《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》The Pendant and The Sunset


"Let's start eating," Jisoo says to Yoongi

"What did he want?" he asks

"I don't know. I am so sorry. It ruined your mood" she says

"It didn't ruin my mood, Jisoo. I am fine but a bit hungry" he jokes

"Sure" Jisoo says

They both have a great time while eating. It's been a while since Jisoo has laughed so much. After dinner, they sit back on the sofa.

"Jisoo" Yoongi says


Yoongi reaches for his pocket and takes a gift out

"I bought this for you the other day.. It's your birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday. I hope you like it" he says and gives it to Jisoo

Jisoo opens the gift and sees a pendant, with an infinity sign on it

"It's beautiful" she says and smiles at him

She then sits backwards and gives the pendant to Yoongi.

"Help me wear it" she says as she brings all the hair from her back to one side

Yoongi unhooks the pendant and puts it on Jisoo

"I hope it reminds you of our friendship. Infinity" he says

Jisoo looks at him "It is the most precious thing I've ever received." she says

They stare at each other for sometime..

"What kind of girl do you like?" Jisoo asks

Yoongi suddenly gets flustered at the question. He can not give any answers that'll lead Jisoo

"Umm.. I think someone like Irene. She is quite hot" he lies

"Oh," Jisoo says being a bit disappointed

"She is very pretty" she adds

"yeah she is. But I am not looking for anyone right now. I am happy being single" Yoongi says

"Always stay happy like this" Jisoo replies

"As long as you stay with me," Yoongi says to himself

"Oh shit. It's already 10? I should leave" he says brushing all the feelings off

Jisoo looks at the clock too

"Okay. I had a great time today" she says

"So did I," Yoongi says as they both get up and head towards the door

As Jisoo closes the door, Yoongi looks back



"You look pretty today" he says, smiles and leaves

Jisoo blushes at his remarks and closes the door. She looks at the empty house. Time moved so fast that she barely realized it. She goes to her room and stands in front of the mirror. The pendant is the prettiest thing ever. She opens the cupboard and keeps the box in which the pendant came safely in a drawer


"Happy Birthday" both Rose and Lisa screams when they see Jisoo enter the class

Jisoo glares at them and walks towards them "sshhh why are you two announcing it to the whole class?" she says

"Bitch, why didn't you pick our calls up last night?" Lisa says being angry

"I slept early" Jisoo replies

"who tf sleeps before 12 on their own birthday. How many times do I have to tell you to just wait for our call, but no, you always sleep early" Lisa says

"Birthdays come and go. It doesn't seem special to me" Jisoo says

Yoongi walks in the class and Jisoo looks at him

"I'll go sit down," she says and walks to her seat

Yoongi smiles at her and sits down too. Soon Taehyung's squad enters the class. The first person Taehyung looks at is Jisoo. He hasn't wished her yet. But he sees Yoongi beside her and without saying a word, he goes to his seat


During the entire class, jisoo looks at Yoongi several times waiting for him to wish her again since he wished her before 12 yesterday so that doesn't really count. But he doesn't

"Urghh he wished me before my birthday.. shouldn't he wish me again?" Jisoo thinks to herself

Yoongi catches Jisoo staring at him several times and whispers

"Have you fallen for me already?"

"what nonsense" Jisoo replies

"then stop staring at me like that," he says and Jisoo frowns

The day continues and not much happens. Yoongi ends up wishing Jisoo because Jisoo kept stealing glances at him and he knew what she wanted. He knows how to read her face

Lisa and Rose bunk the last class and they begged Jisoo to bunk it too but she denied.

Jisoo is walking home alone. Yoongi has football practice today, so he couldn't come with her

She keeps humming when a car stops beside her. She looks at the car and stops walking

Taehyung gets out of the car and walks towards her

"Get In" he says

"Wait what?" Jisoo says being confused

"I said get in"

"I don't need a lift"

"Either you get in willingly or i carry you in. Your choice" Taehyung says in an intimidating voice

Jisoo looks at him for a second and begins walking. Suddenly she feels someone's hand around her and before she can realize anything, she is off the ground and into Taehyung's arms

"Put me down," she screams

"You had the chance," Taehyung says and walks towards the car. He puts Jisoo down in the front seat and goes to the driving seat and starts driving

Jisoo doesn't say a word throughout the entire ride. She looks out the window without taking even a glance at him

They are about to reach Jisoo's house but Taehyung takes a turn to the right

"You're going the wrong way," jisoo says

"I know my way" Taehyung replies

"Turn around. I want to go home"

Taehyung doesn't reply and keeps driving. Jisoo knows him well enough. When he gets stubborn about something, no one can change his decision. She doesn't say anything and keeps looking out. Taehyung drives for about an hour and Jisoo can see that they are entering a valley

Taehyung stops the car and both of them get out. Jisoo looks around and she has never seen such a beautiful place in her life

The entire place is surrounded by hills except for one side.. The grass is greener than ever. There is a stream flowing through one of the hills and the sound of water from the nearby river makes it very peaceful. Jisoo closes her eyes and feels the breeze around her.

Taehyung sits on the hood of the car facing the side which isn't covered by hills and signs Jisoo to sit beside him

Jisoo sits beside him and looks at him

"Why did you bring me here?" she says in a voice not as rough as before

" Look" Taehyung points to the sky

Jisoo looks and gasps at the scenery in front of her. The entire sky is painted red with patches of blue clouds here and there as the sun is setting

She now knows why taehyung brought her here. A lot of memories flashes before her eyes

Jisoo comes back to the present

"Doesn't it still seem weird to you now? After all this time?" Jisoo says looking at the sunset expecting Taehyung not to understand at what she is referencing to


"Not anymore" Taehyung replies without looking at her. He spent 3 days looking for a place like this.

