《Hazbin Hotel: The Black Fox (Scenarios)》When His older Sibiling Barg in at the wrong Time


3rd POV.

As Elijah was changing his into his usual clothes, when suddenly Christina, Alexander, and Elizabeth barged in without out knocking as they saw Elijah's huge 13inch relaxed dick. "Oh my Satan!"-Christina, "the fuck?!?"-Alexander, "My eyes"- Elizabeth they all covered their eyes. "First that's what you get, and second, it's only my dick guys" Elijah replied while putting on his underwear and pants. "How do you even fit that in your pants?" Alexander asked, "magic" Elijah replied with jazz hands as he chuckled, "anyways...let's head out...mom wants us to get some outside time" Christina said as the three left Elijah's room traumatized "why is he bigger than my ex?" Elizabeth whispered while Elijah chuckled.

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