《death's right hand: The Death Bringer》writing on the wall


Lily's pov:

I sat at dinner by myself at the Slytherin table not eating anything since today is Halloween the night my parents died. As I sat there sulking someone sat down in front of me.

???: hey are you ok lils?

Lily: hey Draco and I'm ok I guess just today is the night that me and Harry's parents died.

Draco: oh I'm sorry I forgot about that. You should eat something at least. You haven't eaten breakfast or lunch. If you want to talk about how you're feeling you can talk to me.

Lily: ok thanks Draco.

I start to eat after Draco goes back to his friends.

Y/n's pov:

I watched as Malfoy comforted lily and convinced her to eat as I remembered that today is when her parents died. I noticed that professor snape looks more angry than he normally is today and professor potter looks sad and constantly wiping her eyes. Eventually it was time for everyone to head to bed. As I'm about to enter my common room when one of the weasley twins accompanied by Percy weasley taps my shoulder. I turn to look at them as my common room is opening.

Y/n: what is it that you need?

Percy: professor Dumbledore wants you. Follow me.

Fred weasley: cool common room entrance.

Y/n: thanks. Ok lead the way.

I follow Fred through a hidden passageway to the second floor corridor in front of myrtle's bathroom. As we step out I see that it is crowded with students so I push my way through to the front.

(A/n: skip to 0:29-0:35)

Y/n: what is it Dumbledore?

Dumbledore: that is what I need you for.

I look at the wall and see the writing on the wall so I use my metal eye to scan it as I get a little bit of blood on one of the clawed fingers on my metal hand. I smell it and try to think of what creature is trying to be brought to the school.


Y/n: it's rooster blood. What's wrong with your cat filch?

Dumbledore sends everyone to bed except for the potter twins, ron,and Hermione. I teleport everyone into the meeting room in my common room so that we don't use lockhart's office which is nearby. I see Hermione and lily looking surprised. I see Lockhart trying to not hurl and cough up his lungs. Dumbledore looks curious about the mode of transport I have. McGonagall looks shocked and a little bit scared. Harry and Ron are coughing from breathing in some of the smoke. Filch is still angry and sad about his cat. Snape is looking around the room.

Y/n: Hermione, lily are you both alright?

Hermione: that felt like going through the fire in the potion challenge in first year.

Lily: that was awesome!

Dumbledore: interesting mode of transport.

I have some super battle droids walk in as security ,which they bang their fists together, and one puts some mint tea down for everyone.

The cat is hovered over the table the table and scanned by an orange light.

(A/n: skip to 0:19 to 0:26 for how the scan looks.)

Y/n: hmmm she wasn't beat with a broom stick professor snape.

Snape: h...how do you know what I was abou-

Y/n: the death bringer family are really strong legemins (a/n: think I spelled it wrong.)

Lockhart: then it is possibly a curse. No it was definitely a curse that killed her probably the Transmogrifian Torture. I've seen it used many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very counter-curse that would have saved her. I'm so sorry I wasn't the-

Y/n: Lockhart shut up! If she died I would have known because I would sense if someone in the staff of hogwarts died! So please shut up before I have to cut your tongue out of your pathetic mouth!


Everyone looks at me surprised and only McGonagall, Hermione, and Lily look disgusted at the thought of seeing the thought of seeing me do that. Everyone can tell that Lockhart is testing my patience.

Dumbledore: The death bringer is correct, she isn't dead but actually petrified. Professor sprout is growing some mandrakes. Is that correct children?

Hermione: y...yes professor.

Lockhart: I can make a mandrake drought. I've done it countless of ti-

Y/n: I don't think so Lockhart! You couldn't even stop a swarm of pixies that you realesed! So how about the potions master of hogwarts makes it since he knows what he is doing!

Snape: I am the potions master not you Lockhart. So listen to the death bringer and shut....up.

I send the professors to their offices and the gryffindors to their common room with my teleportation method and walk lily back to her common room.

(A/n: hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and vote on it. It helps me know that actual people are reading it and not some bots wattpad probably has read the book. There might be a surprise at the bottom of this chapter or maybe there isn't. Hope you all having a good day when you get to this author note.)

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