

"SURPRISE!" Everyone screamed, scaring the shit out of me.

I calmed down and grabbed Jace's hand. "Jace. What's going on?" I frowned at all the smiling faces. Like first of all who are all these people and why are they in my house.

"It's your baby shower. Now smile."

"Smile bitch it's your baby shower." Cassie giggled handing me a drink. I sucked my teeth and grabbed the glass from her. "Shut up."


"You're so spoiled." She said shaking her head and Kelli nodded in agreement. "Am not." I argued.

"Yes you are. You're walking around here mad because you didn't get the gifts you want." Kelli said.


Before I had the chance to argue against what she was saying I heard my mom yell my name. "Nicki! I need to talk to you."

I dragged my feet going over to her.

"Yes?" She pulled me close.

"Stop being ungrateful and acting spoiled." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not! Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Your fucking face just screams bitch right now. What's your problem?"

"I'm tired of being pregnant mom, I just want her out of me." I said stomping my feet.

"Deal with it. Stop being selfish it's almost over. Now fix your face and go greet your cousins" she said nudging me towards the crowd of loud Puerto Ricans that had just entered the backyard.

I went over to the bar to get my self another drink so I could prepare to fake the rest of the day.

"Oh there you are. I was looking for you." Jace's mom said.

"Why?" I asked with a slight attitude.

"Nicki!" I heard my mom snap, I swear she was following me why couldn't she let me do me since this was MY baby shower.


"I'm sorry Jada." My mom apologised.

"No it's fine. Leave her with her little attitude."

"Can both of you just leave me alone?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Get off of me!" I whined feeling Jace grab my arm. He pulled me inside. "Why you acting out?"

"Jace I'm bored, this wasn't my idea of a perfect baby shower. It's too formal I wanted it to be lit! Like let's go to strip club so I can throw some cash at some big booty bitches and I'll be happy."

"Let's go please?" I pouted batting my lashes at him.

He sighed. "You're lucky I love your ass. Ima end this but we not going to no strip club." I smiled watching as he ran up on the mini stage and grabbed the mic from the DJ.

"HEY EVERYBODY IM SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOUR FUN BUT NICKIS NOT FEELING TOO GOOD SO WE GOTTA END THIS EARLY." He quickly said before jogging back over to me and grabbing my hand.

So my baby shower had officially ended 3 hours ago but I was still mad. I didn't want the day to end without me at least enjoying myself for an hour.

I was sat stuffing my face with cake when Jace walked in. "Get dressed cry baby"

I tried hiding my smile. "Where we going?"

"To the club so you can throw some cash on some big booty bitches." He said quoting what I said earlier with air quotes.

I quickly jumped up and ran to the closet to find a cute outfit.

"I can't wait to have the baby. I need a blunt." I sighed watching as Jace inhaled and exhaled slowly driving us back home from an eventful night at the club.


He shook his head laughing. "You're a little pothead."

"I'm not! Come here real quick." I grabbed his face and placed my lips onto his, I quickly inhaled the smoke that was left in his mouth.

"No. This shit not good for the baby." He says pushing me away from him.

"Yeah but it's good for me. Please! I feel like I'm on withdrawal." He shook his head. "Look I gots the shakes nigga." I started shaking playfully.

"If you don't calm your little ass down." He laughed handing me the blunt. "One drag."

"I mean it one fucking drag! And no more I don't want my daughter coming out with something wrong with her because of your little pothead, 4/20, weed is life self."


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