《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Long Gone


"What are you doing here?" she asks as she gets up from the bed

"Why are you doing this? None of this is going to work" Taehyung says

"I need to go," Jisoo says without responding to his question and walks towards the door

Taehyung holds her wrist and pins her against the wall

"Let me go," Jisoo says as she tries to break free but Taehyung comes too close

"Answer my questions and I'll let you go," he says

Jisoo looks away without answering

"where were you in the last class today?" he asks

Jisoo doesn't answer

"Look at me damn it," Taehyung says loudly and slams the wall

Jisoo gets scared at this. She manages herself and says

"I don't want to answer any of your questions"

Taehyung comes closer "Answer my damn question"

Jisoo looks at him straight in the eye and says

"They are waiting for me downstairs"

She breaks free from Taehyung's grip and walks towards the door but Taehyung reaches out for her hand, grabbing it and pulls Jisoo towards him. This time he doesn't pin her against the wall, Instead Jisoo crashes against his body as Taehyung holds her tightly. His hand touches Jisoo's waist and pulls her closer to him. This has been the closest they've been even after 3 months of dating

"What do you want from me?" she looks up and asks

"Answers" Taehyung replies

"We are over Taehyung. I am not obliged to give you answers" Jisoo replies

"Ohh so this is what it is about? You are doing all of this for the show? Jennie was right. You're using that new guy to make me jealous. And today you must've heard that I'll be here and so you decided to dress up all of a sudden? Get out of your bubble jisoo. doing these won't help. Getting close to other guys just to make me jealous won't work" Taehyung says

"Excuse me? Mr. Kim Taehyung. who do you think you are? I am doing all this for you? You make me laugh with those words. You know what? I don't care about you. and to think about it, you are the one who pursued me. I never ran after you and I am completely fine right now. In fact better than before. And for your kind information---" Jisoo gets closer to him. For a brief moment, Taehyung thought that Jisoo is leaning for a kiss but instead, she whispers

"I can get close to whoever i want and whenever i want. This is my life. And from now on, i am going to lead it the way i want to. You should worry about the people in your life, not me, cause i am long gone"

Taehyung loosens his grip on Jisoo's hand. Jisoo frees herself from him and takes her bag. Before leaving she looks back

"by the way, I couldn't say it this morning but congratulations. To you and Jennie. It must've been a great 2 months for you two. You guys really suit each other.." she smiles and leaves

Taehyung stands in the middle of the room and watches her go

"but the tears in your eyes downstairs said a different story" he says to himself

Taehyung comes downstairs and sees Jisoo hug Somin. They are leaving

"Where have you been?" Jennie asks

"I-- I lost my way" Taehyung replies


Jisoo walks upto Jennie and Taehyung

"I had a great time today. see you two in college tomorrow" she smiles and leaves

"What a drama queen. Trying to get the attention" Jennie says under her breath


"I hate morning classes," Jennie says to Irene as she yawns

"I know. It sucks" irene replies

They always sit on the same bench in the same manner. Even when Taehyung dated Jisoo, Jisoo preferred to be with Lisa and Rose rather than with Jennie and Irene.

Lisa, Rose and Jisoo enter the classroom.

Jisoo is wearing a black leather jacket with a crop top with black pants. Different from her usual outfit. She even saw some boys stare at her while walking down the hall. Someone inside the classroom even gasped when he saw Jisoo but Jisoo didn't give any attention to it

All 3 of them look at the bench where they normally sit. As they have to sit in pairs, one person always needs to sit alone. They look at each other and as if they've communicated through their eyes, they run to the seat. Jisoo sits down first followed by Lisa. Rose signs for being the last one

"Urrghhh why are you two so fast," she says

Lisa gives a high-five to Jisoo and both of them laugh.. Rose looks around for an empty seat

"Not the damned first bench" she stomps her feet like a child

"Excuse me," someone says from behind

Rose looks back and Lisa and Jisoo get up from their seat seeing that the person approaching Rose is Jungkook

