《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》Next day...


Toothless' POV.

Why does he wish to see the girl again? She almost murdered me!

He says "Come on. If we hover we can watch and be safe. I want to see the savages I saw in my dream last night. I think they're important for some reason. One was.....my father, and I....wish to meet him!"

I groan "For the last time....YOU DON'T HAVE A FATHER!"

He says "I want to prove you wrong one day! And that day is..... TODAY!"

He leaps down, using his wing suit to glide down. I land in an alley. I watched my brother go meet his 'father'.

He asks "Hello, sir. Can you help me?"

The man says "Hello. Remove your mask, then we talk."

He sighs, and removes it. Thankfully it's dark, so he doesn't see the mask entirely. The man looks at him, his armour reflecting the torchlight. I crouch down.

The man asks "Do you know a woman named Valka?"

Hiccup says "Yes."


Hiccup hops on, and we take flight. We hover, watching the man look around confused. We see Astrid call him 'Chief'. Whoops. She looks up, and sees us. Hiccup flicks his mask down, hiding his body entirely. His armour was black, so he was as invisible as a Night Fury. She whispers something to the chief, who looks up to try and see us. We fly home, Hiccup asleep on my back. I warble at him, and he keeps sleeping. We land at home, and Valka removes my brother from my back. I warm my bed up, and lay down with my tail draped over Hiccup. I think about the time before I had run away to this place. My parents distracting the queen to allow my escape, and my wings giving out near the Bewilderbeasts' bedroom. He rescued me as a hatchling. Now being the same age as Hiccup, I understand his pain. Where's my family now? I fall into a sad sleep....


Why can't I seem to find Astrid? A strange feeling happens when I'm near her, a good weird though. We visit Berk during the night to find her, and I get more desperate to find her. I hope she wants to find me too....

Where is that Hiccup? I hear reports of a Night Fury every now and again, but this one never shoots at us. It just watches us. I think it's him, but I can't be sure. I to find him!

A screech echos through the woods. I run to it. Hiccup and Toothless are caught in yet another bola. I set them free, but I make a hand symbol, a 'T' for Toothless. He agrees that will be our code to meet here. He also says he's the reason for the Night Fury sightings. I laugh at him , and he flys away. I hope I see him soon....

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