《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》At Irene's


"Mom, i have a party to attend at 7," Jisoo says to her mother who is in the kitchen making dinner

"What?! You have what?" her mother asks

"Ummm... A party. Please let me go. I've finished all my homework. I'll be back before 11, I promise" jisoo says

"Are you kidding me? This is the first party you're attending and you think that I won't let you attend it? Don't worry honey. You don't have to come before 11. Enjoy all you want but make sure that Lisa and Rose are around you. And don't dare to drink. Else this will be the first and the last party of your life" mom says with a strict voice all of a sudden

"I won't drink, mom. Don't worry" Jisoo reassures her and comes to her room

She opens her cupboard and goes back and forth on what to wear. Suddenly, her phone beeps

She puts the phone down and looks at her cupboard again. She keeps rejecting every dress she sees but one dress catches her attention.. A peach-colored dress. Her vision gets blurred as she thinks about the day Taehyung proposed to her. She was wearing this dress that day

"Focus jisoo. Don't think about him. Please. I beg you" a voice inside on her says

Jisoo takes a long time to select her dress and gets ready. She is wearing her heels when Lisa calls her

"We are outside your house," She says

"coming," jisoo says as she quickly wears her shoes, takes her phone and leaves


"Bottoms up. Bottoms up" Jimin and Jungkook say together

Taehyung laughs as he takes a shot of the drink.

Party in Irene's house is always wild. Loud music, drinks, snacks, games... There is pretty much everything

"Babe, why are you drinking so soon? We have the whole night left" Jennie walks towards them followed by Irene

"Finally, Where were you two?" taehyung asks

"Getting ready duh. How am I looking?" Jennie asks as she flaunts her dress

"It makes me want to take you to one of the room upstairs" Taehyung whispers to Jennie and winks

Jennie smiles and hits him lightly

"So they didn't come" Irene looks around and says

"Who?" Jennie asks

"You know who" Irene replies

"Obviously they aren't going to come.. Jisoo agreed in front of everyone to put me down.. Huh. Jokes on her" Jennie mocks

"But even if she comes.....Poor her" she says to herself

Taehyung takes another shot of the drink while listening to them

"Babe, I'll go say hi to others" Jennie says

Taehyung looks around after Jennie leaves

"Who are you looking for?" Jimin asks

"No one" Taehyung replies


"I wonder why the girls didn't come," Jungkook says

"You wonder? You know girls like jisoo are typical nerds. She is probably in her bedroom solving a math problem that'll take days for us to solve" Taehyung jokes

"But she said that they'd come today," Jungkook says

"Parties are not for girls like them," Taehyung says and drinks again

"Let's play pool," Jungkook says as both of them head to the pool board and starts playing

Taehyung is aiming for the 8 ball but he misses the chance

"Bro, it's your turn," he says

"dude look" Jungkook says with his gaze fixed on the entrance

Jisoo and the girls are walking in..

Taehyung looks at Jisoo and he freezes in his spot. She is looking so different. Different in the best way possible. Her long hair, the choker on her neck, the heels, the velvet dress... Oh, the dress. This is way shorter than what jisoo wears. anyone looking at her is having a hard time to look away

"Why is she wearing something like that? Does she not know what can happen in a party?" Taehyung says to himself. But something about her doesn't let his attention divert from her. He keeps staring at her

Jisoo enters the party being nervous as ever.. Moreover, these heels are just killing her

"Promise that you won't leave me alone," she says

"Stick together guys. The music is so loud" Lisa replies

Jisoo looks around "where is Yoongi? he said that he'll be here" she says. But as she searches for him, she finds Taehyung. Holding the pool stick but staring at her. Jisoo stands still. Everyone is dancing around, the music is loud but time doesn't move for them neither does Taehyung's eyes. They are fixed at her, the eye contact lasts for a long time. Taehyung isn't focused on winning the game anymore

He never knew that someone could look so pure even in that short dress. Unlike Jennie, jisoo's dress doesn't make Taehyung want to take her upstairs. It makes him want to protect her from all the boys that are staring at her

"Let's go and dance," Rose says loudly

"I don't know how to dance.." Jisoo replies breaking her eye contact with Taehyung

Taehyung also stops staring at her and continues with the game. He didn't expect Jisoo to come.

"Come on, jisoo. Let's dance" Lisa says

"I seriously don't want to dance. You guys go ahead. I'll umm... I'll be by the bar" She says

"Sure?" Lisa asks

"Yeah. go ahead" Jisoo says as she walks to the bar and sits on one of the chairs.. Rose and Lisa join the other people dancing. The dance floor is huge. Irene's whole house looks like a modern castle


"An orange juice, please," jisoo says to the bartender

" With or without scotch"? the bartender asks

Jisoo can't hear him because of the music. "I can't believe Yoongi isn't here. He should be here by now" she thinks on the back of her mind without answering him

The bartender takes that as a Yes. Moreover, who comes to a party like this and orders plain orange juice.

