《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》A hand up


I scream "He's alive! They saved him!"

Everyone cheered. Toothless was still, but breathing heavily. I lifted his head into my lap. Then I ran to the cove. I grabbed the hatchling, moving quickly. We came back to Toothless, who was begining to come back around. I set it by Toothless. He licked Toothless' face. Toothless opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes were sad, and he closed them again. I woke him up. I got Sky to pull him onto his feet. He growled at her. She smacked him. The hatchling flew around them. I watched his gaze flicker to my father, who had a burn mark on his arm. I hugged Toothless.

Then I confided "I'll always forgive you, bud. Always."

He looked at me with those sad eyes. Then I rember what he was sad about. I look at my leg. It had a metal peice strapped to the end of my thigh. I sigh, and stand up. I grin at him, and Astrid stands behind me, hand on my shoulder. Thanks for steadying me Astrid. I managed to take the saddle off of Toothless. He groaned. I noticed the burn mark on his stomach. Aww...bud. Why didn't you tell me? I gestured for a medic. Gothi hobbled forward, whacking me off balance with her staff. I gestured to Toothless. She found the burn mark, and began to rub some aloe vera on it. Toothless screamed, and the Night Furies became very on edge. I smiled. I guess I'll make him an auto tail so he can join his kind.... I leave him with Astrid and Gothi. Then I hobble off, grabbing some supplies, and craft a new tail. This one locked... I slid it into unlocked and slid it under my arm. Toothless grinned a gummy smile. I grinned back. Goodbye, brother. I attached the prostetic, and slid it into locked. He looked at me, and took off. Goodbye, brother. Goodbye, bud. Go have some fun! Don't let a peg leg stop your dreams. He circled and was gone with the mass. Astrid touched my shoulder. The hatchling had been on Toothless' back , so it had left me as well. I looked at Astrid. I felt broken. I walked inside, and was knocked over by a black streak. I watched her take off after Toothless and thier hatchling. A purple shot goes into the air. I sigh. Last time I'll see that agai.... WHAM! All I see is my brother licking my face. The tail was beside him, in a mangled mess. Two Night Furies were staring. They looked like Toothless, but one was a female. His parents! I looked back to see my brother lying on my torso.


He intergected "I wanted my family here, too! If you can, I can!"

I hugged him, and he just smiled. We stood up. Our families embraced us warmly. Sky looked catious of the situation, but Toothless pulled her in with his tail.

We hugged for a long time before Gobber interupted our hug session. "You know Stoick, now you have somebody to take care of Berk when you retire!"

My head spun, but I just laughed in my head. As if I could run a village. I don't speak Norse anymore! I can only speak dragonic! Astrid had to learn it to understand me!

My father nods and says "Yes. Yes I do. Come on son. We have work to do."

I looked to my mom, who just gives me the go gesture. I follow my father, walking beside him. Toothless follows behind me, keeping his tail around me. He groaned, and started to swing his tail. The hatchling sat on Toothless as we walked. My father told me the history of Berk, and how it worked. My foot caught on some ice, but Toothless caught me. I stood up, thanking my brother. My dad observed my dialouge, and asked me to speak Norse. I failed epicly! I only got a "H...I..." out, before my brain was on an overload. Then he asked if I understood him. I managed a yes. He smiled and kept talking, confident that I understood him.... I suddenly felt a rush of gratitude towards Toothless. He gave me my family back, and got his back as well! I'm lucky to have him as a brother, a friend. I pointed to Toothless, then his half tail. My father called Gobber, who made a new tail and saddle. I strapped it down. Toothless wiggled it around, and nodded to me. I hugged him. I could get used to this! If only I could speak so somebody could understand me! Astrid came and hugged me, and a bunch of teens came out from behind her. Two of them looked like twins, one was a bit larger than the others, but seemed smarter, and one seemed to be a brute no brains. They introduced themselves. The twins were named Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Fishlegs was the smarter looking one , and Snotlout was the brute. I attempted introduction, but once again failed. I wispered to Astrid, who translated the intro over to Norse. I felt stupid having to get my best friend translate for me... I vowed to be bilingual, and speak both languages. But I would write notes in dragonic, as I was used to it.


Then I heard Ruffnut wisper something to Astrid...


Ohhh...Ruffnut. Oh poor little Ruffnut. I sighed at her comment. She had asked if we, Hiccup and I, had been going out. I had said no, but something in me said a sheepish yes. I thought of all the picnics, pranks, and suprise gifts. I turned red. Hiccup became rather concerned, thinking I was ill.

He asked me "Are you okay?"

I nearly fell over. He just spoke Norse? He just spoke Norse! Why did he make me learn that other language? HE SPEAKS NORSE! He seemed suprised at my shock. He asked again. I fell over. He caught me, and asked again. I turned redder. He got sincerly concerned this time, checking my temperature. I told him I was fine. He nodded, and we began talking. At one point he switched between the languages not thinking, but I reminded him what language he needed to be speaking. He turned pink and repeated himself in Norse. Stoick grinned at us as we walked by. He heard Hiccup speaking Norse, and his grin broadened. We talked for hours, until the sunset. Then we went to the hall for supper. It was fried fish. Hiccup looked confused as he sat down. Before he could sort himself out, Toothless had stolen the fish plate and all. I began laughing. The fish was gone, and Hiccup wasn't that upset. He just shrugged and tried again. This time Hiccup managed to keep his brother away from his plate. He fought with the utensils, but I showed him how to use them, even though I felt rather stupid doing it. I imagined how stupid he felt. We cleared out, and chatted some more. Eventually we all went home, to go to bed.


When we finally went to bed, I was completly exhausted. Hiccup flopped on a bed, and I followed suit. He groaned when I leaped off the bed. I ushered my family inside, all five of them. We slept throughout the nest, finding just any spot that was big enough. I slept beside Sky around Hiccups' bed. Then we all fell asleep, dreaming of adventures to come...

extremely important!

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