《The Accidental Harem: T4》Hot Cocoa Thighs


The miniature marshmallows dunked below the surface of my hot chocolate as I poked them with my finger. Not really sure why. But it was mesmerizing to watch as my mind tried to make sense of the last hour.

Might as well throw in the last couple weeks as well. Everything had turned into a complete dumpster fire.

My shoulder ached, but not as bad as I had expected with all of the wrenching and overuse. My other aches were pretty much gone as well. I didn't have the mental capacity to try to figure that out.

T4 wouldn't tell me squat about what was going on until I came back in the house and got something to eat. What one had to do with the other, I still had yet to figure out. I did refuse to eat, but couldn't turn down hot chocolate. Call it a weakness.

So here I sat, my rump sitting in the oversized beige armchair with my mug in hand. Theo and Thane sat casually on the couch, while Trey bounced his knee as he sat on the arm of said couch closest to Theo. Tripp had yet to grace us with his presence.

As I was about to ask, for the fifth time, where Tripp was, GI Joe himself stomped down the stairs. He was dressed only in a pair of black cotton pajama pants, and I hated myself a tad bit more for the fact that I ogled him while he wasn't looking. He didn't even bother to take a seat.

Irritating, sexy, Neanderthal…

"Okay. I'm sitting. I'm sipping hot chocolate. Spill or I'm leaving."

Tripp started growling, but Trey walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder. No one said anything, they all looked at Tripp. Who was staring at me.

Right as I started to stand up Tripp subtly nodded his head. There seemed to be a collective sigh of relief from the other three, and Trey moved to crouch in front of me.

At least it was Trey. He seemed to be the most understanding.

"Harper, there are some things you don't know about us."


"Yeah, no shit."

Of course, Theo opened his mouth again. "Is no one going to acknowledge the fact that our Harper, the one that has used phrases like 'aggravating butt cheese', has now swore twice today?"

"In the span of the last forty-eight hours I have been betrayed, drugged, kidnapped, beaten, and… now completely confused by the four of you. Please excuse the minor slips, ya aggravating butt cheese."

Theo gave me his signature smirk. "There she is."

I rolled my eyes at him before turning my attention back to Trey. "Please continue."

Trey actually seemed to be at a loss for words. He opened his mouth a few times, then shut it.

"We are shifters. The wolf you saw outside was Tripp."

Those words didn't come from Trey, but from Thane. Which I found a bit odd.

Not as odd as his statement, though.

I just stared at him for a few minutes before I busted out laughing. "Yeah, sure. And my tatas grant three wishes if you rub them."

Theo started standing, but Thane grabbed his arm to stop him.

Suddenly Tripp pulled his pajama pants straight down and kicked them off.

I couldn't help it. I really couldn't. You point out one person in the whole of humanity that would've been able to look away.

As I'm staring in shock at his extremely above average shifty stick, the other three brothers are yelling in Tripp's direction. About what, I didn't know. I was too busy.

Tripp silenced everyone in the room with a low, menacing growl. It was even able to get my attention.

"Nothing we say is going to make her believe. So I'm going to show her."

Trey didn't look convinced. "That may end up backfiring…"

Theo didn't either. "What if you scare her? There got to be something else."

"Good thing I don't answer to either of you." Tripp gave each of his brothers a look I couldn't decipher before he seemed to jump right out of his skin, and in his place was the same black wolf from outside.


My eyes widened as my whole body stiffened to almost immobility. The mug of hot chocolate slid from my fingers and poured right into my lap, which scalded my upper thighs. Probably a good thing because it brought me back to the present. I squeaked and jumped right out of the chair, trying to cool my fiery thighs with my hands.

"Shit!" Thane was the first to my side, taking one of the throws from the back of the couch and wiping down my legs. Trey ran to the kitchen to grab a washcloth and ran right back to gently press it to my thighs. It felt amazing.

When the cocoa had been cleaned up and my legs were only slightly red, but not full of cocoa, I brought my attention back to the wolf. Who was staring intently at me. The other three sat silently.

I couldn't help but think how pivotal this moment would be. And I knew that I had to really think it over.

But first…

"You were the wolf in the alley, weren't you?"

The Tripp-wolf dipped his head once, nodding, his eyes never leaving mine.

I should've been freaking out. There was so much going on in my life, how could I possibly hold on to my sanity? Who knows? Maybe I didn't. I just saw a man turn into a wolf. Might as well just put in my straight jacket measurements now.

But something deep, deep down felt calm in the company of this Tripp-wolf. I couldn't figure out why. At least he was unable to speak. Maybe that was it.

No. It was more than that. It was like a puzzle piece sliding into place. Too bad I couldn't figure out what the puzzle was supposed to be.

So, I lowered to my knees on the plush carpet, holding my hand out to Tripp. Just like back in the alley, I had this strange urge to reach out to touch him. Not in any weird, redneck-love-story kind of way. But like the touch would calm both of us.

Tripp slowly moved forward, pressing his nose into my palm before I ran my fingers through the silky fur on his head.

A thought popped up in my mind, and I immediately giggled. All four of the brothers just stared at me.

"I flicked Tripp in the nose…"

The three human brothers snickered as Tripp just let out a huff and laid down by my knee.


I turned to Theo. "He was fighting with you. He gouged your chest. Why would he do that?"

"Tripp is the Alpha. The leader. He keeps us all in line. Although he didn't have to be such a bastard about it."

Tripp growled.

"So that's the punishment? Just for talking back?"

Trey interrupted before Theo could speak. "That was because Theo was deliberately disrespectful, but it was made worse by the fact that Tripp thought he took advantage of you."

I was so confused. "Tripp hates me. Why would he care?" My eyes returned to the wolf, who seemed to narrow his.

Theo laughed. "Trust me, he doesn't hate you." That was followed by a rather loud thud and an even louder curse.

"Of course he hates me. He makes stupid decisions for me, tells me I'm a weakness that he doesn't need, constantly looks at me like I just left skid marks in his favorite tighty whiteys, and taco blocks me the first time I might actually get some."

"Wait, are you saying you're-"

"We are not talking about that right now, Theodore! Bring it up and, so help me, you'll be talking two octaves higher for the rest of your days!"

Trey took a deep breath, apparently trying to gain some patience. "Harper, I promise you that no one here hates you."

I looked around the room. It appeared that they were telling me the truth, but something wasn't adding up.

I locked eyes with Theo, the only one that seemed to be having fun. "What am I missing? What are you not telling me?"

Thane interrupted. "I think that's a story for another day. I'm sure you've had enough."

Tripp was on his feet in front of me, trying to block my view of Theo while simultaneously growling… again.

Apparently he forgot I had ears.

"Oh, babe, I thought it was obvious. You're our mate."

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