《The Vampire Titan》Venántium


~Krystalyn's POV~

Robin led the way to the training room, and I pulled Claire back with Starfire, Raven and I.

"Guys, this is my sister, Claire," I properly introduced, and Starfire grinned, while Raven nodded. "Claire, Raven and Starfire." My sister's Cheshire grin dominated her face, as she violently shook both their hands.

"It's nice to meet you," she chirped, a light skip in her step. "I hope you girls took care of Krys here." She wrapped arm around my shoulders. "She always had a knack for getting into trouble."

I sighed, and pushed her off. "No, Claire, that was you."

She tapped her chin lightly, before shrugging. "True."

Starfire flew around us, and started playing with my sister's hair. "You both are so alike," she said, zooming around in front of us. "Your eyes are even the same shade of blue!"

Suddenly, another arm was draped over my shoulder, and I looked to see Damien standing in between Claire and I. His other arm was draped around her, and my little sister was beaming. "We've been known to look alike," Damien smirked, looking at both of my friends. "So, you girls really think you can beat me?"

Raven made a point to step in front of us and stop, and I noticed we were outside of the training room. "We beat Krystalyn pretty easy," she muttered emotionless, and my siblings' eyes landed on me with surprise.

"You did?" they asked in sync, and I rolled my eyes at them.

"I told you they could take on a vampire," I said coolly, and let them enter the room first. "So, Damien, you said you would like to fight them."

"They don't stand a chance," he snickered, taking off his jacket.

"Ooh, he's serious now," Claire whispered to me, and we giggled.

"Alright Damien," I called. "No biting, got it?"

"Why I would I make your boyfriend a vampire?" he asked. "That would be putting myself through torture."

Claire snickered while I blushed. Out of the corner of my eye, Cyborg and Beastboy were muttering something to Robin that I blocked my ears to.

"Anyway," I rushed, "make it a fight similar to the Fangs." I smiled at my friends who were raising their eyebrows. "Maybe you can make them reconsider."

Cyborg rolled his eye, and crossed his arms. "Blondie, I am not going to repeat myself. We told you we were going to help, and we are."

I ignored him, and Claire and I went to the sidelines.

"On who's count?" Damien asked, and Robin smirked.


"Yours," he answered, and I felt a sudden sense of de ja vu.

Damien looked overly confident. He stood up straight and casual, with his right arm in his pocket, and his little half smile was held in place. His blue eyes sparked with excitement, and I saw him study my friends, who were looking ready to attack.

Without even saying go, or anything, my brother ran full speed towards the Titans, and for a second, I thought that he would have the upper hand.

Of course, if there's one thing I've learned, it's to never doubt the Teen Titans.

They didn't even bat an eye, and immediately went into the defend mode. Damien ran zig-zag in between them, trying to separate them, but the Titans, again, were unfazed. Raven raised her arms, and everything in the room darkened. Damien slowed his speed at the shock, but continued using his strategy.

"Azarath, metrion, zinthos!" Raven hissed, and Damien tumbled to the ground, wrapped in blackness.

Claire gasped beside me, and covered her mouth with her hands. She started to run to our brother, but I held her back as Damien jumped up, more determined than ever. He backed up a little, and I could see his brain working, trying to figure out a way to beat them.

"Come on, Damien!" Claire shouted. "I've got ten pounds on you that I don't have!"

I chuckled, and watched as my friends now took the offense. Cyborg charged his arm cannon, and that familiar sonic smell filled the air. Starfire's hands also started to glow, and a high pitched ringing claimed the air. Raven had summoned her powers, and her eyes were glowing. Beastboy was standing calmly, probably waiting for the chance to phase, and Robin had his staff at ready.

"This isn't a fair fight," Claire huffed. "Five against one? Who's idea was this?"

Damien stood, and nodded at me.

"Damien," I sighed. "I gave you one job - make them change their minds. And now look what you did." I pointed to the team, where they were now relaxed, and looking determined. "We're never going to get them to stay out of the fight."

"I give up," Cyborg grumbled, and I smiled at him.

"So, have we proved we can handle ourselves?" Robin asked, crossing his arms.

I bit my lip, and sat down the ground, thinking. "Remember when Stephenie Meyer and her clan went up against the those baby vampires?" I asked my siblings.

"You mean Twilight?" Raven asked, sitting criss cross in the air.

"To you guys, yes," Claire chimed, sitting down also. "But yes, I remember. The clan and wolf pack teamed up, and defended their hunting area."