Irene comes to grab a drink too and sees Jisoo. She quickly goes to Jennie

"There she is," irene says

Jennie looks at the direction Irene is pointing and sees Jisoo

"Wow.. Look at that hoe. She is wearing that short dress to lure Taehyung.. How dare her? She never wears things like that. What a jealous bitch. But little does she know that she is in for a surprise" Jennie says and walks towards taehyung

"Babe, let's dance," she says and holds his hand

"I don't want to dance right now" Taehyung replies but Jennie pretty much drags him to the dancing floor

Jisoo takes her drink and looks at the people dancing to find Rose and Lisa.. But instead, she sees Jennie and Taehyung, Taehyung's hand on Jennie's waist as they dance.

Jennie takes a look at Jisoo and sees that she is staring at them. She smirks and gets closer to taehyung.. She is looking straight at Taehyung's eyes

Jisoo wants to get out of the party. She even forgets about the drink that she is holding.

Suddenly the music changes to a slow song. Jennie leans onto Taehyung and rests her head on his chest.. Taehyung hugs her as they both move to the music

Jisoo sees both of them dancing together and she feels suffocated. Taehyung also sees her and although he is dancing, he keeps looking at jisoo. Jennie hugs him tighter but he doesn't feel anything. He can see the disappointment in Jisoo's face.

"Babe?" Jennie says without moving her head

Taehyung comes back to the present. He is looking at Jisoo but answers Jennie

"Yes?" he says

"Nothing" Jennie says holding him tight

"I think we've danced enough. We should take a break" Taehyung says

"okay" Jennie says and kisses his cheeks purposefully showing it to Jisoo and leaves the dance floor holding his hand. As they leave, she straight up looks at Jisoo and fakes a smile at her

Jisoo looks away and takes a sip from her drink..

"Yoongi, I need you," she says to herself and tries calling him again but he doesn't pick up.. Jisoo drinks the whole glass of orange juice and asks for more

She sees everyone dancing and playing games and being happy. Why is she sitting like this at a party? She suddenly remembers what Yoongi said to her that day

"This is my first party. why am ruining it by being alone?" Jisoo thinks

The music changes back to a party song. Everyone starts moving to the beat

"This is your chance," she says out loud as she puts the orange juice down and walks to the dance floor

Jisoo keeps grooving at the music and dances with complete strangers. As time passes by, the drink gets to her head and her head feels a bit heavy

"This is way too crowdy," she says to herself and sees a table at the center of the huge dance floor with snacks served on it and shots of drinks

She barely walks to the table and takes a shot of the drink forgetting everything her mom told her. After taking a shot, she can't stop and she takes another. She wants to dance her heart out tonight and forget about the rest of the world. She puts her phone down and takes her heels off

Taehyung went to the poolside to get a breath of fresh air but people are there too. Some are making out. Some are dipping others in the water. A girl even tried to get close to him and seduce him. He didn't respond and came back inside

He sees an empty sofa and walks towards it. But he hears boys cheering out loud and looks at their direction. They are all dancing around a table and there is someone on the table. A few guys are even recording the person dancing on the table..

Taehyung tries to look properly and there she was

JIsoo, dancing in the middle of the room on top of the table. All the cheers and whistles are for her. Everyone from the dance floor is pretty much gathered around the table. They are also dancing but most of their attention is towards Jisoo, especially the boys

Jisoo without minding about the world keeps dancing. The drinks she had has gotten into her head pretty quickly. Jisoo has never drunk before so this feeling is new to her, but she likes it. It makes her feel better about herself.

"Oh, I feel hot. Why is it so hot?" she says out loud to herself

"Haha.. Jisoo yaaa. you're wearing such a thick dress and dancing. Obviously you're gonna feel the heat. Such a loser" she says as she removes one of the straps of her dress

"Woah... You look hot baby" someone says from the crowd

Jisoo smiles at their remark "thank you so much" she says and is about to remove the other strap too

But suddenly someone pulls her hand and takes her off of the table into their lap..

"Did I fall?" Jisoo says with her eyes closed being afraid

As she opens them slowly, she sees taehyung holding her in his lap as he walks across the dance floor

"Youuu... Leave me.. I was enjoying myself" Jisoo says

"Shut up. You're drunk" Taehyung replies as he goes upstairs

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