《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》10 years later


Ahhh... I feel so free! I can't believe anyone can live without this!

I pat my friend and say "How's 'bout it, bud? Do you want to go see what's on that weird island?"

My dragonic was getting better daily, and soon I only spoke it. My english though...,let's not go there! Toothless, named after his retractable teeth, groaned at me.

He said "Don't you rember last time? We almost died! And I don't wish to loose my brother to the savages! They'd skin us and hang us on the walls!"

I reply "We'll be fine. I promise, bud."

Toothless groans at me. That must be it. Such strange nests these savages build. Some dragons say it's called Berk. I crouch on Toothless' back. The night sky hides our figures, keeping us safe. A savage screams something along the line 'Night Fury'. I duck down, allowing myself to look like Toothless' neck. We wisked over the island, narrowly escaping the bolas' flung at us. Dragon Raid! We flew up, and we called the dragons to stop. They all did, and left. As we flew away, a sudden whipping noise startled us. A bola had found its' mark. We went down inside a cove, and I feel trapped and in danger. I grabbed Toothless, crawling in between his legs. He wraps his wings and legs around me. I felt his tail jerk into my cucoon. We plummeted into the dirt, plowing a trench into the dirt and tumbling down a cliff, which leaves us inside the cove. We are completely entangled in the bola. It was alot larger than normal, completely covering us. I roar for help, but the only thing that came to our rescue was a shocked blonde savage with a braid.

It said "I've caught it! Astrid Hofferson has caught this beast of legend! Now I can haul you back to the..."


I groan, and she leaps a foot back....

Astrids' POV.

It groans, and I jump back. I reach in, securing a rope over its neck and nose. I laugh in its black and misserable face. I wrap a chain around its' middle and over the wings, and tied the rope on its neck to it. I took another string, and tied it so I could lead the misserable being into an arena cage. I cut it loose, holding the rope. I smiled as it stod up. It looked at me like I was a big idiot. Something moved on the beasts' underside. It poked its' head between its' legs, and warbled.

Someone spoke "What happened, bud?"

I call out "Where ever you are, come out? Don't make me hunt you down!"

The Night Fury has a gloating look on his face, and a Night Fury roar echos in my ears. I try to duck, but a strange creature pins me down. Good job Astrid! Getting pinned by a Night Fury type-thingy! It had a black face, green eyes, and what I realized was a mask. It looked like a Night Furys' face, and was made of naturally shed scales from a.... oh Yaknog! DRAGON RIDER! Wait, if the rider is here... where's the one I need to worry about? Where's the dragon? Never mind... the rider growled and grunted to the Night Fury. I tried to scream, but the hand of a boy my age covered my mouth. The eyes stared at me.

Then the rider spoke "I wish...you....to...release..,brother"

I gestured to the dragon. He nodded.

I made a mistake, and shook my head.

The rider began sweating, and drew a black sword. He repeated the request. I released the dragon, and held onto the riders' arm.

I asked "What is your name dragon rider?"

He replies after a good laugh "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third."

And was gone. Him and the Night Fury. NO! Astrid you IDIOT! You let him go! I trudged back to the village, carrying a scale from the dragon that had fallen off. This is going to Gothi. She'll like it...

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