《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》Swiping Right


"People change, Jisoo" Taehyung says without any guilt in his face as if everything he is doing right now is justified

"What are you talking about? You're really breaking up with me?" Jisoo says in a teary voice

"Where did I go wrong? Don't do this to me" she adds

"Jisoo, listen" Taehyung comes closer

"We're still too young to be bound by promises. And in our age, relationships happen and they fall apart too. It's normal" he says

Suddenly Taehyung's phone rings, he takes his phone out and Jisoo looks at it. Although her vision is a bit blurry because of the tears, she can clearly see Jennie's name

"Oh, so what they all were talking about is true? You really kissed Jennie at that party?" Jisoo asks

"Jisoo, I am sorry. We've lost our spark somewhere down the lane. And what happened at the party, we were both drunk and you know how I act when I get drunk" Taehyung says in a very casual way

"Were you really cheating on me with Jennie all this time?" Jisoo asks but in vain

Jennie calls him again but Taehyung doesn't pick up although his face reflects that he wants to talk to her too

"Ummm... Jisoo, I need to go. You are such a nice girl and you will find someone much better than me" he smiles completely ignoring what Jisoo just asked and starts walking

"Taehyung" Jisoo calls his name thus stopping him in his trail

"When did you stop loving me? At which point of our relationship did you think that you don't love me anymore?" she asks

Taehyung looks back being caught off guard with the question. He doesn't know the answer himself

" Jisoo, please. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Take care" he says and leaves

Jisoo stands in the middle of the empty street, alone. She breaks down into tears and falls down on her knees. She gave her best into this relationship, she trusted Taehyung the most. But now she feels like an idiotic clown left alone to suffer

"What did you expect? He is Kim Taehyung after all. Someone like you never had a chance, you never had a chance, Jisoo" she says out loud as tears keep streaming down her cheeks

Suddenly the sky rumbles and it starts raining

Jisoo looks up, even the sky is crying with her

"Yaaa Kim Taehyung" she screams loudly

"I hate you"


The calling bell rings but no one opens the door

Jisoo keeps ringing the bell trying to control herself from tearing down again

"Coming," Rose says and opens the door

"Oh God, what happened to you?" she says looking at Jisoo's condition, soaked and trembling

Jisoo looks up, hugs Rose, and starts crying.

"Yaa, Jisoo. What the heck has happened to you?" Rose asks again but Jisoo doesn't respond

"Come inside," she says as she leads Jisoo to the living room

"Taehyung broke up with me," Jisoo says and wipes her tears

"Whatttt? Taehyung and you broke up?" Rose's mother says from the back before

Rose can even respond

Jisoo looks back and sees Mrs. Park. It makes her want to cry even more. Even Jisoo's mother doesn't know about Taehyung. But Mrs. Park has a very nosy personality. Every time Jisoo talked about Taehyung with Rose she'd spy on them and it didn't take her long to figure out that Jisoo and Taehyung were dating. However, she always keeps things to herself instead of gossiping about it. It makes Jisoo relieved that it is Mrs. Park who knows about it and not someone else. Else her mom would've known by now


"Mom, why are you here? Let's go to my room, jisoo" Rose says and glares at her mother

Jisoo and Rose walk towards the stairs when Mr. Park comes in

"Oh Jisoo is here?" he says

"Don't say anything darling. That poor soul just got heartbroken" Mrs. Park says

Rose glares at both of them but jisoo hears them. It makes her want to dig a grave for herself and just lay there

Rose and Jisoo walk inside the bedroom "let me call Lisa too. Both of you should stay here tonight" Rose says

Jisoo keeps crying and doesn't say anything

"Hello, Lisa?"

"Yeah.. What is it?"

