《Doki Doki Lesbian Club》Chapter 6 - Not you
FUCK! ALRIGHT!ALRIGHT!" Yelled the small pink girl moving from her warm and perfect comfy spot, to turn off her phones alarm...which was on the other side of the cold room... On the barricade...
"Fuck me and my life..." Said Natsuki while rubbing her tiers eyes, groggily getting up from her warm and soft bed to walk across her the hard and ice cold floor.
'I need a shower and since dad's home I won't be able to exercise, shame...' Though Natsuki as she was calmly yawned and stretched carefully in hopes of not irritating her injuries, before scratching an itchy spot on her shoulder. Getting ready for school took Natsuki just over thirty minutes and she liked to pack some of her secret stash of food in her bag, so she wouldn't have to starve throughout the day. Unfortunately, it was still a small amount of food, literally just a few different flavoured protein and breakfast bars. What can I say, Natsuki liked to save her money. After she brushed her teeth and hair Natsuki hopped down the stairs but was frozen stiff with wide eyes wide open when she saw her dad in the living room, staring right back at her.
'What... The hell.. is HE still doing here?! I-I though he was gone! He didn't make any noise! Oh my god...is he mad about yesterday?!' she questioned in her head, growing a clod sweat and started to physically tremble. Her dad just stared at her with dead eyes, filled with a mixture of frustration, sadness, pitty and guilt. They both stayed still, both unmoving and kept on staring at each other. After she realised her dad wasn't going to beat her, Natsuki calmed down and walked towards the door but stopped just as she was about to leave.
"Bye papa, h-have a nice day..." Faintly stuttered Natsuki opened and closing the door behind her, making a Fucking run for it as soon as she was out.
'WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! HE ALWAYS BEATS ME IF HE SEES ME IN THE MORNING!' Mentally screamed Natsuki, rattling around every inch of her brain, looking for any kind of explanation. Just then an old memory popped back into Natsukis mind, she slowed down and took out her phone to look at the time and date.
"...oh... It's that day already... It would explain why he's acting weird..." Said Natsuki her eyes and face becoming blank and melancholy, almost as if a shadow was cast over her, the pink girl just slowly and calmly walked to school, no longer feeling any kind of adrenaline, only a low and sense of irony. Just as she was walking down the street, her eyes glued to the pavement, Natsuki felt something large crashed into my back and almost immediately bounce off and hit the flaw. Natsuki was still standing some how, but was beyond comfused as to what just happened.
'Holy shit, what has Daisy been feeding me?' Thought the tsundere, knowing a few years ago she would have been crushed by that force. Natsuki then turned around only too see a weird looking boy on the floor and to anyone who didn't watch anime, he would have looked like a regular dude. But in Natsukis eyes he resembled a male protagonist from any hentai. He had chestnut brown hair, a regular cut but his fringe was overgrown and slightly covering his obviously brown eyes.
"Watch where your going!" He shouted pointing at Natsuki accusingly.
"Me?! Oh I'm soooo sorry that i didn't see you coming up from Yelled Natsuki in retaliation.
"Well are you gonna help me up or not?!" He asked in a demanding and angry tone.
"Fuck no! I have no idea where you've been!" Said Natsuki in a cold tone, scrunching up her face in disgust.
"Don't talk as if I'm some kind of turd on the side of the street!" He yelled.
"Well, from this angle, there isn't much of a difference." Smirked Natsuki realising this is what happens in every harem anime ever, only difference is that this is ' and she doesn't like guys. He started to say something else but Natsuki just started to walk away, now ignoring him, giving absolutely no fucks.
'God I hope I never see them again.' Thought Natsuki and the mystery boy at the same time, neglecting to realise they were both wearing the same uniform.
- time skip-
because I'm lazy and I wanna write all the good stuff
Natsuki draged her feat across the floor wishing an apocalyptic event could happen already and forcing school to just die.
'Why is maths so hard? Doesn't the teacher realise he has to mark 30 times the amount of homework they set us? And what's with at these stupid pop quizzes?! I mean-' Natsukis thoughts were cut off as she heared snickering coming from around a corner, the complete opposite direction towards the literature club. Filled with curiousity, she decided to investigate. When Natsuki turned the corner she saw something that made her freeze and her eyes go blood shot red with rage.
