《The Vampire Titan》Memories


The next day, I woke up with a splitting headache. I stumbled to the bathroom, finding pain killers and taking a double dose.

I planned on visiting Julius today. Maybe he could give me some information, or I could get him to promise to keep my location a secret. I doubted it, but it was worth a shot, right?

I dressed in my black leggings, and one of my loose tank tops. It was green, and had little sequins in random places. I laced up my black heeled boots, and brushed my hair and teeth.

I then made my way to the main room, where I found Raven making tea, Beastboy and Cyborg playing some video game, And Starfire making some food over the stove. It looked like a giant yellow blob, and I swear it was breathing.

"Where's Robin?" I asked, standing as far away as possible from Star's creation.

"Probably training," Cyborg said, not taking his eyes off of his game. "He usually trains early and doesn't - not fair! You cheated!" He started to go back to his game, and I knew I lost him.

"Right, well, I'm going to visit Julius in his cell," I stated, and started to make my way out the door. In a flash, a green cheetah was blocking my way, and the building was going on lockdown. "What the- whats wrong?" I asked, turning to face the others.

"We knew you would want to visit him," Raven muttered from her place in the kitchen area. Her hood was up, and her cloak was wrapped securely aroun her. She looked frightening, and I took a step back.

"Well, why can't I?" I defied, glaring at the others.

"We don't how he'll react, Blondie," Cyborg explained, and I sighed.

"But I do! I know how he fights, and you saw from yesterday that I know how to take him down if needed," I said. "Besides, I don't plan on entering his cell anyway."

"Krys, it's too dangerous." I turned to see Robin in the doorway, and he had a determined look in his eye.

"Don't you want to know what the Fangs are planning?" I asked, stepping towards him. "They've never been this determined to get someone before. I know they're not after me just because Jeremy and I had a thing. Usually if someone goes missing, or runs off, we search for them for a week at most, and that's it." I didn't mention that it was because we caught them most of the time - it probably wouldn't help my predicament. "I ran away from them three years ago. Jeremy should've given up ages ago."

Robin hesitated, and I could see he was battling with himself.

"Please?" I begged. "If we know what their up to, I'll be able to stay. But if we're in the dark like this, I need to get out of here before somethin bad happens."

"I'll go with you," he decided. "I don't trust him, even if he is separated from you."

"Robin, are you sure?" Cyborg asked.

"Yeah, dude," Beastboy spoke up, switching back to himself. "We saw him fight yesterday."

"He's not like other villains," Raven added. "He's not just looking for world or city domination - he's looking for blood."

I chuckled. "He's just a tracker and retriever. Trust me, he gets sick at the sight of blood."

"It's fine guys, seriously," Robin assured.

Cyborg sighed, before typing some codes into his robotic arm. The steel when up, and I flinched from the light, still slightly scared.


"Come on," Robin said, and I followed him to the garage.

Before we closed the door, I heard laughing.

"She has him whipped," Cyborg chuckled, and I froze in my place. They couldn't see me, and Robin was already ahead, out of hearing range. Even if he was standing next to me, he probably wouldn't be able to hear. I was only able to because of my vampire hearing.

"What does that mean?" I heard Starfire ask, and I could easily picture the confused look on her face.

"It means that Robin is falling head over heels for our new vampire friend," I heard Beastboy say, and I felt a blush creep over my face.

I started to walk away, but Raven spoke up. "Well it's obvious she likes him, too," she said. For once, she didn't seem bored. She sounded as if she was interested in what the others had to say about us.

"Hey, Krystalyn," Robin called, and I snapped my head towards him.

"Yes?" I asked, hoping my blush had disappeared.

"Are you coming, or not?" he asked, and I shook my head to clear it.

"Yes, I'm coming," I said, and skipped over to him. He was sitting on his bike, and I climbed on after him. "Where's your helmet?" I teased, pushing his head a little.

He laughed, before handing his extra helmet to me, then putting his own on. "Ready?" he asked, reving the engine.

"Ready!" I said, wrapping my arms around his torso.

On a wheelie, we sped out of the garage, and through the secret passage that allowed us to travel under the water to the mainland. We came through a tunnel that had been caved into a cliff by nature. The cliff side was by the beach, and had several caves lined along it.

We sped along the highway, weaving in out of cars, making our way to the prison. When we arived the guards didnt ask any questions, other than who we were there to see.

They lead us to a room that had no windows, and the only exit was the door we entered through. I examined the room, and noticed that one of the walls was actually a one way mirror. With my super human eyes, I could see that no one was in the hidden room.

"They'll have him in special handcuffs so that he can't use any of his powers," Robin told me, relaxing in his seat.

"Are you sure they'll work on him?" I asked. "Because they're not techniquely powers. It's his way of living, and who he is."

"They've already tested it," Robin assured, smirking. "They said it dulls his abilities down to that of a normal human. He can't shift, or anything."

I nodded, and scooted my chair a little closer to Robins. I didn't feel...safe. Yes, that's the word. I didn't feel safe in this prison. I felt as though something bad could happen any minute.

Suddenly, crashing noises were heard in the hall outside, and we both jumped up in shock. We ran out the door to see Julius fighting with the officers, and he was winning. I could tell that his strength was dulled down by a lot, but his fighting skills were still amazing good. He easily threw a guy into tha wall, and when he turned, he faced us.

"You!" he growled, seeing me.

