《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Love and Lust


"Put me down," Jisoo says as Taehyung takes her upstairs

He goes inside the farthest room so that no one comes in and puts her down on the bed

"You're drunk. Stay here till I find Lisa and Rose" he says

"I want to party too" Jisoo resists and stands up from the bed

"You've done enough. You should head home" he says

"Why are you doing this to me? You're not my boyfriend anymore. Let me live my life my way" Jisoo says and as she walks towards the door but Taehyung holds her hand and stops her

"I told you to stay here" he says

"But--" Jisoo is about to say something but Taehyung screams at her

"Do you have any idea what you were about to do down there? You were taking your dress off for fuck's sake. Do you what would've happened if I didn't show up?" he says

"I am sorry? I am drunk but not enough to take my dress off. I was just taking the straps off because it was too tight and hurting my shoulder. I can manage myself well enough. I am not a damsel in distress waiting for you to save me." she says to Taehyung

Taehyung remains quiet for a moment and then walks to the bedside table and pours a glass of water

"Drink this and rest here till I come back," he says and leaves without responding to what jisoo said


Taehyung comes downstairs and looks around for Lisa and Rose but he can't find them

"Hey babe.. Come with me" Jennie says from behind as she holds his hand and walks up the stairs

"Jennie, not right now. I need to find-" Taehyung says but Jennie doesn't let him go

"It's been a while since we've spent some time together," she says and goes inside the first room she sees

Jennie closes the door and stands in front of Taehyung..

"Jennie, please. It's not the time--" Taehyung says but Jennies touches her lips with his stopping him midway

They start kissing each other and as time passes by, it only gets deeper. Taehyung tries to get his mind off of Jisoo for the time being

"She is in the farthest room. No one goes there anyways" he thinks as he holds jennie's waist tightly further deepening the kiss


Jisoo drinks the glass of water. she looks around for her phone but it isn't there. She probably left it on the table. Even her heels are downstairs. She tries to rest for a while when there is a knock on the door

"Come in" she says thinking that it is Taehyung

"Did you find--" she looks up and immediately stands up

"excuse me?" she says to the guy standing in front of her. She knows him, he reads in her college. But one thing she didn't know is the fact that this is one of the three guys who was sneakily taking her pictures yesterday

"finally i got you" the guy says

"What do you mean? i think you have the wrong person" Jisoo says and feels a bit off. So she tries to get out of the room but the guy stops her. He grabs her wrist so tight that she groans from the pain. He brings her closer to him and feels her body with his hand


"I swear, you were looking so sexy when you were dancing" he says

"please leave me" Jisoo says

"Sure. After i am done with you.. Come on baby, i know you stare at me quite a lot in college" he says

" I don't even know you," Jisoo says as she tries to compose herself and break free from him

The guy becomes mad at her answer. He holds both of her hands tightly in her back with his left hand and using his right hand, he softly touches Jisoo's lips

"Please, I beg you," Jisoo says as she tries to move her hands but nothing happens. His grip is way too tight. Her bracelets only make empty noise

"Don't cry baby. I am not going to hurt you" he says and pushes jisoo to the bed

He starts unbuttoning him and smiles at her. Jisoo tries to get out of the bed but he pushes her causing her to fall hard on the bed

"Please" jisoo pleads

"What are you screaming for? Your Taehyung won't come to save you. He's probably out there doing shits to Jennie. You know, if I were him, i'd have never left you. Poor you. I just want to give you some company" he says


Jennie breaks from the kiss and says "I love you so much" only to kiss Taehyung again

"I just-- I had to find someone" taehyung says in the middle of the kiss but Jennie pretends not hear him

Suddenly Jennie's phone rings and she ignores it the first time. But it keeps ringing so they eventually stop kissing as Jennie picks up the phone. It's Irene

"Come down quickly. I can't find that guy anywhere. Jisoo isn't here also. I am scared that our plan might backfire. We asked him to get close to Jisoo and click a few pictures of her being a hoe but i am afraid that he might do something more than that. he was drunk as fuck the last time i saw him. We need to find them" Irene says

Suddenly Jennie becomes scared

"I am coming," she says and hangs up

"What is it?"taehyung asks

"Nothing. Irene needs a hand to clean things up. I need to go babe" she says and walks towards the door

"But I am not done with you yet" she looks behind and says

Taehyung smiles and says "neither am I"

Jennie also smiles and leaves the room. Taehyung comes out too and looks down from above trying to spot Lisa and Rose but they are nowhere to be found

"I should drop her home. It's already late" he says to himself as he walks towards Jisoo's room

Taehyung knocks at the door but it is locked from the inside.

"Jisoo?" he says and violently knocks the door

"Please, let me go" he hears Jisoo's voice from inside the room

"Not so soon," the guy says

"fucking open the door. Don't you dare to touch her. I'll kill you." taehyung screams

He keeps trying to open the door by force but it doesn't budge. He gets mad at himself. He left Jisoo alone in the room. He thought that this is the farthest room from the party, that no one would come here. Even the sound of the song is faint here. He should've been here when he couldn't find Lisa and Rose. Instead, he gave in to jennie.. And now, he can hear jisoo's scream from inside the room


"please, jisoo. listen to me. I am here" he says loudly as he kicks the door violently.

