《The Vampire Titan》Ending


"Ow!" I yelped, after being whacked with Robins bo staff.

We had started training just a few day after my siblings and friends left, and it has now been a week. Robin had helped me with hand-to-hand combat, (which I excelled at) and was now teaching weapon fighting (which I sucked at).

Robin sighed, and lowered his weapon. "Maybe we should find something else."

But we had already tried a bundle of weapons - katana, bo staff, a weird fan thing, and his birdarangs. Nothing worked, and I ended up on my bum 80% of the time.

"Why do I need a weapon?" I pouted. "I'm just fine on my own, I don't need one." I plopped down on the mat, and Robin sat next to me.

"You need something in case you're in a situation you can't get out of by yourself," he reminded.

His gloved hand took mine, and I blushed slightly.

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"You need something you're comfortable with," he thought aloud. "And you don't seem to like bigger weapons."

"We still had swords when I was little, and women didn't carry those around," I reminded. "It just feels weird, holding a large weapon like that."

Robin was silent for a bit, and smiled. "I have an idea."


"What are we doing here?" I asked, staring the small Japanese shop.

Really, it looked like a tourist attraction, but where it stood (just outside the city, almost by itself save for a few houses) had me thinking otherwise.

"We're going to find you a weapon," Robin said, pushing the door open.

A bell dinged, and an older Japanese man looked up from where he sat on a stool, reading a book. I couldn't make out the title, but the cover had many bright colors.

Robin waved, and the man waved back with a nod, before returning to his book.

"I was thinking something small, like a Kaiken, or Tantō," he explained, walking to the back corner.

I followed closely behind, furrowed my brow. "What are those?"

He smiled, and came to a stop, picking up a decent sized knife. "They're daggers," he said, while picking up another one, this one slightly larger in length. He held up the smaller one and said: "This is the Kaiken. It resembles more of a pocket knife, because that's kind of what the samurai used them for, and mostly self defense.

"This one," he continued, holding up the larger one, "is the Tantō. It's actually more of a short blade, which means it should give you a bit more room to play with. They were mostly used with traditional martial arts, like ninjutsu - which is what I've been teaching you." He held out the Kaiken, and I took its hilt, testing its weight.

It was light, and felt tiny in my hand. The blade itself was a shiny steel, ten inches and double bladed, and the hilt was a cherry wood. It was pretty, but I liked the feel of it - was small, but large enough to get the job done. It was the weight that threw me off. I was used to using heavier weapons, like the bo staff.


Robin and I switched, so I now had the Tantō. This blade was pretty too, with it's blade reaching twelve inches easily, and it's single edge glinted dangerously in the light. Its thick hilt fit awkwardly in my hand, and added with the weight, I already knew my answer.

Apparently, Robin did too, because he smiled, and held up the Kaiken. "I'll go pay for this, then."

I thanked him, and after looking at the Tantō one last time, I set it back on it's holder. I started to follow Robin, but my communicator buzzed on my hip. I paused, and unclipped it, seeing Cyborg on the other line.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Cyborg winced as a loud boom could be heard in the background. "You remember those three guys that broke into the tower a while back? And you were the only one there-"

"The pink haird girl, kid and hairy guy?" I asked. "Yeah, I remember them."

Another boom.

"We need help." Something happened on Cyborgs end, and for a few seconds, all I could see was the concrete. Before I coul panic, my friend was back, and he looked annoyed. "Stupid kid... anyway, get here as fast as you can."

"We're on our way." I jumped at Robin appearing so close to me, but nodded.

The screen went black, indicating the connection was broken - whether it be from Cyborg hangin up, or something happening, I wasn't sure - , and Robin and I raced outside to the R Cycle.

I yanked on my helmet and climbed on behind Robin.

"Here," he said, handing me our purchase. "Unfortunately, I don't think you'll get to practice before the fight."

I laughed, and gripped into the dagger, admiring the casing for a second, before wrapping my arms around Robins torso.

He revved the engine, and we took off, flying down the road towards the city.

"Where are we even going?" I asked. "Cyborg didn't give us a location."

"We all have tracking devices," Robin explained, skidding around a corner. "My helmet has a built in screen, and it's showing a map, leading the way."

I nodded in understanding, and in seconds, we came to a stop, next to Starfire who had just gotten up from a small crater in the street.

Robin and I both jumped off the motor cycle, rushing to help the alien stay standing on her feet.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded, and smiled at us. "Oh, joyous! You have made it!"

I giggled and nodded, while searching for Pink, Kid, and Fuz. Long, mechanical spider legs obstructed my view, and I craned my neck to see the kid, laughing crazily.

"Come on, crud-monkeys!" he shouted. "Is that all you got?"

