《The Accidental Harem: T4》Schnookerdookies? ...really?


"Large mocha latte with soy and a cranberry orange scone to go." I set Beth's order on the counter.

"But I didn't order the scone."

"I know. I also know that you probably haven't eaten yet, so it's on me."

Beth gave me a confused look, like she wasn't used to people helping her, before she paid for her coffee and mouthed a thank-you as she pushed out the door.

The coffee shop finally empty, I busied myself with the nightly cleanup. Unfortunately it was not enough to quiet my thoughts.

It had been a full two weeks since the kidnapping and subsequent wolf-shaped bomb, and I was a tad proud of myself for thwarting all of their attempts at chitchat. There were many.

I had spent a full two days in my room, wallowing thoroughly in my self pity. But life had a way of continuing on, and so I had to.

The first day back to work, Tripp sat at the corner table for my entire shift. I felt the constant ray of disapproval battering at the back of my head, since I made sure to not look his way. At the end of my shift I went out of my way to chat with Rochelle, who seemed as confused about my actions as I was. But it served its purpose.

Since then, every time I entered the coffee shop at least one of the T4 was there. And they stayed until I left, which meant I needed to time my departure to match someone else. I could not count how many raised eyebrows I'd gotten in the past week alone.

So far, however, it was keeping T4 away. I'd take all the eyebrow-raising to ensure it continued.


To be honest, I missed them. More than I would admit aloud. But I couldn't be around them.

Not when the only reason they wanted me around was some stupid bond forcing them to love me. I'd come to the conclusion in those first forty-eight hours in my bedroom that I might never be loved for me, but that didn't mean that they couldn't. They deserved better.

Instinctively, my eyes sought out icy blue. Thane was here today, sitting at the same back table and staring at me. As our eyes met, his expression changed to hopeful. I blinked back the tears and lowered my eyes to my purse, searching for the keys to lock up.

Finally discovering said keys in the dark abyss that was my purse, I shuffled toward the door. Since I was closing up there was no one I could use to help me avoid T4, and apparently Thane reached that same conclusion because he lifted himself from the chair with his eyes locked on me.

I watched as he typed something on his phone while he walked toward me. When he was close enough I opened the front door and held it for him, waiting for him to slip through so I could lock up.

And then shrieked as the rest of T4 stood right outside the door.


My hand rested on my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart as three of the four salty beef sticks chuckled their stupid heads off. Tripp just stood there staring at me like the knuckle-dragger he was, studying me with those piercing eyes.

I actually growled, grabbing Thane by the front of the shirt and dragging him out the door so I could lock up and escape. Thankfully he let me drag him, since I was sure I wouldn't have been able to myself.


I tried to ignore them entirely as I locked the deadbolt and pivoted on my heel, heading straight for the parking lot and my jeep. With locks. Which I fully intended to use.

Unfortunately I didn't even make it a full step before a hand gently grabbed my wrist. Why I thought I could escape from actual wolf shifters was beyond me…

"Harper, please talk to us." It was harder to ignore that voice, the one that had become a safe haven in such a short time.

But I turned, looked straight into Trey's concerned and heartbroken eyes, and tried not to drown in them. "There is nothing to talk about and you know it."

"That's bullshit. There is everything to talk about. Like why you've been avoiding us for weeks. Or why you demanded to leave in the fucking first place. We opened up and you walked away." Tripp took a step toward me. "Should've gone with my first instinct and avoided you.

The other guys were about to say something, but I held my hand up and they fell silent.

"That is rich, coming from you. Tripp, you don't open up. You basically shoved your wolf-shaped schlong in my face because I didn't believe you. There was no risk for you, since no one would believe me if I told them. Which I wouldn't. Because, unlike you, I care. So you can keep your secret." My vision started to blur when the aggravating tears started falling. "As for your first instinct, probably best to go with that. God knows I've been trying to."

Tripp's visage got a nice shade of red as Theo stepped into my line of sight and pressed his palms to my cheeks. "Ignore that douche. He just pissed. Please, Harper. Why are you pushing us away?"

I took a large step back, freeing my face from his hands. "I'm giving you your freedom. Just take it. And please don't follow me."

This time when I walked away, no one stopped me.

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