"But they're vegetarians," Beastboy pointed out, and my siblings opened their mouths to say otherwise, but I beat them to it.

"Yes, Beastboy, they are," I rushed, glaring at Damien and Claire. "She just meant their town, where they lived, right?"

Claire nodded, smiling.

"Anyway, if we could meet up with Venántium, they could help train these guys," I thought aloud. "Because the Fangs have more than just two scouts and a speaker. You guys have to be ready for anything."

"Werewolves," Claire sighed.

"Witches," Damien added.


"Okay," I interrupted. "They get it."

"But we have no way to contact them," Claire pointed out.

"Sure we do." I shrugged, and stood up. "It just takes a little bit a research, and voila. We have them." I began walking out of the training room, followed by the Titans, and with some hesitation, my siblings.

Typing some things into the large computer, I quickly found what I was looking for. "They have a method to their madness," I chuckled. "They split up into groups, and go to different towns, all within fifty miles of each other. When they hunt, they never use the same excuse twice in one go." I clicked on a link from Google, and small newspaper clipping popped up on the screen.

'Freak Car Accident Kills Ten' was the headline.

A news website, the top story being a mysterious homicide incident in a small home on the outskirts of some town.

A YouTube video, of a giant wolf attacking a small family while on a camping trip.

"And all of them are within fifty miles," Damien whispered. "But this stuff was reported a week ago. How are we supposed to find them now?"

I hummed while pulling up a map. "This was their hunting grounds as of last week." I zoomed into area, before panning out again. "They never go back the way they came, and if the Fangs are heading to Colorado, they'll want to keep a distance, but not too far away."

"How long does it take to mobilize?" Claire asked, leaning on the back of my chair.

"They're a big group, and split into fours, all leaving within two days of each other, so-" I stopped, and face-palmed. "I'm an idiot, a bloody idiot!"

Everyone's eyes widened, but I ignored them, instead pulling out the communicator that Robin had given me a couple weeks ago.

"Krys?" Claire asked, edging forward. "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head, and dialled into the communicator. It rang twice, and I heard a female Irish accent.


"This is Krystalyn Moore," I stated, switching the communicator to speaker. "Is Seth there?"

The girl on the other end squeaked, before responding. "Yes Miss Moore, one moment!"

"Who's Seth?" Claire whispered. "Is he cute?"

I glared. "You're too young," I hissed, and she pouted.

"Miss Krys, is that you?" I heard, and I smiled at the American accent.

"Mr. Seth, it is," I said.

"Have you reconsidered my offer?" he asked, before I could say anything else. "I'm still looking for a mate, if you know what I mean."

I cleared my throat, noticing the glares that Damien and Robin were sending at the phone.

"Er, no," I stuttered. "I actually have an offer for you."

"A friends with benefits thing, huh?" Seth asked cheekily.

Robin's look hardened, and staring at him, I said the first thing that came to mind. "I have a boyfriend."

It was silent, and I blushed at my stupidity.

Seth chuckled, but I still held my breath. "Why didn't you just say so?" he asked. "I would've backed off, my friend."

"I do have something for you though," I told him. "Which is why I'm calling. It's big, and I think you'd like it more."

"Unless it's the downfall of your old gang, I doubt it."

"Well it's a good thing it is," I smiled. "I have some friends and siblings that want them gone just as much as you and I, and if we get enough people together, we can-"

"Sh, sh, sh," he hushed. "I suspect some spies among my ranks. Name a place, and we'll meet up."

I looked up at my friends and family, raising an eyebrow. Where? I mouthed, and they all shrugged. Finally I sighed. "I know a place, but I don't know how close you are to it."

"I'll only bring my most trusted officers, so anywhere is fine," he assured.

"There's a small place, northern Canada. Lots of fields, woods, plenty of resources," I explained. "I'll send you co-ordinates, and we can meet there tomorrow evening."

"Sounds perfect." I started to hang up, but his voice stopped me. "And, I'm expecting to meet your boyfriend."

Before I could answer, he hung up.

"So," Claire smirked, "boyfriend, huh?"



Okay guys, on the side is Claire! Also, pay attention to Seth, because he's going to be the main character for one of my upcoming original fictions! So, yeah... In a few days, it will be my two year 'anniversary'! I have decided that I will post a short story, involving all four of my main characters! And this idea, of couse, comes from my wonderful editor, @She_Who_Lovez_LAMPZ! She's just a genious, honestly. So, I hope you liked!

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