《death's right hand: The Death Bringer》dealing with pixies & finding the death bringer chest


Y/n's pov:

As soon as Lockhart opens the cage it is utter chaos. Neville is picked up and drop on the chandelier, ink bottles are thrown everywhere, and books are thrown at everyone. Lockhart tries a "spell" and it doesn't work and his wand is stolen from him. Lily falls under the skeleton of a dragon from slipping on ink and papers. Lily stands up and gets tackled by Draco as the dragon skeleton falls almost landing on her and a small piece of bone almost hits Hermione and I get a sense of anger course through me at how incompetent Lockhart is, Hermione and lily almost getting seriously injured from the chaos, and from how annoying the pixies are.

Lockhart: if you seven could just get the rest of them and put them back. I'll just be in my office.

Y/n: coward! That's it!

I send out a bolt of lightning that shocks the pixies when Hermione and mal cast a charm.

Hermione and mal: immobulous

After the pixies are frozen and sparking I send out a hail of whistling birds that kills all the pixies.

As I look around the classroom and see that it is only me, Hermione, Harry, ron, mal, and both Draco and lily are hiding under a desk. I wave my hand and everything is fixed by a sweep of fire that doesn't burn anything or anyone.

Lily's pov:

After Hermione, y/n, and mal stop the pixies, Draco helps me stand up and gives me my bookbag then he leaves. I have a faint smile on my face after remembering how he saved me from getting crushed by the skeleton while Harry hid under a table like a coward, as ron protected mal from the pixies by using a book hmmm, and how is Harry in gryffindor the house of the brave when he hides. After y/n walks out of the class in anger I notice Hermione looking at him in awe like she is starting to fancy y/n. It almost the same way she looks at Lockhart but not in a meeting a famous person way.


Lily: are you ok Hermione?

Hermione: hmmm, oh yea I'm ok. Did you see y/n use wandless and wordless magic? Why do I feel differently about y/n?

Lily: yeah I saw him do that and I think you fancy y/n.

Hermione: n...no I don't. Maybe you fancy Draco?

Lily: n...no m...maybe, maybe not i...I don't know.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥small timeskip🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

It was lunch time and me and Hermione see y/n at the lake so we grab some sandwiches and go to him. We notice that we are getting far enough that we can almost barely see the castle so we use our telescopes for astronomy and watch him teleport onto an island on the lake and pull out a box shaped like a pirate chest. When he covers something up and teleports away we head back to the castle.

Y/n's pov:

After the incompetent idiot's lesson and transfigeration I walk around the edge of the lake at lunch and see a small island on the far side of the lake out of sight of the school so I teleport there and see a skull emblem burned into the sand.

As I get close to it the emblem burns and crumbles into the ground revealing a chest sitting in the bottom of pit. As I look at it in shock I realize that I found the death bringer's heart chest that belonged to the first death bringer before wizards even existed.

I look around to make sure no one is nearby or looking before grabbing the chest and getting out of the pit. I use wandless and wordless magic to cover the pit again but it doesn't have the emblem anymore. I teleport back to my common room after securing my hold on the chest. When I get back in my common room I open the chest and see that it is empty so I put my heart in it but left a tiny piece of it in me. After closing the chest I grab another chest I made and put the old chest in it.


After closing the new chest on the old one I use the drop of Lily's and Hermione's blood that the security system took so that their touch can open the new chest.

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