"You left this in the cafe yesterday" he hands over the bracelet

"I've been looking for this for the whole day. Thank you so much" Rose says taking the bracelet and wears it

Jungkook looks at Jisoo and Lisa

"It seems like the bench is taken. You can sit with me if you want to. I sit alone anyways" he says politely

"Ohh--"but before Rose can say anything else Jisoo walks forward

"Thank you but sorry. Rose is going to sit here. She doesn't need help from guys like you" she says

"I didn't mean to offend you," Jungkook replies

"Oh, you didn't. I am just looking out for my best friend. Actually some guys in this college have the tendency to use girls that they think are vulnerable and when they get bored, they throw them away. And nowadays, you can't even trust your own family. I heard that blood runs thicker than water but that's not the case here. People lie and cheat and hurt others. I won't let the same thing happen to my friend" Jisoo says while looking at Taehyung

"Yaa what are you trying to prove?" Jennie gets up from her seat

"She's just a cunt" Irene says

Both Taehyung and Jimin also stand up

"I am not talking to you, am I?" Jisoo stands in front of Jennie

Jennie gets surprised at the tone with which Jisoo talked to her

"Everyone in this classroom knows who you are talking about" Jennie tries to redeem herself

"Oh then i feel sad for that person. Must be tough to live like that" jisoo replies

"I am just talking about a bunch of liars and shitty people. Why are you so angry? Are you one of them?" jisoo says sarcastically

Everyone looks at Jisoo as if she is someone they didn't know before


"Jisoo is killing it" Lisa whispers

"What has gotten into her?" Rose replies

"You are crossing the line," Taehyung says to Jisoo

"If there was ever a line then that has been crossed way before, and not by me" Jisoo replies to Taehyung

"You fuc--" Jennie tries to say something but Taehyung stops her

"Stop it now," Taehyung says and sits down

Jisoo walks up to Lisa and Rose..

"I am sorry, Jisoo. For everything that you went through. I never supported it" Jungkook says in a quiet voice

"But you didn't say anything to me either. I know you Jungkook. You're the only one who has consciousness out of them and I like you for that. But I can't trust my friend with you guys again" jisoo says

"Fair enough" Jungkook replies and walks back to his seat

Jennie glares at him

"Why did you have to talk to them?" she asks

Jungkook doesn't reply and looks out the window

Jisoo sits on the front bench and waits for the teacher to come. She looks around but Yoongi isn't here

"Where is he?" she asks to herself

Yoongi arrives just before the bell rings. He enters the classroom as he catches his breath.

"You're late," Jisoo says

"I am one minute early" yoongi says as he checks his watch

"Yeah yeah whatever" Jisoo says and moves her bag from the seat beside her

"Did you reserve a seat for me? That's so nice of you" Yoongi says

"Ewww I'd never.." Jisoo frowns as Yoongi sits down

The bell rings and the teacher walks in

"Okay everyone.. I'll give you some notes. Write then down" Mrs. Minji says

"Pen please," Yoongi says to Jisoo

"Why did you even come to school without a pen?" Jisoo asks

"What are you here for?" he replies

Jisoo glares at him and Yoongi smiles. She lends him a pen and starts writing

"Ummm. Paper please" yoongi asks again

"What the heck. What is even in your bag?" jisoo asks being annoyed

"Dead body. Now give me a paper quickly" yoongi says

Jisoo tears a page from her copy and gives it to him. As Yoongi extends his hand to take the paper, Jisoo notices something in his wrist

"What happened to your hand?" Jisoo ask seeing some scar marks on his wrist

Yoongi quickly covers his hand with his jacket

"Nothing.. Birthmark" he replies

"But it looks deep" Jisoo replies as she tries to see his hand again

"Focus on the board, cupcake. You'll have plenty of time to focus on me" yoongi jokes

"You make me want to vomit" Jisoo replies and starts writing

It's almost the end of the class. Mrs. Minji says

"I have an announcement to make. We are recruiting cheerleaders for the championship. If any of you is interested, you can sign up for it.. We'll hold an audition soon", she says and the bell rings