She saw three jocks in front of Yuri trying to pin her against a wall, all three of them wearing dangerous smirks. Natsuki recognised all of then instantly, they bullied her badly in the first few years of school, but stopped once they got bored. The one in the middle, who dared to put his hands on Yuri's shoulders, was a blonde rich kid called Mike. His two goons with him were the same buzz cut twins from Natsukis class, Jake and James.
"Come on sweetheart~ we only want to talk about a few things~" Smirked Mike as he slowly started to push Yuri backwards a little bit.
"Don't touch me." Replied Yuri and gently pushed him away so he wasn't touching her.
"Oh~ playing hard to get are we?~ Daddy likes~ said Mike, while James and Jake just giggled, staring at Yuri up and down. Natsuki almost threw up at what he just said, she could tell Yuri almost did too. James then proceeded to put his filthy fucking hands back on Yuri again.
"THAT'S IT!" Yelled Natsuki, running at lightning speed down the hall, right past Jake and James and tsundere kicked Mike in the balls for behind. He didn't even scream. Mike just fell to the floor on his side, all colour drained from his face.
"Shit did I kill him?" Questioned Natsuki now engaging a conversation with a still shocked Yuri, pointing to the human shaped bag of shit on the floor.
"M-Maybe?" Questioned Yuri quitely, braking out of her shock filled trance.
" Where the fuck did you come from Smallsuki?! " yelled James in utter shock, while James was just holding his crotch protectively. Natsuki turned to look at Jake before turning back to Yuri and continued to talk to her, completely ignoring him.
"Oh yeah Yuri, your late for the club, I came to get you or whatever, not that I care. " Said Natsuki, looking to the side with a huff and crossed arms. Yuri opened her mouth to say something, but James interrupted
"You little bitch! You clearly haven't learnt you lesson yet have you?! You are so gonna fucking pay for hurting Mike and ignoring me!" Yelled Jake at the top of his lungs.
"Hey bro don't beat her up too much, She's actually quite cute~" smirked James.
"Sure thing bro." Responded James with a nod and thumbs up to his brother, before running towards Natsuki, trying to tackle her.
Natsuki easily dodged and moved to the side, while sticking her foot out, making Jake trip and land face first on the floor. She then spun round and tsundere kicked him in the side, sending him into the wall, a few cracks were heared and Jake was out cold. By the time she turned around to face James he had already ditched his mates and he had just ran around the corner, completely out of sight.
Natsuki spun around one last time, starting to feel dizzy, to face her purple haired angel. Yuri had her hand clenching the clothing that covered her heart, with a light blush on her face and hazy look in her eyes.
"H-Hey Yuri? You ok? Earth to Yuri!?" Questioned Natsuki, waving her hands Infront of Yuri's face.
'Crap did I scare her or something?' she questioned again.
"H-Huh? O-oh! T-Thank you s-so much Natsuki!" Stuttered Yuri now avoiding eye contact, unable to look away from the floor, hiding her red face with a wall of purple hair.
"Have they done this kinda shit to you before?" Asked Natsuki clenching her jaw and fists already angry at the thought.
"W-Well they mainly just c-cat call me here and there, b-but... They've never tried anything physical before..." Whispered Yuri slightly turning her head so she could make eye contact with Natsuki, only to instantly regret the decision after staring straight into the eyes of a glaring Natsuki. Natsuki then gave a sigh before gaining a calm expression and just when Yuri thought everything was ok... The pink haired girl started to kick the shit out of Jake and when a pool of blood was visible, she went to Mike and did the same thing.
Yuri both shocked and turned on at the same time. After a moment of confliction, Yuri realised Natsuki might kill them, so she grabbed Natsuki by the shoulders and tried to pull her away. But Natsuki didn't budge one bit. So with adrenaline, worry and confusion pumping in Yuri's veins, she made a very bold move. Yuri wrapped her arms around Natsukis small waist and started to successfully pull her away.