Robin stepped in front of me, pulling out his staff. "You need to calm down, Julius," he spat, and even I was shocked at his hostile tone.


"Julius, we only want to talk," I tried to reason, but he lashed out, trying to free his hands from the cuffs.

"You and your new friends will perish!" he screamed. "We will kill you all, and all these pathetic forms you call humans will be enslaved, forced to carry out our orders! No more hiding in the shadows! We will take our place as the dominate race!"

Robin and I were silent for a moment, as we shared a look. "Did I mention he was a hot headed moron?" I asked.

"No, you left that part out," Robin smirked. "There's your plan. Now where's the location of the Fangs?"

Julius blinked, frozen.

"Julie, you always were easy to manipulate. Even when I wasn't trying," I laughed., and walked up to him, grabbing his shoulder, and leading him back into the questioning room.

Robin helped the officers up, and then entered behind us, closing the door.

I stood behind my old friend with my hand in his shoulder. It looked friendly enough, but I was using a lot of my strength to keep him sitting there.

"Julius," I started. We can do this easy way, or the hard way." He sat motionless, so I hissed,with my fangs bared, and the veins under my eyes darkening. "Or my way. That's my favorite."

He studied me, sizing up my fangs. "You only caught me by surprise yesterday. In a rematch, I'd have you down on the ground in two seconds. I'be beaten you before."

"In training ops," I snorted, digging my nails slightly into his skin. He winced, and I was surprised Robin was being so silent.

"Let's take all the attention off me for a moment," Julius drawled. "What is Miss Princess doing here, of all places? And with a group of superheroes? Someone's changed in the past few years. How long have you been here, huh?" He relaxed a little, placing his cuffed hands on the table in front of him. "Last we tracked, you were in northern Canada. "

"I have secrets that not even Claire and Damien know about," I said, pushing his head. "Stop changing the subject. Where is Jeremy?"

"Heck if I know," he shrugged. "I haven't been able to talk to any of them since you took my phone."

I dug my nails a little deeper into his skin, and he growled. "Anything else?"

"Next week is the leaders meeting," Julius rushed. "When I went ahead to track you, they were still in mid-Canada. And when I don't show up at the meeting, it'll only be a few days until they show up here."

I gave Robin a worried glance. Meetings were usually held at the beginning of the week. And if Julius didnt show up, and if he was telling the truth, we only had about two weeks until they came after me. But Claire said she would cover for me, and say that Julius tracked me somewhere else.

"Where is the meeting being held at?" I asked calmly.

"Kill me if you want," Julius spat. "But I'm not telling you anything else."

I quickly released Julius' shoulder, and stepped away from him. "That will be all," I whispered, and walked out of the room. I heard Robin calling my name, but ignored him, walking out of the prison.

Memories from the past three years came back, and I stumbled. I remembered the first night I left.

I ran through the thick rain forest, scaring a poor monkey, making him fall out of the tree he was perched in. I ran through a maze of bull dozers, even breaking a few of them as I passed. I was miles away from Jeremy and the rest, but I knew it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough.

More recent things ran through my mind, like my recent travels in Canada.

Against my wishes, I jumped off the cliff, without even sparing a glance behind me. With the trail I left, they wouldn't make it to this area for weeks. I had gotten very good with the whole 'running for my life' thing these past three years. By the time they made here, I would be in South America, and they would be clueless. Swimming would be the last thing they would expect me to do. And that's what I've been doing the past three years - doing te unexpected, acting completely different, and adapting to several different customs. I had even dyed my hair once - never again. I had only just recently got the dark red out of my hair.

However, I must say that the disguise did wonders. A vampire had even come up to me, asking if I had seen a blonde girl with blue eyes. Poor bloke. Probably had been searching by himself.

I gasped as someone touched my face, moving blonde strands out of my eyes. I focused back on the present, ad saw that Eobin was crouched in front of me, a worried expression etched on his features.

"Krys, are you okay?" he asked, cupping my face.

I took a shakey breath, and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I shook my head, and pulled Robin into a hug, and didn't let go. I don't remember falling to the floor, but I wasn't surprised. "I have to leave," I whispered.

Robin hugged me tighter, and a choked sob escaped me. "You can't leave," he told me.

"But I have to," I cried. "I've stayed in one place too long. I need to go, now."

Robin stood, and helped me up. "Krystalyn, we won't let you go," he said, stroking my hair. "You're part of our team, our family. You can't get away from us that easily."

He let me cry, and we ignored the passing policemen. I knew we must be getting odd stares, but I didn't care. I had to leave. He didn't understand, because the others were right. I did like Robin, and I was head over heels for him. I wondered if they were right about Robin too, but I couldn't afford that. I didn't want the ones I cared about hurt.

I had to leave, and I would. Soon; and when I did, I would take Julius with me, to make sure he wouldn't lead the Fangs here.

Yes, I had to leave. But I just don't know how I'm suppose to leave Robin - everyone - here, while I ran away. They've told me several times that they would stay by my side, and after all they've done for me, how could I be so heartless? But it was for their protection.

I had to leave.



Do you ever just cry because you accidentally vote for one of your own chapters and then freak out because you're afraid people will think that you're some snob that thinks her/his story is the best?

Basically, that's me. A lot.


Life will be okay then, because then I can write all the time, and not have to worry about homework, or grades, or tests.... Yep, life will be great.

So vote?




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