《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》Taking flight


Time skip.... 5 years.

??? POV

Where is my mate? He left many years ago, but I heard his promise of return for me. I miss him. I'm going to fly to the Bewildernest. If anybody knows where Night is, the wise old king will! I sneak off our island, hoping not to disturb the queen. My wings spread, and I begin my journey to the Bewildernest. The water is calm, so I dive down and nab a fish. I eat while flying. Then a large aqua ice sculpture rises out of the monotonous horizon. The Bewildernest! I made it! I'm coming for you Night! I flap, to gain speed. The air whistles, and I dive into the Bewildernests' throne room. A massive white bewilderbeast known as Bewildered Legend. Or just BJ. Or king. Mostly king.

I heard his call, gentle and welcoming. I fly to him.

He says "Hello Sky. What is your business coming to me?"

I bow and say "I am looking for my promise mate. Night"

He says "Hmmmm. Let me see if he's home."

Then he calls a call I've never heard before. A man glides down on cloth wings.

I cower away. He looks at me. Who is he?

The king asks if Toothless is home, and the man nods.

The king says "If you wish to find Night, follow the man. He will not hurt you."

I follow the man named Hiccup. A Night Fury is staring over the shoulder of a woman. I warble a greeting to the Night Fury. It turns around. I gasp. Night!

Night Fury? I turn around and my mind does a happy dance. Sky! I run upto her, warbling nonesense. I'm euphoric! I bounce around, nudging and smiling. She just laughs.

She says "Why didn't you come back?"


I turn red under my black scales "The queen threatened your life if I returned."

She grumbled "I that old queen! She lost her temper after you left. You were her best hunter and tracker. She threatened to kill anyone who left."

I say "Then why did you leave?"

She said "To find you."

Hiccup smiles at me. Not funny cheeky face! I felt a warm smooth thing touch my tail.

Then she spoke telepathically "Will you be my...."

My tail became hot, and the heat climbed up my body.

Then she finished "Mate?"

I began shaking and said "Yes."

Then we took off. I accidentally tripped Hiccup, but who cares! I have a mate! Everyone is staring, but who cares! We began flying, the Night Furys' signature duo flight. We flew all the way to the top of the sanctuary, and dove down....

What is happening? Toothless took off with the other Night Fury. He knocked me over. I called to him, but he kept flying. Then the whistle of a Night Furys' wings filled the air. My head swirled with conclusions.

My mom taps my shoulder and says "He's found a mate, son. He doesn't need us anymore."

My knees buckle "What?"

She says "Remove your saddle son. He won't be here long. He has a mate to care for."

I nearly faint. He won't stay with me? We can't stay as brothers, riding the night winds?

I called him back, and removed our gear. He didn't think once, never mind twice. He left the house/cave with the other dragon. I heard him land behind me. I wispered something in his ear. He agreed. I lead them into a secret cove in the sanctuary. It had everything they'd need, a pool of fresh water, fish, plants, trees, grass, and plenty of flight space. The Night Fury who he called Sky went to a tree and found a crack big enough for her to squeeze through. She began hauling things inside the crack. Leaves, grass, sticks, all kinds of things. After she pulled rocks in the crack. I looked inside. The crack lead to a hidden nesting area. It was flat bottomed, and had thick walls. Sky hissed in my face. Okay then. I went to touch Toothless, and got a growl from Sky. Great. I asked Toothless to come with me to go teach Astrid. He agreed.


A/n. The media pic. Is of Sky.

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