《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Some Scars Run Deep


"Dude, leave her hand" yoongi says from behind

Taehyung looks back to see Yoongi approach both of them and stands in front of Jisoo

"I said, leave her hand," he says again

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Taehyung asks without leaving Jisoo's hand

"Let's go," Yoongi says to Jisoo as he puts his hand forward for Jisoo to hold it

Taehyung leaves Jisoo's hand and grabs Yoongi by the collar

"Mind your own business," Taehyung says

"Behave yourself," Yoongi replies trying to control his anger

"Or what?" Taehyung tests his patience

"Taehyung, stop it," Jisoo says

"I need to talk to you" Taehyung says

"I don't want to" Jisoo replies

"You heard her," Yoongi says

Taehyung looks at Jisoo. He tries to read her eyes but she looks away. He then looks at Yoongi and walks out of the cafe

"Are you fine?" Yoongi asks Jisoo

"Yeah, I am good" Jisoo replies and looks around

Everyone in the cafe is looking at her and gossiping..

"Can we leave?" she says

"Yeah sure. Let's go" Yoongi says and leaves with Lisa and Rose

"I am going to teach this bitch a lesson," Jennie says to Irene and watches them leave

"What are you planning to do?" Irene asks

"Wait and watch," Jennie says as she gets up from the seat and approaches the boys who were sneakily taking Jisoo's pictures

"I saw what you did," Jennie says

"What do you mean?" one of the boys say

"Do as I say and I won't report you to the principal" she says in a commanding voice and she gives them a leaflet of Irene's party

Nothing special happens the rest of the day. Taehyung didn't come to the rest of the classes.. Jisoo felt a bit scared because she has never seen Taehyung so angry

"I am going to play in this year's football championship," Yoongi says to the girls as they are leaving the classroom

"Wait, what?" Jisoo says being surprised

"You actually got into the team?" she asks

"Yeah, yesterday" Yoongi replies as if it is not a big deal

"Are you kidding me? And you're telling us now?" Lisa says

"I heard that it is extremely difficult to make it to the team," Rose says

"It isn't that hard" yoongi says

"Okay okay, you don't have to show off anymore. This calls for a celebration. Let's eat out today" Jisoo says

"I am in," Lisa says

"Me too," Rose says as the three of them look at Yoongi

"It's not that big of a deal but let's go" yoongi says


Jisoo comes back home and heads straight to her room. She had fun today with the girls and Yoongi. She takes a long shower and comes out.

"Uhhh now I feel good as new," she says to herself

"Irene's party is tomorrow. What am I going to wear?" she says and opens her cupboard. This is the first time she is attending a party in a long time and she hates to admit it, but she does feel a bit excited about it. She wants to experience it to her fullest


As she rummages through her clothes, a box falls down. Jisoo freezes at the sight of the box. She forgets about the party instead something else occupies her mind right now. She picks the box up very carefully and sits on the ground

She opens the box and seeing the things inside, she starts sobbing. She used to store all her memories with taehyung in this box. Although it was only for three months, these moments were very precious to her. She even decorated the box herself to make it special

She looks through everything, the pictures they took that she printed, the letters she wrote to taehyung but he never replied saying that he doesn't know how to write a letter. Even after that, jisoo used to write him letters and show them to him

He'd read them, give her a compliment or two and keep them in his bag as if these are just some random stuff to him.. Jisoo then stopped showing him the letters she wrote. She kept all of them to herself. Taehyung failed to see their value but Jisoo wrote them with much dedication

These letters meant a lot to her. She poured her emotions into them

She tries to control herself but sees the pictures that she kept so safe all this time. There are even short notes in each of the pictures

(Our first date. I've never been this happy in my entire life. Thank you taehyung for making me feel special)

(Stop distracting me. I am trying to do my homework)

(He showed up at 11.45 pm straight from a party and i had to lie to my mom to get out of the house. Urrghhh)

(It's been three months and to celebrate that we matched our clothes and dressed up a bit)

That's it. That's the last picture of them together. The next day, taehyung broke up with her

She never saw that coming. She was naive..

Jisoo keeps sobbing as she puts everything back inside the box and goes to the kitchen

She holds the pictures in front of the stove and burns them one by one. Next, she takes the letters she wrote and turns them to ashes too.. She then dumps the box in the basket and comes upstairs

Jisoo wipes her tears and somehow she feels empty. No matter how much she tries to compose herself, the first love, the teenaged love affair always leaves a scar in your life.


"Girls like her are not for me. You know me and my choice. They are way too simple" Taehyung says to Jimin

Jennie looks behind at him

"Can we please not talk about her? She wants your attention and you're giving it to her. Just stop mentioning her name" she says

Taehyung smiles at Jennie

"Is someone jealous" he jokes

"Ewww. Why would I be jealous of her? Have you seen her?" Jennie says

"Let's skip tonight's party and hang out in my house" taehyung whispers in Jennie's ears


"Not a bad idea" Jennie replies and both of them smile at each other

Jisoo throughout the entire class doesn't look at taehyung and neither does taehyung. Both of them mind their own business and pretend that the other person doesn't exist

The class ends soon and the teacher leaves.

