《death's right hand: The Death Bringer》mudblood & y/n's wrath


Lily's pov:

I was sitting with Hermione at breakfast looking through my CDs to play on the radio that I was surprised worked even though it shouldn't within the hogwarts grounds. Hermione was getting some breakfast put together for us both since we were going to watch Harry's practice today.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥small timeskip🔥🔥🔥🔥

We were sitting in the stands and I play the song I chose.

I start dancing around as the music played and I pulled Hermione away from reading that creep's books long enough that danced with me. As we were dancing Ron sat down near us looking at us like we were crazy. After a few minutes Harry flew toward us when we waved to him and I gave him a breakfast burrito I made. I was still dancing when I heard wood yelling.

Wood: what are they doing here?! I booked the pitch today!

We look and see green robes walking onto the field so we went down to the field to hear what is happening. I set the radio down next to me when we are next to the gryffindor team. After the Slytherin team showed their new nimbus 2001s Draco steps forward. I was glad that he made it on the team last night after a hard trial.

Hermione: at least no one on the gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.

Lily: Hermione he didn-

Draco: no one asked for your opinion you filthy little mudblood!

I understood the reason for Draco's anger but he didn't need to say that word to her. The two teams start yelling at each other over a stupid word and flint casts a spell at Hermione that hurts her causing her to hold her arm and ribs. I gasp in pain and grab my arm where my mark is which causes the teams to stop and look at me.


Draco: lily what's wro-

Lily: he knows and he's not happy with you Draco and flint.

Harry: why are you using his first name lily?

One of the girls on the gryffindor team screams and we see a metal four armed figure standing where the radio was.

As we all back away from it, I see a ball of fire flying towards us. As the fire disapates we see y/n approach flint in anger with his metal eye glowing a blood red and he punches flint in the ribs with his metal hand with a sickening crunch as all of the Slytherin team as forced on their knees except Draco. As y/n approaches Draco, ron decides to use the eat slug curse which backfires and hits himself instead. When me and Hermione see him ready to extend the hidden blade we both decide that we need to stop him before he kills Draco and gets sent to Azkaban.

Y/n: perhaps I should remove your tongue you racist blonde! Or better yet just take your head off your shoulders so no one has to hear from you and see you ever again!

Hermione and lily: y/n stop it! That's enough!

Lily: I think he gets it. Right Draco?

Hermione: y/n look at me.

Draco nods quickly in fear. I see y/n look at Hermione and his metal eye seems to slowly fade back to an electric blue when he sees she is ok. He releases the Slytherin team from his grip on them and drops Draco on the ground and glares at him before leaving and I see the metal figure turn into a ball of fire and go to y/n. We watch as y/n teleports away and me, Harry, and Hermione take Ron to Hagrid's hut.

Y/n's pov:

When I teleport back into my common room I go to my meditation room that I added and kneel down on the ground and meditate to clear my mind when I'm pulled into a vision with writing on a wall to Hermione on the ground near the library not moving to hearing something hissing.

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