《death's right hand: The Death Bringer》Hermione's birthday&the twins meet their other aunt


Hermione's pov:

I woke up and did my morning routine before going to breakfast with a big smile since today is my birthday. As I get close to the great hall I see a bit of a little fuzzy face quickly hide from the door. As I enter I get tackled in a hug by lily.

Lily: happy birthday Hermione!!

Hermione: thanks lils

When we sit down at the gryffindor table I feel the heat of fire behind me and a cake is placed down in front of me.

Y/n: happy birthday mione!

Hermione: thanks y/n. This looks good.

Y/n: thanks.

After we eat the cake lily gives me her present which is some otter earrings.

I smile and hug lily. I put in the silver ones and see y/n smile at me giving me a thumbs up.

Y/n: they look good on you mione.

Hermione: th....thanks y...y/n.

I blush a little bit at y/n's comment.

Y/n: one moment.

I look at y/n confused as he whistles sharply as I wait a few minutes before I hear the little piter patter of little feet coming in the direction of where y/n's common room is and the awe of Slytherin girls. As I look towards the doors of the great hall and see possibly the cutest in thing in hogwarts. Y/n puts an arm low to the ground and the other in front of me on the table. They go up y/n's arm and sit in front of me. I notice one looking at me while the other one is looking at lily.

Y/n got me two cute otter twins for my birthday.

Hermione: how did you get them? Where is their mom?

Y/n: I rescued them. Their mother was killed by a muggle so I checked his info in the muggle database and found out he had no family so I took him out and raised those little troublemakers with my mother's help.


Hermione: oh you poor things.

The otters come to me and snuggle with me as I eat breakfast and flip the pages of my book I'm reading when I reach out to change it to the next page. Best day ever.


Lily's pov:

It is a couple of weeks now since Hermione's birthday and I'm headed to study hall with mal. As I sit in the class working I think about how the professor has the same last name as me and Harry.

Y/n's pov:

I sat in study hall working on boring history of magic essays. I look up and see lily deep in thought as professor potter approaches me.

Y/n: what's wrong professor?

Jasmine potter: can I speak with you outside?

I nod and follow the professor into the hall. I lean against the wall wondering what she wants to talk about.

Jasmine potter: are the two potters really j....james and Lily's children?

Y/n: yes why?

Jasmine potter: I'm their aunt and-

Y/n: why didn't they go live with you?

Jasmine potter: its really quite simple why they aren't living with me. It's because of Dumbledore. He thought it would be best for them to live with Lily's sister and not me. J...James and lily told me and Dumbledore that they are to live with me if something happens to them and he promised to them that the twins would but he lied.

Y/n: maybe they can meet you after class.

Jasmine: yeah that is probably best.

I go back in the class and continue with my work. After class lily and Harry are held back by professor potter.

Lily's pov:

I stay seated as Harry looks confused. The professor sits on her desk and takes deep breath before speaking.

Jasmine potter: I am your aunt that is why we have the same last name. My brother was your father and it is good to see you both are well.


Lily: what house were you in?

Harry: probably in Slytherin like you lily.

Lily: oh grow up Harry James Potter! I'm not just a Slytherin! She was probably wasn't in Slytherin. I'm also a gryffindor like you and ravenclaw.

I go over to Harry and smack the back of his head.

I see our aunt smile sadly and giggle after I slapped Harry and he rubs the back of his head.

Jasmine potter: ok that was uncalled for Harry and I was a Hufflepuff. I had friends in all four houses. You two remind me of the times me and James would argue and mess around. I even slapped him the same way you do lily. You even did it when you both were babies lily.

Lily: I was right.

Harry: glad to know where she got it from.

She gets off the her desk and opens her arms and I rush over and hug her happy to have a living family member other than the mean dursleys.

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