"Take care, class" the teacher leaves

Jisoo and Yoongi is packing the bag and Lisa and Rose joins them

"Jisoo, shouldn't you introduce us to your new friend?" Lisa nudges jisoo

"Oh yeah, Yoongi, this is Lisa and Rose. Lisa and Rose, this is Yoongi" jisoo says

Yoongi smiles at them and as he is about to say something, someone interrupts him

"Hi," the voice says to Yoongi

They look towards the source of the voice to see Irene and Jennie

"Hi" Yoongi replies and looks at Irene

"I am Irene and this is Jennie," she says as they shake his hand

"Since you are new here, we thought that we should introduce ourselves to you," she says

"That's so nice of you" Yoongi replies

"Nice? My ass" lisa whispers

Yoongi hears her but tries not to laugh

"Actually we're having a party at my house tomorrow. I'd love it if you could join us." Irene passes him a leaflet

"Ohh thank you for inviting. But I think I'll pass" Yoongi says

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook join them

"Come on dude. It'll be fun. Parties at Irene's house are never boring" Jimin says

"I'd love to come but I don't think that my friends are invited and I won't go without them" Yoongi looks at the three girls

Jisoo, Lisa and Rose look at each other. They didn't see that coming

"We can invite your friends too," Jungkook says as he takes the leaflets from Irene's hand and gives one to each of them

"You guys will come, won't you?" Jungkook asks them but his eyes are fixed on Rose

"Jisoo? At a party?" Jennie laughs out loud

"Yeah, sorry Irene. I guess Yoongi won't be able to attend cause Jisoo and the girls never attended a single party ever. Their loss" Jimin says

Yoongi looks at Jisoo and nods his head.. Taehyung watches both of them the entire time

"Actually, I think we will attend the party. Thank you for inviting us" jisoo says

Jungkook smiles at this. But color drains out of Jennie and Irene's face

"You're gonna come? Why? Cause you want to get Taehyung back in your life? To get noticed?" Jennie asks

"No. Not at all. Someone taught me yesterday to enjoy my college life and that's exactly what I am going to do" Jisoo replies

"Let's go guys?" she says to the other three and leaves

"See you in the party" Yoongi smiles at Irene and leaves with the girls

"Urgghhh I swear, I would've never invited them if it wasn't for Yoongi. Why is that guy so hot?" Irene says

"Leave it", Jennie replies as the five of them leave the room


"Yaa jisoo. You should audition for the cheerleader thingy" Rose says to Jisoo as she eats her food

"Cheerleader? Jisoo" Yoongi says in a confused voice

"Don't underestimate her. You haven't seen her dance. She dances like a maniac on our girls' night in" Lisa says

Yoongi looks at Jisoo being surprised

"Stop looking at me and eat your food," jisoo says

"You have to audition then," he says

"I don't stand a chance. Jennie is the leader of the group and I won't ever get in" jisoo says

"You won't know until you try," Yoongi says

"Exactly" rose replies

"Okay okay. I'll give it a try" Jisoo says and takes a sip of her drink

Taehyung's group enters the cafe and sits on their usual seat

Taehyung looks across the cafe to see Jisoo and Yoongi sitting together. Jisoo looks at him too

He smirks and takes a bite from his burger. He then holds Jennie's waist, brings her closer and kisses her cheeks and takes a glance at jisoo

Jisoo looks away and tries not to get bothered by it. She eats her food and laughs at Yoongi's joke

After a while, Taehyung looks at jisoo again but this time something else catches his attention

A group of boys sitting behind Jisoo is sneakily clicking pictures of her. He puts his food down, gets up from his seat and walks towards Jisoo

Jisoo sees taehyung approach her. She can sense the anger in his facial expression but she tries not to focus on him

Taehyung stands in front of her seat

"I need to talk to you," he says as he grabs Jisoo's hand and tries to lead her out the cafe

"Dude, leave her hand" yoongi says from behind

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