《I Still Belong To You - Taekook Love Story》01 - Return.


Jungkook wakes up from his sleep as the announcement goes off. His plane is about to land in Korea. He's finally home after 3 years. 3 long years to heal his heart and finally he's ready to face this part of the world again. And he misses his parents too.

After collecting his bags, he's walking towards the airport exit. His father said he'll come to pick him.


Jungkook turns his head towards the sound and see his parents waving at him frantically. He runs towards them

Mr Jeon: "Oh come here son." Hugs the boy fondly. "Did you lose weight huh?? Haven't you been eating??."

Jungkook: "Always with the nagging." Smiles at his father. "Oh I missed you dad."

Jungkook then turns to his mother who seems to have started the water work already. He looks at her, and her eyes are asking all the right questions but her lips are closed tight. Jungkook gives a faint smile and hugs her too. For all the questions she has, she only wants to know one answer. While holding his mother tight, jungkook whispers what she wants to hear.

" I'm fine mom. I'm ok. You don't have to worry anymore "

With that, they walk - hand in hand- out of the airport.

Jungkook hasn't been to his house in Seoul before. His parents shifted houses after he left for USA. After about 1 hour car ride, his father stops at a beautiful house. Modern and spacious. They walk inside and jungkook turns in every direction and likes what he sees.

Mr Jeon: "So what do you think?"

Jungkook: " it's beautiful dad. I love it."

Mr Jeon: " I'm glad you like it. Come on.. let me take you to your room. "


After settling down, jungkook is laying in his bed. Thinking about nothing actually. Oh there are millions of thought trying to come to the surface. But for now, he has them on lockdown. Just for a little while, let's not think about anything. He's finally home.


About 2 weeks later...

Jungkook stands in front of the Seoul university. He takes a deep breath and walks in. First he has to go to the office to get enrolled in his classes and get the schedule. Two boys walks infront of him and he hears they conversation a little. Well it'll be hard not to hear since one of them his slightly yelling.

" Hurry up Jimin, you have to go to the office first." A short boy with blond hair is trying to push a equally short pink hair boy in one direction.

" But I want to go eat something first Yoongs. I'm hungry."

Blond haired boy lets out a frustrated sigh. " first we go to the office. Then I'll buy you whatever you want to eat ok."

Jungkook just follows them, as it seems like they are going to the office.


Jungkook enrols himself for the classes he needs and gets the time table. Seems like he has the morning off today. He decides to walk around the campus and get familiar with the place

After a little walk, he comes across a notice board. Photography class. Currently taking applications for new enrolments. There's picture of a guy holding a camera in the notice. The camera is covering the guy's face. Jungkook notice a sudden tug at his heart.

A/N : so I know this chapter seems bit boring but i had to lay the groundwork first. Don't worry. Many interesting things will happen in the next one.

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