"Natsuki stop! They could die!" Shouted Yuri trying to be the voice of reason.
"Good they deserve it! No they deserve far fucking worse! They tried to fucking hurt you Yuri! Just for that they deserve to fucking die!" Yelled Natsuki trying to break from Yuri's grip, neither of them realising the position they were in. Yuri didn't say anything and just helped onto Natsuki tightly, squinting her eyes closed, waiting for the smaller girl to calm down.
Natsukis rage slowly faded away as the smell of lavender flooded her senses, forcing her to be nothing but calm and Yuri's tight yet gentle grip heled her in place. Even though Yuri had her arms wrapped around all of Natsuki's most sensitive bruises, no pain could be felt, which surprised Natsuki quite a bit, but not to the point of being startled. It's just felt nice.
The softness of Yuri's body and touches were more then enough to make her rage vanished and turn into comfort. Natsuki stopped moving but was breathing erratically with clenched fists. Yuri didn't dare let go. After a few more minutes Natsuki had closed her eyes and focused on the calming features of Yuri, sinking into her grasp and losing herself in the sweet scent of lavender.
"Shh it's ok... I'm safe now..." Whispered Yuri, Slightly tightening her grip. Natsuki then took several deep breaths until she had fully calmed down.
"You calm now?" Asked Yuri moving her head from Natsukis back to the side of Natsukis head to hopefully make eye contact.
"yeah yeah. " Sighed Natsuki, clearly annoyed.
"Promise you won't murder them if I let you go?" Asked Yuri.
"... Ok." Almost whispered Natsuki with a huff.
"Good." Smiled Yuri in relief as she finally released the pinkette.
The two then started to walk in complete silence, not a single word said until Natsuki noticed the huge smile across Yuri's beautiful face.
"What the hell is so funny? You could have been hurt." Said Natsuki, accidentally letting the last part slip out of her mouth.
"Oh nothing~ just surprised how much you care about me is all~" Almost purred Yuri teasingly.
Natsukis face instantly exploded with a hot red blush.
"W-WHAT?! N-NO! THAT WASN'T FOR YOU!!! I-I just had an old score to settle with them... Yeah and an old score." Stuttered Natsuki half truthfully while scratching her cheek.
"Sure it was~" Teased Yuri.
"Yuri it's not like I wanted to help you or anything!!! A-And if you don't stop teasing me I'll seriously hurt you!!!" Said Natsuki trying to sound and look a little more serious, only to end up looking like a seriously cute tsundere.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Natsuki." Said Yuri in a very 'you can't lie to me' tone, picking up her speed, easily overtaking Natsuki, while slightly rolling her eyes.
"What the fuck do you mean by that?!" Snapped Natsuki trying to keep up with Yuri.
"Your a little liar Natsuki~" purred Yuri looking straight ahead of her, not facing Natsuki.
"I AM NOT!" Yelled Natsuki, trying to get the purple haired girls attention.
"Yes you are." Replied Yuri
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No. I'm. Not."
"Yes. You. are."
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"For the last fucking time Yuri I am not!"
"And Natsuki for the last time, yes you are!"
"Yuri you little shi-" "Hey there you two are! I was looking all over for you and Sayori. What are you yelling about?" Interrupted Monika.
"NOTHING! Let's just get this bullshit over and done with!" Huffed and puffed Natsuki as she sped ahead.
"Hmmm... Did she confess her feeling for you or something?" Bluntly assumed Monika with a calm tone and expression. Yuri flinched, choking on air and blushing like a maniac.
"N-N-NO! OF COURSE NOT!" Stuttered Yuri before also speeding ahead into the club.
"Huh. Rude!" Said Monika following in their footsteps, a sly smirk plastered on her face.
"Hey guys don't forget it's almost time to share poems." Smiled Monika, knowing she was reminding the two of how much more time they'd have to spend together.
"Uugghh!" Groaned Natsuki. Yuri just simply nodded and everyone went to get their usual places. Monika went to the teacher desk and did some work for the student council, Yuri was near the front by the windows, reading a book bigger than her breasts and Natsuki was in the closet, wincing in pain from her now more damaged injuries, trying her best to hide the leaking blood. After a while everyone jumped in surprise at the sound of the door crashing open.
