《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 49



I jiggle my foot up and down and do a few yoga breaths as I stare at the throng of paparazzi waiting outside Lincoln Center. I automatically reach for my necklace, fingers brushing against the skin of my collar bone. I forgot I didn't wear it tonight.

"You gettin' out today or what, lady?" I meet the cabbie's irritated gaze in the rearview mirror.

I'm lightheaded, and my stomach flutters like I swallowed an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies. I'm tempted to have the driver take me straight back home. But I take an unsteady breath and fish into my camera bag for some cash.

Now or never, Ada.

I close my trembling fingers around the door handle and push it open, stepping out onto the sidewalk. The cab pulls away, as I tug on the hem of my tank top and straighten out my yoga pants. Elodie tried to talk me into borrowing her gold dress again, but if I'm going to execute a grand gesture, I want to do it as myself.

The crowd of people gathered across the street at Dante Park erupts in applause, and I startle, almost tripping over my feet as I realize they're shouting for me. Elodie's with them, standing in the front row, holding a poster that says, 'Go get 'im, Ada!'

All around her, people are calling my name, cheering. I'm so overwhelmed by their enthusiasm and support, tears flood my eyes. I blink rapidly to keep them from falling. If I'm already on the verge of crying, it doesn't bode well for the rest of the night.

I raise a timid hand, giving them a little wave, and they scream.

Having thousands of followers on social media is one thing. It's impossible to wrap my mind around the real people behind those numbers. But seeing everyone here in person, realizing they're rooting for me, it eases some of the sting of not having Grams here. She might not have been perfect, but she was there for me always. I never thought I'd find that kind of unconditional support again, but seeing this outpouring of love is giving me hope I was wrong.

The paparazzi have noticed my arrival too. They start swarming, cameras clicking as they hurl questions at me about Liam.

I turn and take a step toward the designated press area. Lincoln Center looms large over us. It's massive, arched windows are golden and bright in the setting sun. It's mind-boggling to think of all the incredible films that have debuted in that building.

"Press pass?" A burly guy with a red beard holds up a hand. You'd think all the people shouting my name would be enough for him to let me by, but I grab the pass for tonight's event out of my bag. Thankfully, Agnes didn't think to confiscate it when I quit.

He scrutinizes it more closely than is necessary given the circumstances but finally waves me through. I start trying to push my way past the mob. If it weren't for the fact that Liam and I are the big story again, the photogs would never allow me by. I plaster on a grin, pretending I'm not about to throw up from nerves. I spot Tyler amidst all the mayhem. He nods at me, and I give him a small smile in return. At the beginning of the summer, I never would've guessed he'd be the last one standing when it was over.

"Ada, have you heard from Liam?" a man yells as I try to get past him.

"Do you think he still loves you?"


Question of the frickin' day, I think, sagging in relief as I break through the throng and find myself pressed up against the waist-high gate separating us from the celebrities who've started working the carpet. I see a few B and C list celebs, but none of the Cipher actors yet.

The paps are still firing away around me. The incessant flashing is as overwhelming as ever, but I do my best to keep smiling. If I'm about to get rejected in front of all these people, I don't also need to become the next Resting Bitch Face meme.

I pull my camera from my bag, looping the strap around my neck and start shooting. I'm not taking these photos to sell. These are for me. Capturing pictures on nights like this one, when the stars are all so glamorous, so ethereal, that's what I've always been passionate about. Unfortunately, you can't make a living photographing red carpet events. Especially when there are hundreds of other photogs snapping the same shots over your shoulder.

"So you're Ada Datchery?" a woman says from next to me. She leans in so I can hear her over the other paparazzi. She's got short, curly hair, and she's wearing slacks with a glittery tank top.

"That's me."

"I'm Rita Malone," she reaches out a hand, "with Luxe Magazine."

Luxe is a major fashion magazine. It's not unusual for their photographers to come to premieres. There's nothing their readers enjoy more than a spread of the hottest gowns at an event or a Who-Wore-it-Better comparison.

I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I've seen some of your photos this summer," she says. "You're very talented."

"Oh." I'm surprised and flattered that she noticed my work and not just the stories about me. "Thank you."

"I also saw that video you did with Ariani Shahzad."

Of course, she did. Basically, everyone with a pulse has seen that video. I just hope Liam has.

"You're no longer with Huntley then?" she asks.

I let out a breathy laugh. "No. That didn't exactly work out."

"You know, we might be able to use someone like you on our staff. We've got some big shoots coming up."

I gape at her. Luxe's photographers work with some of the most prolific actors, models, and celebrities in the world. Working for them would be like...well, it'd be like a dream come true. I hadn't seriously considered becoming a photographer for a fashion magazine. It's a lofty career goal that millions of photogs have but almost no one achieves. Working as a pap always seemed like a more attainable career choice. It's unbelievable that I could really become one of the chosen few. And yet, here Rita is, talking to me about it like I have a chance.

"Are you serious?"

She chuckles. "I'm very serious. Here's my card. Call me Monday, and we'll talk."

"I will. Thank you." I take her card, tucking it safely in my bag.

"Oh, and Ada?"


"Good luck tonight." She winks at me.


My stomach turns inside out at the reminder of what I'm here to do. I press a hand against my middle, suddenly grateful for those sweat patches I got in the gift bag from the StarTracker party.

The screaming from across the street hits an all-new decibel, and I turn to see two large, SUVs pulling up to the curb.

My palms begin to sweat against the lycra of my shirt. Two vehicles could definitely mean the Cipher crew. The four of them usually go everywhere together when they're all in the city. I'm sure tonight's premiere will be no exception.