"Taehyung broke up with jisoo. She is here now. Come over" Rose says

"Finally?? I am coming in 5 minutes" Lisa replies

"Ummm. Bring some popcorn and a tissue box on your way" rosé whispers

"It's gonna be a long night," she says and looks at jisoo who keeps crying non-stop


"Whatttt? Did he break up just like that? No explanations?" Lisa exclaims

"Nooooo" jisoo says and breaks out into tears for the nth time

"I swear, bitch, if you cry again, I'll cut that throat open," Lisa says being annoyed

Jisoo looks at her being surprised

"I just broke up and you want to kill me?" she says and wipes her tears

"You're crying over a guy who cheated on you with your own cousin," Rose says

"It's not fair for you to suffer like that" she adds

"I need to call that loser and talk to him," Lisa says as she brings her phone out

"No, don't" jisoo says

"So what are you going to do? Cry over that playboy? It's 1 am and all you did in the past 3 hours is cry your eyes out. At this point, I might just murder someone" Lisa says

"Yaaa, are you my best friend or what? Aren't you supposed to console me?" jisoo asks

Lisa and Rosé look at each other

"What have we been doing all this time?" rosé asks

"Are you a water tank or what? Those tears keep falling as if your eyes are Niagara Falls" Lisa says making Jisoo glare at her

"Urgghhhh. I know you loved him but in my defense, I warned you about him. He is a fucking pervert. There isn't a single girl in college who he hasn't flirted with" Lisa rolls her eyes

"Yeah and the fact that he didn't value your presence in his life is just his loss. There are tons of guys waiting to date you" rosé says

"Oh yeah?" jisoo says and walks in front of the mirror

"Look at me. I am wearing the biggest pair of glasses you will find. My clothes? Oversized and makes me look like a potato. I don't even remember the last time I did my hair properly" she says

"Now imagine Jennie, her body, her hair, her heels. She comes to college as if she is a model. No wonder, Taehyung cheated on me with her" she adds

Lisa walks in front of the mirror and stands beside Jisoo

"You are perfect, babe. Cheating on someone can never be justified. In all honesty, I've never seen someone like you. You're the topper of our class. And you don't even need makeup to look beautiful. You're such a pure soul. Guys like Taehyung don't deserve you. A relationship is a joke to them. It's not your fault that you trusted him and loved him. Look at the bright side. Learn from it. Take it as a life lesson" she says


Rose joins them too

"Lisa is right. You can find girls like Jennie everywhere. My Instagram is full of them. Drenching in makeup, wearing the tiniest outfit that they could find just to show how perfect they are. But you, Jisoo, are rare. Value that. Don't let a pervert take that away from you. If he can break up so easily, then you can move on easily too. Remember, he is the one who cheated on you. He should suffer, not you.." she says

"We just passed our freshers year in college. Still, we have a long way to go. Three more years are left and we have to enjoy them to our fullest. We can't let him ruin this for us." she adds

Jisoo wipes her tears and hugs both of them. The three of them laugh and look at the mirror

"Urghhh. We should stop thinking about men. Us three are way too precious for anybody" Lisa says

Someone knocks on the door, its Mrs. Park

"Hey girls, I brought ice cream. Jisoo must be so depressed about her breakup. Let her eat the most" she says and leaves the ice cream on the table and looks at them

"Uhhh my poor little baby" she smiles at jisoo and leaves

Jisoo starts crying like a 5-year-old again

"Everyone in college is going to think like that," she says

"Here we go again," Rose says and closes the door

All three of them sit on the bed to eat the ice-cream

"Even this ice cream feels like poison," jisoo says while crying

"And the saddest part is, this is my favorite flavor"

"This has got to stop," Rose says as she opens her laptop and surfs through the internet

"Found it. " she reads out loud

Jisoo wipes her tears and looks at Rose with curious eyes

"Seriously? This is boring. We are going to take Jisoo out of this depression in no time.. Let me rephrase that" Lisa stands up and says

5 stages of getting over

"But--" jisoo is about to say something but Rose stops her

"Lisa is right. Even my mother says that we are the most boring group of girls ever. We get so many invitations to parties but we never attend them. And Jisoo, even after being the girlfriend of the hottest guy in college, you never accompanied Taehyung in any of the parties, right? Things gotta change. We need to enjoy everything- flirting with guys, attending parties, drinking a bit *wink wink*, etc etc" she says

