《The Whistle Of A Night Furys' Wings (HTTYD FAN FIC)》DRAGON RAID!


Night Furys' POV

Why must we raid this innocent village? I only wish there was another way.

Sigh. Oh well, time to do my job. Shoot, Scare, Distract. I dive down, and shoot the catapult. I soon got bored of diving, so I hovered beside my Stormcutter friend. Both of us have gotten sick of raiding innocent villages like Berk. They have done nothing to us that we didn't cause.

My Stormcutter friend, Cloudjumper, said "Hey, do you hear that?"

My ears picked up a desperate wail. We flew into a human nest, Cloudjumper entering first. A female human stod by the crying human hatchling. Cloudjumper was trying to see what the female was doing, so I investigate the hatchling. It smells like a human, but it's eyes say Night Fury. I smell it, and it touches my nose. I continue to investigate the hatchling. Why am I so fond of this hatchling? Cloudjumper shreaks a warning cry to me. An axe is embedded in the wood wall of the nest. I see Cloudjumper grab the female, so I grab the infants hatchling nest. The wood was easy to hang on to. I leave with Cloudjumper, and we head to present our findings to our gentle king.... the Albino BEWILDERBEAST!

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