《Hustle》Honestly Truly


So we have been living in Miami officially for 3 months now, at first everything was good the whole thrill of having a new home had me on another level of happiness, that was up un till a couple weeks ago when I realised I did not like it here. I had no friends or family here so I've just been feeling like an outsider.

"What you pouting about baby?" I heard Jace ask as his side of the bed sunk down, letting me know he was laying beside me. "Jace." I said softly as I turned over so I was now facing him.

I smiled when I saw he had Armani laying on his chest babbling to herself.

"Wassup baby girl?" He asked me and I sighed. "I wanna go home..."

"What are you talking about Nic?"

"I don't like it here. I have nobody to talk to." I pouted. "You'll make friends give it time."

"How? We're living in this boujie ass gated community with a bunch of rich white folks."

"So? I spoke to that girl next door she seem nice why don't you try make friends with her." I frowned and sat up, looking down at him to make sure I heard him right. "Wait. When did you speak to her?"

"Like 2 days ago when I came back from the store she helped me with Armani."

I widened my eyes. "She held MY daughter?!"

He waved me off. "Calm down. There ain't nothing wrong with the girl give her a chance I think she said her name Hannah."

"First of all don't be letting anybody I don't know hold my child. Secondly I don't want you talking to her no more."


"I can talk to whoever I want."

"Jace I'm serious I don't like her."

"You don't know her." He chuckled. "Whatever give me my baby." I reached for Armani but he pushed me away playfully. "Move she chilling with her daddy." He said lifting her up in the air making her laugh.

For the last month now I've been telling Jace how much I wanted to go home but he insisted on us staying out here a little longer because he thought somehow I would change my mind.

"What the..." After a day of shopping I came home to find a huge bouquet of red roses. I frowned a little confused and made my way over to the flowers.

Baby girl, I know you mad and wanna go home but hopefully this will make you change your mind.


I read aloud from the card. I rolled my eyes. Did he honestly think a bunch of flowers would change my mind about going home.

I picked up one of the roses off the table and saw a silver key attached to a pink butterfly key ring.

Just then my phone started ringing and Jace's name popped up. "You like the flowers?"

"They alright... What's the key for?" I asked. "Come outside I need to show you something."

"No I'm tired just tell me what it's for." I argued. "Your so difficult Nicki!" He said before hanging up on me.

I threw the key back on the table and kicked off my shoes heading up stairs. I was tired as fuck and was about to have a nap.

I took of my dress leaving me in my panties and bra and fit in the bed, just as I closed my eyes and was about to drift off to sleep I heard Jace's loud mouth. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled snatching the sheets off me.


"Leave me alone! I'm tired."

"No you're just spoiled, you mad because I said we can't move back?"

"Huh?" He asked grabbing my arm. I quickly pulled away. "Don't touch me Jayceon."

Suddenly he picked me up bridal style. "Put me down! Jace! Wait. I don't have any clothes on! Stop." I yelled.

He sighed putting me down. "Go put something on. I left Mani downstairs in her carrier so hurry up."

"Don't tell me what to do." I mumbled and he pinned me up against the wall, wrapping his hands around my neck. "Keep playing with me and I'll fuck you up." He said, I rolled my eyes and tried pushing him away but his grip around my neck got tighter and I felt my feet lifting up off the ground slowly.

"I'm dead serious. Lose the fucking attitude." I clawed at his hands trying to get him off me, at the point I was struggling to breathe and gasping for air. He finally let go and I took a deep breath coughing.

"And take off all that make up, trying to look grown."

Nigga I just had your baby. I am grown.

I said to myself, he was always complaining about me 'trying to look grown'. When I clearly was or else he wouldn't be fucking me.

"Nic." Jace called out, I was sat in the backseat with Armani because I was feeling petty. "Nicki." I continued scrolling through my phone ignoring him.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "You hear what I said? I said I'm sorry." He said louder. "Nicki!" I reached over and fixed Armani's little Jordan's, she was matching with her annoying ass daddy.

"Alright then fuck you." He yelled.

We had finally arrived at wherever Jace was taking us, I carried Mani as we followed Jace up to this building with a sold sign outside.

"This is what the keys for. It's yours I brought it for you. I remember you saying how you always wanted a salon." I stayed silent and looked around.

"I got some stylists, beauticians and shit so you don't have to worry about that. All you gotta do is give it a name and you're open for business baby." He explained.

"What you don't like it?" I bit my lip. "No I do it's just..."

"What?" He asked with a worried expression on his face. "Nothing. Thanks." I mumbled.

Why won't he listen to me?


Please excuse any errors ✨🌹

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