《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》Late teachings


I said no, Night! How could he just leave with his slave? Ug. Males are soooo stupid. I heat my nest up, hoping to find an egg when I wake up. It isn't uncommon for Night Furies to do the ceremonial flight, have a hatchling, and seperate. It was the way of life. The Night Furies raised hatchlings together, but split after the season was done. Then back together again in Spring. It was normal. But I don't think Night knows it. He was raised with savages.

A strange voice echoes in my head "End him."

I scream "No!"

It says "Then I'll make you."

I say "What?"

Yes! A forever mate! I missed Sky for sooo long! I mean, we we've been together since birth.

Hiccup telepathically messages me "Don't be too excited. You may scare her off."

I slap him, and he flys by himself with his cloth wings. I glare at him. Then I get an idea. I call to Stormfly, who was getting ready with Astrid. We trained with them every evening. She came, and we took off. Ignoring our riders, we dove and leaped. We did barrel rolls, sumersaults, you name it. We dove under water, nearly submerging our riders. We laughed at them.. and they screamed. Then we dumped them off in the sanctuary. We flew around, just having fun and visiting. We were cut short when a black streak knocked me out of the air, wounding my wings. They bled and stung like daggers. I bit the streak. It tried to bite me, but I held firm. It passed out, and I left it in a cave by itself. I warned the king, who spread the word. I climbed back to my brothers' for help. He examined the wounds, and said I wouldn't fly for the next month. I glared at the cave I'd left the monster in. Stupid black streak. Then I get an idea and rush to my nest. She's gone. I run calling for her. She doesn't reply... I get more frantic, and the king tells me to stop. He tells me that the streak was my mate. And that another alpha had tooken control of her mind. He also said it was because she wasn't doing her job quick enough.


I ask "What was her job?"

He replies with sorrow "Kill you."

I feel weak.

Then he adds with a sadness like a foghorn into an empty ocean "And she failed, so he killed her. It's the way some alphas' work."

I feel weaker. My wings ache, my head spins, and my legs buckle. Nooo. Nooooo.

I scream the cry that no viking knows a dragon (Much less a Night Fury) could make, could feel. The loss cry. The sad cry. The 'I've lost my mate and it's gone forever' cry. Hiccup ushered me inside with the help of Cloudjumper. My heart feels torn in sixtyiths. Heck, infinityiths. Only six peices remain. Me and Hiccup, Valka, Astrid, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper. Those are the remaining six. The rest fade to dust off a memmory, not even a reminisce of a memmory.

My body feels cold. I shiver, and then begin shivering. Hiccup begins trying to warm me up, with the ones who hold the remains of my heart. I fall asleep with a sad song I'd heard Stoick sing once. One about losing all that you treasure. Then another one he also sang comes in. One about mighty deeds and poetry. Then an idea smacks me. I will reunite Stoick with his family. Even if it kills me. Even if it kills me.....

A/n I apologize for any suckie chapters, I've been a little distracted lately. Also I'm sorry for the delay in new chapters, I've been a little busy. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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