Pink flashes crackled at the street lights, and they collapsed, narrowly missing us.

"Jinx," Raven growled, appearing beside me.

Said teen landed in a crouch in front of us. "Hello, Titans," she greeted, smirking at us. The kid, Gizmo, was behind her, grinning and holding a large remote in his hands.


But where was...?

I heard something behind me and whirled around to see the giant, Mammoth.

"Look out!" I shouted unsheathing my Kaiken and lunging forward.

My friends looked shocked, and Mammoth dropped the large boulder in his hands. Ravens black energy in circled it, stopping inches before it would have crushed us. I landed a kick to Mammoths chest, but it didn't do much except make the giant stumble backwards a step.

Raven hurled the boulder back, and he flew backwards into a building.

Gizmo scurried towards us, and Cyborg fired up his arm canon. I expected to smell the familiar scent, but was oddly disappointed. I shook my head to clear it, and Cyborg fired.

"The kid is mine," he growled, and charged.

"Dude!" Beastboy shouted. "You can't have all the fun!" And he followed, turning into a cheetah along the way.

Another pink spark, and the street split under our feet. I scrambled to solid ground, and ended up with Raven, while Robin and Starfire were on the oter side of the now gaping hole.

"Well, well," Jinx laughed, jumping down from the top of a bus. "If it isn't my two favorite people."

"I don't remember our last counter ending that well," I told her, following Ravens lead and getting into a defensive stance. My Kaiken was tied back to my side, so my hands were free.

Jinx didn't reply, and Raven was the first to make a move - a car rose from the ground and slam down on the pink haird girl who shot up sparks and sliced it in half.

I ran forward, dodging a spark and punching at her face, which she easily dodge.

I can do this, I thought. I may be human, but I can do this.

Jinx sighed, and began to attack, so I was forced to take defense. When her hands crackled with power, I faltered, giving her the chance to land a punch to my gut. I flew back, landing on the ground beside Raven who was sending debris to the witchling wannabe.

"I think you Titans are losing your edge," she taunted.

I glared, reached towards my newly acquired dagger.

"You need something in case you're in a situation you can't get out of by yourself."

But I wasn't by myself. Raven was here, and we could-

The ground shook, and the pot hole covers flew into the air, raining down on us. Raven created a force field, protecting us from the metal, and I grumbled, pulling out the Kaiken. I couldn't go head on, not with her weird powers; I would just get thrown into a building or something.

The wooden hilt would at least give me some protection from her electric power, and the length of the blade would give me 'room to play with' as Robin called it.

When the shield was gone, I sprinted forward again, holding the dagger in my right hand. Faintly, I could remember a trip to Japan, several years ago, when I was still with the Fangs. I remember watching some of the boys practice with the samurai swords, and Damien trying to get me to try.

I slashed at Jinx, and she reared back, quickly sending sparks my way. They hit the blade, and even with my small conductor, I felt a the small shock, but I struggled to keep hold. I made a stabbing motion, and she danced out of the way, just out of reach.

"What's the matter?" she asked. "Not relying on your vampire tricks today?"

I growled and slashed again.

Raven was beside me, and she raised her hands. "You need to learn to quit while you're ahead. Azurath, Metrion, Zinthos!"

The world darkened for a moment, and when the dark energy lifted, Jinx was gripping her head as she crouched on the ground.

"Why didn't you that the first time?" I demanded.

"It takes a lot of energy," she explained, floating over and locking energy cuffs on the pink haired teen. "I only use it when I have to."

I nodded, and looked over to see Starfire dropping Mammoth from the sky, and he landed in a heap, unconscious. Cyborg held Gizmo by his backpack, kicking and screaming about having to rebuild his legs.

It hadn't been exactly easy, but we got the job done. And maybe Raven had landed the final blow to Jinx, but I had helped.

So maybe I didn't need to be a vampire.



And that's a wrap!

This took a lot longer than I felt necessary, but whatever :/ I hope you liked this story. I hope you liked Krystalyn, because I kind of liked writing her. Do you guys think she's a Mary Sue? Someone on another site mentioned it, and it's kind of been bothering me for the past few days...

The epilogue will be posted sometime soon. It won't my usual ones though, so don't look forward to a wedding or something like that lol.

Thank you guys. This is my second (and I hope you'll be happy to hear NOT THE LAST) Teen Titans fic, and it was pretty successful in my opinion. But I want to thank you guys, for pressing me to continue, even when I was suffering through writers block, or I hadn't updated in ages. Thank you to those who stayed with me. Thanks for all the votes and comments :) Each one is special, and it never fails to make me smile.

Thank you, and see you at the epilogue,


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