《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》The KING of all dragons


I scream

He called ""

Then Berk is out of sight. I hear Hiccup laughing, and turn as well as I could. He's with a Night Fury. I can tell it means well, but I can't forget that Stormcutters eyes. They let me see the creature as a gentle, and intelligent. Its soul reflected my own. I look back, and Hiccup is patting the Night Furys' leg. The dragon looks down with kind eyes, and I feel the Stormcutters' decent. I hear the Night Fury warble to the Stormcutter, and the Stormcutter turns left. We were inside a giant cave of ice & rock. I felt safe in the Stormcutters gentle grasp. Hiccup was laughing at the Night Furys' gummy smile. The Night Fury looked at Hiccup with its teeth retracted, and looked rather cute.. The Stormcutter sets me on my feet on a grassy clearing. I stroke its passing leg. It lands beside me. It puts its' head over my shoulder, and looks into my face. I lower my gaze, and reach out my hand. A gentle nudge tells me I was right. Dragons are gentle creatures, and can live in peace with us! I name the dragon Cloudjumper, and he bows down to the ground, along with the Night Fury beside Hiccups' craddle. A large white Bewilderbeast blows a white mist at us, and looks at me and Hiccup. It looks at the dragons, smiles a dragon grin, and warbles. I smile back. He seems content, and

Cloudjumper and the Night Fury picks us up. We land in a cave inside the ice dome. I see straw placed in nests. I find some extra straw in the corner, and make myself a bed. I check on Hiccup. The Night Fury growls, wrapping its' tail around the craddle. Night Furys' must be protective of thier young. I speak softly to the dragon, and I check on Hiccup. A little moisture on his blanket was all I found. I feel the breath of the Night Fury down my neck. I place Hiccup back in the craddle,which I moved next to my bed. This didn't impress Mr.Night Fury, who moved it next to his nest. Then he growled at me. Okay. He thinks Hiccup is baby. Whatever. If he wanted to hurt him, he would've done it already. Plus, angering him will do no one any good. It lit the rock it was using as a nest on fire with purple plasma. It flopped down like it was a comfy matress. It wrapped its' tail and wing over Hiccup. Hiccup oogled over the black covering over his head. I lay down on my bed, and Cloudjumper wraps himself around me. I fall asleep to the gentle warble and embrace of Cloudjumper. Where is Stoick? I miss him so.



A man with a red beard is holding me, staring at my face. He is saying a word I hear so much. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third. Over and over. Now he's crying, crying from pure joy. Then the merry face fades to black... it fades to black. Then the face is replaced by the black face and green eyes of my new friend. Here's what I saw.

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