《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》Helping hands


Time lapse....1 1/2 months.....


What is this Night Fury thinking? He can't kidnap the chief of Berk by himself! He's going to need some help.... and I guess I'm the only one who can catch the ding-a-ling by now, before he hurts himself. Boys..always trying to be mocho and strong. I take off, and catch up with Toothless. He tries to fly faster, but I stop him. An eel is dangling infront of him. He glares at me. I glare back. He slows down, and I drop the eel. He grins and shoots off, using his double spine trick to increase his speed.

I follow him, but soon loose him in the mist. Then he jumps out from above at me. We begin to fall. He spreads his wings, carring us both. Then we begin laughing. He pulls away from the water, and we are soon over top of Berk. The night sky is dark, and hides him well. Me on the other hand, not so much.

He tells me his plan...

Toothless' POV.

"You distract the villagers, and I'll grab Stoick!"

She nods. I'm glad to have a friend like Stormfly. Then we begin doing our jobs. Stormfly sits on top of the arena, spraying fire and laughing. Meanwhile I try to draw Stoick out. When I see him on a hill I glide down, my wings whistling their signature sound. Everybody ducks, and I curl my wing tips, silencing my dive. As my target stands up, I snatch him off the ground. I strain to hold him up. I call for Stormfly, who takes Stoicks' other arm. A larger man comes charging out with a blonde beard, a lead tooth, and interchangeable hands. He ties a rope to Stormflys' leg. Stormfly flicks him up, and we grab him as well. We hear Stoick call him Gobber. Huh. Weird names these humans have! We land inside the cave, and Hiccup and Astrid are running up to us. I'd ended up with Gobber and Stormfly with Stoick. It nearly killed both of us, from pure exhaustion and bolas. We set our prizes down on the floor. They drew swords, but we drew our weapons. They decided they wouldn't win that war. I warbled to Cloudjumper. He shoved Valka towards Stoick. They both hugged each other. Gobber looked very confused. He sat down on my bed, and scratched his bald head. I grinned a gummy smile at Hiccup, who just sat down beside Gobber. He introduced himself to Gobber, who just smiled and introduced back. Gobber talked with Hiccup, while Stoick and Valka simply talked and cooked supper. I curled up on my nest, allowing the men to lean on my back. I fell asleep, feeling warm and fufilled inside. My dreams were of Hiccup being with his family on Berk. I was there, along with Stormfly. All the vikings had dragons. Even little Gothi had a few terrible terrors.


I woke slightly when Hiccup began stroking my back. He got a spot he usually skipped over. He scratched there for a long time. A crackling sound came from my tail. The fins had expanded, and fanned out, looking very large. When he went back to stroking, my tail closed. It was still longer, but closed. I fell asleep again, my dreams picking up where they left off.

Hiccup and I took off the next morning with Astrid. We did tricks and dives, the hatchling sleeping in Hiccups' pack. We flew for hours, when we heard the shrill cry of the king. We flew outside the sanctuary, to find the dead king. There were dragons from the nest flying after a fleet of ships. Struggle marks were in the snow. We flew to the cave, only to find a note.......

Then I woke up..........

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