Suddenly he hears a glass smash from inside the room and someone groans

"Jisoo" taehyung screams and kicks the door so hard that the knob breaks open

He goes inside the room and sees Jisoo holding a broken glass in her hand while the guy is lying on the ground and is groaning from pain

Jisoo looks at Taehyung and smiles

"I told you, " she says and puts glass down

Taehyung walks to her and says being worried

"Are you fine?" he says

"Ask that to this poor guy. I hit him too hard" Jisoo says and leaves the room

Taehyung feels numb. He was busy with Jennie when Jisoo had to go through something like this. He kneels down and punches the guy

"Ahhhh" the guy screams in pain

"How dare you try to touch her?" Taehyung says and punches him again


Jisoo walks to the table where she was dancing before and wears her shoes and takes her phone

"Jisoooo, where were you?" Lisa asks

Jisoo looks back to see both her friends and she hugs Lisa and starts crying. Both of them get worried and sit on the sofa

Jisoo tells them everything and keeps sobbing

"We're so sorry, jisoo. I sprained my leg while dancing and it was too jammed here, so we went to the backyard. When we came back, we couldn't find you. We were so worried Jisoo", Lisa says

"Jisoo. Please don't cry. We're here" Rose says

"I just.. I was so scared" Jisoo says

Lisa wipes her tears

"But yet you managed to get yourself out of the situation. You are so much more than what others see, Jisoo" she says

Taehyung comes downstairs and looks for Jisoo. He sees her sobbing on the sofa. But there are Lisa and Rose with her

He feels a bit better knowing that nothing happened to her.. Knowing that she is safe.

Something inside of him is breaking watching her cry like this

For a moment there, he felt like his world would break apart if something happened to Jisoo. He has never felt this way with anyone before

A part of him wants to wipe her tears and hug her. For being such a brave girl. Deep inside, he feels proud of her. Proud at how she handled the situation and used her mind. But he feels guilty too. He didn't see that coming but yet he keeps blaming him

If only he kept looking for Lisa and Rose instead of being with Jennie.. If only he checked in on her, she wouldn't have to get through what she went through

Jisoo sees Taehyung staring at her.

"Give me a moment," she says as she gets up and walks to him

"I need to talk to you," she says

"Can we go to someplace quiet?" she adds

Taehyung looks around.

"Do you want to go to the garden? It'll be quiet there" he says cautiously

"Sure", Jisoo says and both of them walk towards the garden

There is a huge garden behind the house. No one is here except for them

They stand in front of each other, Taehyung's eyes are carefully examining each and every little detail of Jisoo's face. She looks scared and her eyes are still filled with tears, the only difference is that she is somehow holding them inside. Taehyung feels guilty for everything, for putting her into that situation

"I want to report him to the police.." Jisoo says

"I've already done that. He and his two other friends" Taehyung replies

"But his friends weren't there. It was only him" Jisoo says

"Don't worry. The last thing you should do now is worry about his friends. They are just like him.." he says

"I had to ask for another favor," jisoo says


"Please don't tell anything about this to anyone, not even Jennie. I know she is your girlfriend and you shouldn't hide things from her but please, I beg you Taehyung" Jisoo says with a broken voice. Her vision gets cloudy from the tears.

She blinks and the cloud lets a drop of rain fall down

"Heyyy" taehyung says

"You don't have to cry. I won't say anything to anyone. Trust me" he adds

"That's the one thing I can't do," Jisoo says

"Jisoo," he says wiping her tears

"I am sorry"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know that it was going to happen. You tried to help me. And it is not your responsibility to look after me. I am not your responsibility, to begin with. But yet you did what you could. Thank you for that" Jisoo replies and starts walking back to the party

"I want to drop you home," taehyung says from behind. Jisoo stops walking and looks back

"Lisa and Rose are waiting for me," Jisoo says

"Tell them that you're not coming," taehyung says

Jisoo looks at him for a brief moment without answering

"Jennie isn't going to like that. I am not the type of girl who hangs out with someone else's boyfriend behind their back" she replies and walks inside the party

Taehyung watches her go. He wanted to say how beautiful jisoo is looking today. The prettiest she has ever been. This is the same girl who once belonged to him. But now, all he can do is watch her spread her butterfly wings and fly above everyone

There is always a difference between and . People tend to mix them together

You may get attracted by someone's beauty and think that you love them but it is just the lust that draws you towards them..

Taehyung lusted over Jisoo at first. That's why he was adamant to have her in his life. But when he couldn't get the things he wanted from her, the lust disappeared. Then Jennie came into the scene. And his lust for her was even bigger. That's what made him do the things that he did

And after all this time, the lust he had for Jisoo is burning in fire. And from the ashes of it all, a new feeling is growing inside of him

Taehyung's knuckles are bleeding. He tried to do everything to open that door. He kept punching it till he bled but he didn't care

He has everything in his life but yet today, he feels lonely, standing there in the middle of the garden, alone.

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