《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》The cry of a Night Fury!



Try harder next time, Bloodvist! You can't kill me that easy! I use the trick I vowed never to show Hiccup. When really angered in battle, Night Furies can use a blue super plasma. It turns them blue. We can do it since birth. It takes less energy, so it becomes more efficient in battle. Plus, it removes our shot count. We can shoot over and over. And harder and stronger! I light my body up, filling it with the plasmas' strength. I hear Valkas' crys out side the ice. Please move in time! I can't stop this explosion! Move! ARRGGG! I explode the ice, my super plasma shooting everywhere! I growl at the alpha, who shoots at me. I dodge. Then Dargo waves his staff, and points to me. My head starts to fill with fog. I hear Hiccup scream. No! Stop! Snap out of it! I try to stop, but nothing helps. I cry a crackling warning to my brother, and he dodges my shot. I manage to get myself stuck between ice spikes. I jerk and squirm, but I go limp. Dargo gets on my back, breaking the ice. My wings move with out my consent. An idea that is like a light bulb goes off in my head. I scream a battle cry, The battle cry. The calling battle cry! I fight the alpha to get it out. Dargo hits me, but I don't mind. Game over. Hiccup is staring at something. His family. I look their direction. A burn fills my throat. NO! I throw a weak plasma ball. Dargo hits me again. Then he forces a blue ball out. It nearly missed its' target. It hit Stoick. I'm a monster. He'll never forgive me now... all grasp of my body slips, and I'm mearly watching my actions. Hiccup cries, Valka cries, Gobber snifs. Stormfly looks horrified at me. My mouth smokes. My mind comes back as I see Hiccup. This ends now! If it ends me, I won't mind. It's for Hiccup. I prep a ball. I turn, and loose my control. I was intending to smack the alpha with it, but he had other ideas. He made my tail fan out. Then that ball whacked my left tail fin off. I began falling, but managed to stay alive by landing on the ground. Hiccup glares into my lifeless eyes. He runs upto me as the control wavers. It wasn't your fault, bud. Come back. I won't leave you here. Come back to me bud!


Victory! My mind tries hard to block the alpha. My battle cry repeats itself. Over and over. A black mass covers the clouds... game over. I win! You loose! I reconize the mass as what I'd ordered.... THE NIGHT FURY CLAN WITH ALL THIER RIDERS! Just my best ally. All the hiden Night Furies, with riders thanks to Hiccup! The mass blocked the sun completely, leaving only darkness. I go to take off, but flop down. Right. They all land behind me. Dargo panics. Hiccup was putting something on my tail. He rigged it to the foot rests.

He said "Good job, bud.I figured we might need a prostetic tail fin. Rember the day I told you not to use your best tail fin? I was practicing for this. Now let's kick butt!"

I roared. The Night Furies roared back. It hurt Hiccups' ears. We took to the sky. We warned the Bewilderbeast to flee while we let him. He blew ice. Fine. Be that way. We began shooting randomly. Blue and purple covered the beast. Then its' wings spread. We flew higher. I ordered everybody to stay back in case we had to come down. They agreed.. all but one. She had some scars, and blue eyes. Sky? I cry out in mid-flight.

I call "SKY?"

She flys up to me. She doesn't have a rider. I tell her to help the others get every one to safety. She nods. I fly quicker, my brother as a co-pilot. We flew higher, the Bewilderbeast roaring as we raced it through the air. The whistle of my wings increased my focus. Left, right, over, under. NOOOO! The queen. We were dead at that point. With two angry rulers coming at us, we were dead. But Hiccup gestured to the clouds, and we disappeared into them. I shot blue at the two angry rulers. They were also in the clouds, but couldn't see me. A lightning storm errupted. Lightning shot around us. I timed my shots to the lightning strike. Threats from the rulers filled the space between shots. I felt heat and smelt burning ashpualt. The rulers had lit the clouds on fire! Really mature!


My brother interupted my rage "Times' up! Time to go down..."

Then he mumbles "Maybe our last time.. but if we can save the dragons under Drago, we've done our jobs, right bud?"

I nod. Drago was controling innocent dragons, as well as that queen, and we had a plan to stop it all at once. Fight fire with ULTRA PLASMA! I began pulling gas in. I gathered it into a HUGE ball. I preped the ignition source. This would take most of my energy, but it would end the control of innocent dragons and people. We began diving. Ice shot at us, and the queen was ready to kill us off. I was ready, though. I ignited the ball, and flipped. I let it fly. It was black. My vision blurred. I heard the queen scream. We hovered as the queen fell, out of the way. She passed us, and we lost the fin. We fell on our backs. The Bewilderbeast and Dargo charged at us. I fired the last ultra shot I had in me. It lit the Bewilderbeasts' mouth up, just like the queen. We kept falling, with no way of stopping. I veered away from the Bewilderbeast, who fell into the ocean and was fine, and kept fallin towards some rocks. I've got nothing left to save us both, but Hiccup can be saved. I grabbed his left leg, and pulled his wing suit open. He screamed. His leg bled, but I was sure he'd be fine. I threw him up, onto an updraft. He glided away, nearly unconscious. I blacked out, but never felt the pain of the ground. Just a tug on my wings. Then I slipped into a coma like state, but still comprehending what happened to me.

I heard Hiccup, the brother I'd saved say "This is what it is to earn a dragons' loyalty. I wish I'd know before. I could've.... I could've..."

Then it went blank. Just blank. Ah well, I tried to stay alive... I guess it wasn't enough....

A/N Do you think that Toothless makes it? Comment your answer... because we're not done with this mess yet!

Toothlessisawesome.... (cough, cough, not first word aint dead yet..cough,cough)

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