"I have football practice now," Yoongi says to the girls

"Best of luck Yoongi" Jisoo smiles at him

"Don't drain yourself. We have to party hard tonight" Lisa says as they part their ways

Yoongi changes into his jersey and enters the field. Taehyung is the captain of the team and they are practicing for the upcoming championship. Yoongi's is the striker of the team

Taehyung sees him enter the field and stands in front of him

"What are you doing here? This practice is strictly for the players of the official team" he says

"Ask your coach about me. He likes my techniques a lot" Yoongi replies half-heartedly and runs to his position

Although Taehyung hates Yoongi's presence in the field, he has to admit that Yoongi is a good player

"Alright. 10 minutes break starting now" the coach says

Yoongi and Taehyung are practically bathing in sweat. All the players head to the sitting area for rest

As Yoongi is about to sit down, he gets surprised by a wave of voices

"Surpriseeeee" they say together

He looks at them and sees Jisoo, Lisa and Rose.

"What!!??? You guys didn't go home?" he asks being shocked

Taehyung also looks at them

"Yaa, how can we just leave like that when our friend made it to the official team? We had to arrange a surprise for you" Lisa says

Jisoo smiles at him but suddenly Taehyung catches her eyes. He is staring at her

"Umm... Can we go over there? We brought foods for you" she says and points to a distant quiet area

"Sure. Let's go" Yoongi replies

"Ohh, guys. Lisa and I need to go shopping for tonight's party. We don't have anything to wear. We're so sorry but--" Rose says

"Hey, it's fine. You guys can leave. Moreover, it's gonna take time for me to get off of practice" Yoongi replies

"Are you gonna leave too?" he asks Jisoo

"Umm no. I want to stay" Jisoo replies

Taehyuny feels a bit mad at this. Jisoo never came to his games even once. She said that she doesn't like football. He takes his water bottle and starts drinking as sweat drips from his face. He tries not to show his anger

Yoongi and Jisoo sit a bit far away from the rest of the players and Jisoo takes out the food

"Do you always wear that in your hand?" Jisoo asks at the huge wristband on Yoongi's hand

"Oh, this? Yeah I always wear it" he says

"But the other day, you didn't wear it. And there were marks on your wrist" Jisoo says as she takes a bite out of the burger

"Mosquito bites. Duhh" yoongi replies

"But I mean, you can remove the wrist band. It's so hot and this is so wide. It is making your wrist sweaty for sure" Jisoo says

"Do you like football?" Yoongi asks trying to change the topic

"I don't actually," jisoo says while looking at taehyung. He is sitting alone far away from them.

"I don't really enjoy the game. I came to congratulate you" she says

"How long have you guys been practicing?" Jisoo asks

"Well, probably for the past one and a half hours, non-stop, " Yoongi says

"Then he must be hungry," Jisoo says under her breath

"Yes?" Yoongi asks as he munches his food down like a monster

"No. Actually I am not that hungry. You should go ahead and share all this food with your teammates. We bought so much and suddenly Lisa and Rose ditched us. Go ahead and share it with them" Jisoo says

"Are you sure? " Yoongi asks

"Yeah. I came to see you. I'll leave now" Jisoo replies

"Okay, as you wish" Yoongi replies

Jisoo gets up and prepares to leave but Yoongi calls her from behind

"Jisoo, thank you so much for all this," he says

Jisoo looks back

"We're friends, right? You don't have to say thank you" she says

"You're coming to the party tonight, right?" Yoongi asks

"Yeah. See you there" Jisoo replies and leaves


"Yoongi, please don't do stuff like this. Why did you join the football team without asking the doctor first" yoongi's mother says as she takes out the wristband from her hand and gives him an injection

"My dear mother, I am fine. I just want to enjoy life, that's it" Yoongi replies

"You're fine? I don't want to lose you. You're all I have. Please leave the team" mother says

"Mom, look at my wrist. All these injection scars and I am still doing fine. It's even hard to find my vein these days while injecting, isn't it?" he says

"I always wanted to play football but you never allowed me. I met someone, mother. She's the most beautiful person i've ever seen. She makes me want to enjoy the rest of the days of my life" he says

His mother starts crying

"Nothing is going to happen to you. You're fine. You'll be right beside me always" she says

Yoongi smiles and hugs her mother

"Yes, mother. Always..." he says

"Ohh I have a party to attend to tonight, mom," he says

"What party?"

"Just a random one" Yoongi replies as he pulls his sleeves down covering his scars

"You already exhausted yourself. Won't it be a bit too much for your body to attend a party?" his mother asks

"I have to attend this party. She'll be there. I don't want to miss it" he says

"Why are you getting so stubborn these days? Even yesterday morning, right after we came from the hospital, you forced me to drop you off at school even though you were late. Nothing is going to happen if you skip college a day" his mother says

"Don't worry about me," Yoongi says in a jolly voice and as he walks up the stairs, suddenly his feet feel numb and he collapses on the ground

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