"When I found this place and saw it for the first time, I understood why you wanted to see the sunset so much," he says

"took you a while to understand me" Jisoo says and looks to the front

Taehyung doesn't reply. Both of them look at the sky as it starts to get dark

"Jisoo, can I ask you something?" Taehyung asks

"Yes?" Jisoo says

"Do you hate me? For everything that I did to you?" he asks

Jisoo looks at Taehyung and sees that his eyes are already fixed at her

"Will you answer one of my questions?" she says

"I will"

"When did you realize that you don't love me anymore? What did I do that made you think that you can't be with me?" she asks

Taehyung stares at her without answering. He doesn't have the answer to this question

"I'll answer you the day you find the answer to this question" Jisoo says and gets down from the hood

"Thank you for this amazing view. I really appreciate it. Let's go" she says

Taehyung also comes down and looks for something in his car

He stands in front of Jisoo and says "Happy Birthday, Jisoo" and gives her a gift

"I can't take it Taehyung. sorry" Jisoo says

"Please. I searched a lot for it. All of that will go to vain if you don't accept it" he says

Jisoo takes the gift and opens it. It is a Vinyl Record from her favorite 60s band "The Stooges"

"Where did you find it? I've been looking for it everywhere. They said that they don't sell them anymore. Taehyung, I really appreciate your effort but--" Taehyung stops her

"Don't say No" he says

"Jisoo, can we start all over? As friends? Can you forgive me?" he adds

Jisoo gets taken back hearing him. He wants to start all over as if nothing ever happened? She comes close to him, very close. She puts her hand on his shoulder and brushes his hair with her hand

Taehyung gets surprised at this all of a sudden. He can barely move. But Jisoo doesn't stop. She stands on her tiptoes and looks straight at Taehyung's eyes and brings her face closer

"You want to start all over?" she asks

Taehyung replies in a slow voice "yes"

"Do you know how I feel right now? When I am standing so close to you? Apart of me wants to lean closer" she says

"jis-" taehyung says but Jisoo puts her fingers on his lips

" My heart is beating so fast that it is making me feel numb. Are you feeling the same thing? I doubt that. You've moved on and left me behind and you have no idea how hard I am trying to move on. And the day i move on from you, the day standing so close to you won't make my heart flutter anymore will be the day i accept your apology. How can i consider you my friend when i still feel for you this way? Is it fair for me?" she asks and leaves Taehyung

"Let's go," she says and gets in the car. taehyung takes some time to fathom what just happened.

Taehyung is driving Jisoo home and this time Jisoo keeps humming through the entire ride but Taehyung is quiet. Every time he got close to Jisoo, she pushed him away. But today, Jisoo herself pulled her closer to him. This feels different but he also knows that Jisoo isn't the girl that she used to be before

Taehyung keeps driving but thoughts jumble in his head. The moment Jisoo touched his hair, he wanted to pull her closer to him. And his heart was beating just as fast. Kissing used to be normal for him but why did it feel so exclusive when Jisoo came closer?

Jennie calls him in the middle of the drive. He looks at Jisoo after seeing her call. She smiles at him

"It's okay. You can pick it up" she says

Taehyung cuts her call and keeps driving. They finally reach Jisoo's house

Jisoo comes out of the car followed by Taehyung. I didn't expect you to do this for me but thank you" she says being grateful

"I had something to ask from you in return," taehyung says

"Go on" Jisoo replies

"The tournament starts from tomorrow. I'd really appreciate it if you could come to see the match" he says

"Oh don't worry about it. Yoongi is playing too. So obviously I'll come" she says

"You--" taehyung stops himself. He feels a wave of rage all of a sudden

"Why are you always with him? How close are you two?" he asks

"He's my friend? That's why I am always with him" Jisoo replies in the most normal way possible completely ignoring Taehyung's reaction

"He's your friend and you invited him over? Alone? Lisa and Rose are your friends too. Why didn't you invite them?" he asks

"It's because I wanted to spend some time with him," Jisoo says bluntly

Taehyung gets very angry at her answer that he grabs her and pulls her close to him

"Why the fuck did you change so much?" he says loudly

"You can attend parties now, come to football practice to support YOUR FRIEND, and even bring him over for dinner but you couldn't do all these when you were with me? You now even bunk classes now. But you never did it when I asked you to do it? " he adds

"You see all this and can't see the things i did only for you? I lied to my parents so that I could meet you, I snuck out of my house to be with you. And you're talking about football practice, right? I fucking prayed every day for you. And did you even give me the time to come out of my bubble and do these things for you? Before blaming me for the things i didn't do, blame yourself for not giving me the time to do these" Jisoo replies

"No matter what I do taehyung, I'll never be enough for you. After all, I am just a nerd and you're the football captain. We don't go together" she says

Each and every word of Jisoo hits taehyung like a sharp knife. He has never regretted anything in his life. He has dated lots of girls before and broke up with them and he thought that this will feel the same. But it doesn't and it is killing him

He lets Jisoo go. She walks inside her house and closes the door. Taehyung looks at the closed door hoping that it'll open and Jisoo will come running at him but it doesn't happen

He didn't get much sleep for the past 3 days trying to find a place with the most beautiful view of the sunset. He did it all for Jisoo's birthday. He doesn't even know why he did this. The only thing he knows is that these days, he craves to see Jisoo's face in college, he wants to message Jisoo in the middle of the night asking her if she is asleep..and if she is not then if he can call her? When he sees Jisoo smiling to Yoongi, he realizes how pretty her smile is

He looks in the sky. the moon is shining bright. God, he even wants to see the stars with Jisoo now

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