"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! I had to go get our new member! Natsuki you need to introduce yourself too! So come out of the closet! Literally not emotionally!" Yelled Sayori.
Natsuki was a bit busy carefully holding her left side, slowly getting up from the floor. From what she could hear when everyone was introducing themselves is that the knew member was a boy.
"Sayori did you have to bring a boy? It kinda ruins the vibe in here." Groaned Natsuki as she opened the door and exited, instantly freezing in place when seeing the knew member. He did the same once he saw Natsuki.
"ITS YOU!!!" They yelled in unison while rudely pointing at each other.
"You two know each other!?" Asked Sayori super surprised.
"Yeah! this bitch left me on the side of the rode after I fell BECAUSE OF HER!!!" Yelled the brown haired boy.
"What?!" Said a surprised Monika.
"Natsuki that's mean! How could you?" Said Sayori with puppy eyes, clinging to the boys arm.
Natsuki could tell they were all schooling her and taking pitty on the boy, but she to feel dizzy and her ears were ringing. She could see then talking to her, bit couldn't make out a single word they were saying. So thinking fast in hopes of may collapsing, Natsuki just yelled herself an excuse to leave.
"You know what?! Fuck this! I'm out!!" She yelled before going back into the closet, asap.
Natsuki carefully sat down again and grabbed her manga, so if anyone came in she could fake to read it and hide the fact she was almost in tears from the amount of pain. After a few minutes of nausea, the dizziness finally disappeared.
'Huh, must have just got up to quickly or something, or I need to ear...' thought Natsuki now relieved, the pain finally gone. Then the door opened, reveiling a Monika which slightly made Natsuki jump.
"Natsuki come on don't be a child and come apologise." Calmly asked Monika
"Why should I? He's the one at fucking fault here." Replied Natsuki not looking away from her manga.
"First of all, language, and second, come on Natsuki, work with me here. We need a fifth member to make the club official, so the council can't shut it down." Said Monika placing both hands on her hips.
"... Ok." Said Natsuki puffing up her cheeks in frustration. They both then exited the closet.
"MC, Natsuki has something she wants to say to you." Happily smiled monika, just hoping Natsuki didn't fuck this up.
"Sorry about you bumping into me or whatever." Said Natsuki melancholy, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What? No that's not what you meant to say, now was it Natsuki?" Said Monika while grabbing Natsukis shoulder hard, tilting her head with a fake smile and death glare. Natsuki grew a cold sweat.
"*Sigh* sorry for bumping into you I guess." Lazily said Natsuki sighing in defeat.
"So you finally admitted it huh? Good to know your not as dumb as you look. I'm MC by the way, nice to meet you." Cockily said MC smirking in victory and putting his hand out for her to shake. Natsuki crushed his hand as hard as she could causing him to wince and almost cry out in pain.
"Names Natsuki, and the pleasure is all mine." Said Natsuki with a fake smile, gritting her teeth together, giving his hand a good shake before trying to escape to the closet again.
Unfortunately the mission failed, we'll get them next time.
"Ok now that introductions are over, we do this club activity around the end of the club, where we share poems and give each other feedback. Feel free to to read someone's poem, or just carry on doing your own thing since it is your first day here MC." Calmly said Monika with a smile.
"OH! MC come and read my poem!" Instantly yelled Sayori clinging to MC's arm. No one but Natsuki could see this, well not even Natsuki was sure if it was real, but Monika scrunched up her fists in frustration when Sayori did this.
"What the fuck?" Very quietly whispered Natsuki.
"Sorry Sayo, but I wanted to share poems with Natsuki." Said MC turning to face Natsuki with his cocky grin again, causing Sayori to let go of his arm and look at the floor really sad.
This isn't what made Natsukis eyes widen, it was the fact Monika seemed to clench her fists even more.
"Don't have one." Before escaping back to the closet, not listening to what anyone was saying.
"Don't worry about it MC, she's always like that." Said Sayori regaining her smile and putting her had on his shoulder.
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