" she makes puppy eyes

Yoongi laughs and says

"Okay, listen. Can hide here for some time?" he says and brings the towel from the table

"I'll turn the steamer on to create enough steam. Cover yourself up with this so that people can't see you. I doubt they can with all the steam once the steamer is on. You need to hide behind that partition for some time." he points at a partition towards the end of the room

"They won't shower for long. Each for about 5 minutes. After they are done, I'll make sure to create something up so that they leave the locker room. I'll knock the door thrice once they leave and leave with them. The place will be clear. Then you can come out" he says

"Seriously? that is your plan? You want me to wait behind a partition and see all the players get naked and take shower?" jisoo asks

"Do you have a better plan? And if you want to see them take a shower or not is up to you. You can obviously take a peek from behind there to see them" He jokes

"yaaaa" Jisoo screams and Yoongi covers her mouth again

"Do you want to announce your presence here? Oh, I know why you are screaming. You want them to see you with me here alone, right? " he jokes again

Jisoo thinks for some time. Yoongi's plan is pretty solid. The fact that everyone is here and she can't escape without getting noticed, this plan might just work

"But I need to practice the routine with the team once. And this will take forever" Jisoo says

"We have 13 players and they'll all be done in 2 round. So probably about 15-20 minutes. Once they are done, I'll make sure to take them out quickly. You have no other options" he says

"Okay I am in," Jisoo says

Yoongi turns all the steamers on and the whole room gets covered with steam again, more than before cause all the steams are on this time. Jisoo wraps herself in the towel and heads behind the partition praying that nobody sees her

Yoongi opens the door

"Dude what took you so long?" a player says

"Sorry. I was very tired" Yoongi replies and heads to the locker room

A group of players about 6-7 enters the shower room

Jisoo feels so shy knowing that there is only a partition separating her from a group of naked men. She closes her eyes and prays that none of them walks up to her

"Ain't Jennie hot?" one of them says while showering

"yeah she is but have you seen Jisoo these days. I swear, I have a huge crush on her" another one says

"Yeah, she has good grades too. I swear, I want a girlfriend like her. Every time she walks by me, I can't stop myself from looking at her" he adds

Jisoo opens her eyes and puts the widest smile on her face. Butterflies are running on her stomach. Someone has a crush on her

"Urgghh I want to see the face of the guy who said it" Jisoo thinks to herself as she tries to take a peek

"Wtf Jisoo. they are taking a shower. get a hold of yourself" she thinks and stops herself

They finish taking shower and leave. The next and presumably the last group walks in. Jisoo feels extremely hot due to the steams and on top of that, she is wrapped in a towel. No one cares about the partition. She removes the towel thinking that all of them are busy taking shower so no one will obviously come here

The last group is done and Jisoo is sweating a lot.

"Thank God, they turned the steamer off before leaving," she thinks to herself

She takes a peek and because the entire place is filled with steam, she can't see anything

"come on Yoongi, work your magic," she says and waits for his sign

Suddenly someone taps on the door thrice. It is from Yoongi

Jisoo walks out of the partition and heads towards the door but she gets misdirected due to the steam.

"Uhh where is the door?" she gets annoyed

Suddenly she slips on the wet floor and screams out of surprise. But she doesn't fall on the floor. Instead, it is on someone's arms. She tries to see the face of the person but it is too cloudy

The steam gets a bit light and she finally sees his face

Kim Taehyung

She is looking at Kim Taehyung, he isn't wearing anything except for the towel wrapped around his waist, his hair is wet as if he has just finished taking a shower, his body is dripping with water probably due to the steam and his abs are chiseled as if someone just finished carving them

Taehyung sees Jisoo too. She is sweating a lot and his eyes are fixed on her.. Her outfit suits her well and she looks so organic. No makeup on her face, nothing. And yet so beautiful.

They both stare at each other for sometime without moving an inch trying to realize what just happened. Jisoo is still in Taehyung's arms and the steams slowly begin to disappear

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