Wesley climbs out of the first vehicle followed by Ariani. I can barely breathe through the pounding in my chest.

Ariani is stunning in a yellow dress with intricate beading that glitters in the light of the setting sun. The crowd begins chanting their names. Some of the fans are so overcome by the excitement of seeing them, they start crying.

The backdoor of the second SUV opens, and my heart stops beating altogether.

Faye steps out, smiling and waving. An assistant hurries over and smoothes out the skirts of her deep purple gown. Then he swings the car door shut behind her with a slam that shatters me.

Liam isn't with them. He's not here. He didn't come.

I shouldn't be surprised. I know how badly I hurt him, but I'd still let myself hope there might be a happily ever after for us. I want to run away from all the cameras, from all the eyes watching to see if I fall apart. But I keep my feet planted, trying to tell myself that at least I tried. Right now, though, this whole thing feels like the worst idea in the history of ideas. I can't even leave without making a bigger spectacle of myself.

But then the fans in the park start screaming again, and above the chaos, I hear Elodie's voice as she shouts, "Yeah, Liam!"

Fireworks explode inside my chest as he walks around from the other side of the SUV and waves at the throng of people. He's so strikingly gorgeous in his all-black tuxedo, the sight of him almost breaks my heart all over again.

Camera lenses whip back and forth between us, and I'm not faking the smile on my face anymore. I don't think I'll ever stop smiling again.

Liam joins his friends in front of the car, and their handlers descend, ushering them forward onto the carpet. Ariani and Faye each squeeze Liam's hand, and Wesley claps him on the shoulder as they start up the steps.

Liam doesn't follow. He stands there, scanning the sea of photographers as flashbulbs erupt from every angle.

I should wave to get his attention, should do something, but I'm frozen in place. I can barely see through the tears flooding my eyes, because after all that happened between us, he's here.

Liam's eyes find mine, and everything else fades away. All I see are those blue eyes. All I hear is the blood humming in my veins as his face lights up in the most heart-melting smile I've ever seen.

Liam's handler tries to direct him over to the crowd waiting for autographs, but he ignores her, jogging toward me.

A grin breaks across my face, and a couple tears escape, slipping down my cheek. He's better than any daydream. He's wonderful, and real, and so perfectly imperfect. He's everything.

Liam reaches me and in one swift movement scoops me into his arms and lifts me over the barrier. In front of all the cameras, all the fans, the millions of people watching from home, he kisses me.

Sparks ignite the second our mouths collide. My arms wrap around his neck, and my lips part as total, infinite happiness fills me. I pour all of it, all of me, into that kiss.

The crowd around us explodes, cheering and whistling.

We break apart, laughing, and I run my fingers along the smooth skin of Liam's cheek.

Flashbulbs reflect in his eyes, making them glitter as he gazes down at me and says, "I love you, Ada Datchery."

I laugh because I can't contain the joy bursting inside me. A couple more tears trickle down my face. Liam kisses them away and sets me tenderly on my feet.

"I love you too, Liam Anders." My hands trail across his shoulders. I never want to stop touching him again. "And I'm so sorry. I let myself get caught up in that stupid job, and I hurt you. That's the last thing I ever wanted to do."

Liam runs his fingers through my hair. "I know. I watched your video." His gaze flits between my eyes. "I'm sorry too, Ace."

My forehead scrunches in confusion. Liam brushes his thumb across my skin, smoothing it.

"I should've listened to you that day at the beach when you tried to tell me you didn't sell that picture," he says. "Trusting people—it's not easy for me, but it's something I'm working on. I've realized this week that I've got more people I can count than I ever knew. People who've been fighting for me. Just like you did."

His hand skates over my face, fingers brushing my lips. "I was so convinced you sold me out, I wasn't listening to you. You deserve someone who'll fight for you too, Ada. Someone who will believe in you. I hope you'll let me prove that I can be that guy. There's nothing I want more than to be that guy."

I want to float in those words, but my guilt is still too heavy.

"But what about your career and the movie deal?" I ask. "I probably ruined everything."

"My career's fine. Great actually. Turns out, I should've told everyone the truth about my dad a long time ago."

I still feel awful for taking that picture, but if Liam can forgive me, it's time I forgive myself too.

"That's amazing," I say in a voice so thick it's a wonder I can speak at all. "I'm happy for you."

Liam takes my hands in his. "So what do you say, Ace?" He glances at the swarm of people around us. "Do you still want to be my date for this movie, or what?"

"I mean, I'll have to check my calendar." I shrug, and Liam laughs as he pulls me close.

"Excuse me, Liam." His handler has caught up to him. She looks almost beside herself. I'm sure we've devastated all her plans for the evening. "If the two of you could just please pose for some photos for the press." She pushes her palms together like she's begging.

Liam glances down at me. I nod. Even in my yoga pants and Nikes, I'll let them take pictures all night if it means standing next to him. The handler points to a spot on the carpet, and we take our positions.

Faye catches my eye. She smiles and shoots me a thumbs up, keeping one arm tightly around Ariani's waist as they glam it up for the photographers. Ariani follows her gaze and holds her hands up in the shape of a heart and blows me a kiss.

Liam places his hand on my hip as we turn to face the legion of cameras.

"Kiss her!" one of the photogs yells, and pretty soon the crowd picks up the chant. "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!"

Liam grins down at me. "Well, I'm not going to say no to that." And without warning, he sweeps me back into a dip. I cry out in surprise, laughing and grabbing onto his shoulders.

"I love you, Ace," he says. Then he leans in and kisses me right there in the middle of the red carpet as cameras flash around us like stars glittering in the sky.


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