Jisoo remembers the days when she was with Taehyung. He used to party almost every day. He used to ask jisoo to go to parties with him but Jisoo always refused to accompany him. She made up excuses and stayed at home to do homework or to hang out with Lisa and Rose and watch movies instead. She doesn't like loud music and being around tons of strangers. That's why she doesn't feel comfortable going to parties. And after a while, Taehyung stopped asking her to accompany him

"We haven't enjoyed any of it till now. But it'll all begin tonight. I am going to open you a tinder account" Lisa says to jisoo

"Huh? Tinder? No please. I can't just flirt with random guys" jisoo feels waves of panic sweeping across her

"Tonight you are going to," Lisa says and takes Jisoo's phone

Jisoo watches both of them nervously as they open her account. She gets lost in her thoughts. Her relationship with Taehyung lasted for 3 months. She pictured them getting married but things turned out to be the opposite

"Only 3 months" jisoo thinks to herself

"What are you thinking? Come over here" Lisa says as she makes space between her and Rose in the bed for jisoo

Jisoo sits in between them and looks at the profiles of the guys



"Obviously a big fat nooo"

"Ewww. Left swipe"

They keep rejecting all the guys

"Urghhh, can we just give up?" jisoo says

"Ssshhh. Look at this guy" Lisa says and points to the screen

"Mhmm not bad. I mean, he's quite cute" rosé says

"Right or left?" Lisa looks at jisoo

"I don't know," jisoo says

"Urgh screw it," Lisa says and swipes right

"That's it. Enough" jisoo says as she takes her phone away

"We have college tomorrow. We should go to bed" she adds

"Spoken like the true nerd that you are," Lisa says as she lies down on the bed

"Freshers year is gone. Sophomore year, here we come" she says

Rose lies beside her,

"We've missed so many things in our first year. This year is going to be different. We'll enjoy a lot right?" she asks

"Yes. Yes, we will" Lisa says and signals jisoo to join them

Jisoo smiles and gets on top of them as both of them scream

"You're way too heavy," they say

"Whatevvver" jisoo laughs as both of them pushes her to the floor

Jisoo gets up and all three of them laugh

"Let's sleep. We're gonna be late tomorrow" Lisa says

"You guys go ahead. I'll sleep a bit later" Jisoo says

"Promise me that you won't cry anymore," rosé says

"Promise" jisoo smiles and walks towards the balcony. She looks at the sky filled with stars

"New college year tomorrow. It is not how she imagined it will be but she'll try her best to stay positive. To not let Taehyung get the best out of her" she thinks to herself when suddenly there is a notification on her phone

There is also a new message. Jisoo opens it

Suddenly jisoo remembers that Lisa put a fake name on her account. All the pictures are of jisoo but she put the name "Jihyo" because the purpose of this account was to let Jisoo flirt with random guys and take her mind off of other stuff. She gets flustered about what she should say next

Jisoo smiles at his text

Jisoo thinks about Taehyung. So many things have happened today and as much as Jisoo would wish that it was all a lie, the truth is that she is single now

She decides to share things because first of all, this person is a complete stranger so it won't affect her anyways and second of all, it'll lift the weight from her shoulder

Jisoo logs out of her account and uninstalls the app.

"Lisa is going to be mad but this guy is right. I don't need to flirt with strangers to get over Taehyung. Moreover, I don't even know how to flirt. It's going to be a mess anyways" jisoo says as she walks inside and sleeps beside rosé

She'll have to face Taehyung and Jennie tomorrow in college. Everyone is going to make fun of her and try to put her down for sure. Afterall, Jennie is everyone's eye-candy. While Jisoo is just the quiet unsocial nerd that no one bothers about. They only started to notice her after she started dating Taehyung and people called her names at the time too. For them, Taehyung deserved better than Jisoo

"You can do this" Jisoo mumbles as she closes her eyes and puts an end to the day

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