《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 48



"Where are we on booking locations?" Tom Ackerman looks over at the set director as he taps his pen against the glass conference table.

I'm sitting in a pre-production meeting at the studio in L.A. Monday afternoon, digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands to try and keep myself from falling asleep. After everything that's happened in the last couple of days, I'm exhausted and emotionally drained. All I want to do is go back to my hotel room and pass out.

My phone vibrates, but I ignore it. I'm sure it's someone either reaching out to tell me how sorry they are to hear what an asshole my dad is or to tell me what an asshole I am for bribing him. That sums up the responses I've gotten from my interview so far. I'll be glad when this whole thing blows over, even though I know any break I get will be temporary.

Whenever one of my movies releases, whenever I get cast in a new role, the press will drag this story out all over again. They'll speculate about my relationship with my dad and whether or not I'm turning out like him.

I'll be forever connected to him. It's what I was always afraid of happening. But there's also a part of me that's relieved to have the truth out there. Hiding it was like having shackles around my wrists, constantly dragging me down. And it damn near cost me my career.

My cell buzzes three more times in quick succession, and an all-too-familiar pang of panic hits me. I texted my dad one last time yesterday to tell him I was cutting him off before blocking his number. But it isn't like he couldn't message me from someone else's phone.

I'm sure he'll start trying to sell more stories to the rags soon if he hasn't already, but there isn't anything I'm willing to do about that. Julian said I could sue for libel, but that isn't going to get me anything but more media attention, which is the last thing I want.

I slide my phone out of my pocket, holding it under the table out of sight. I'm about to turn it off when I see the messages are from Faye.

Faye: You need to watch this.

Her next message is a link to a video on Ariani's channel. When I see the thumbnail, my heart seizes inside my chest. It's a picture of Ada.

I knew Ariani wanted to have Ada on her channel, but that was before she blew my world to pieces. Ariana's supposed to be my friend. I'm surprised I have the emotional capacity to feel hurt after what I've been through this week, but it fucking stings that she'd talk to Ada right now, let alone interview her.


Waves of indignation pour off me, and I have to fight to bury them before anyone notices. Gritting my teeth, I read Faye's last two texts.

Faye: She's telling the truth, Li. She isn't the one who sold that shot.

Faye: Mia told Ada's coworker about your dad. Ariani got her to admit to the whole thing last night.

I want to believe her. I want to believe her so bad the force of it almost knocks me off my chair. Because, yeah, the idea of Mia selling me out sucks, but what I felt for her was nothing compared to what I feel for Ada. Felt for Ada.

That girl got into my heart, into my goddam soul in a way I didn't think was possible. Her betraying me, it doesn't just suck. It's like being ripped wide open and having all my insides laid bare. It hurts more than I could've ever imagined.

I want that pain to go away. I want everything to go back to how it was before that story broke. But it can't. Even if Ada didn't sell that photo, she still took it then lied to me about it. How can I trust her after that?

"What do you think, Liam?"

I glance up to see Ackerman watching me.

Shit. I hadn't been paying attention to anything he was saying. Blood rushes to my face, and I clear my throat. "I'm sorry. Could you repeat the question?"

Ackerman tilts his head to the side, studying me. I must look as shaken as I feel, because he asks, "Everything all right?"

"Everything's great," I say, but the words sound choked.

The grooves across Ackerman's forehead deepen. "Let's take a break, everyone," he says. "Be back in fifteen."

There's a shuffling of papers and closing of laptops as everybody stands and starts filing out of the room.

I get up to follow, but Ackerman holds up a hand. "Liam, a word?"

Thinking I'm about to get my ass chewed out, I cringe and sit back down.

"You've had a hell of a couple days. How're you holding up?" he asks.

I look up at him, stunned by the earnestness in his tone. I'm tempted to lie and tell him I'm fine, but not being open about what I'm dealing with hasn't exactly been working out for me lately.

I rub my hands over my face. "Honestly, I've had better weeks, but I'm hanging in there."

Ackerman nods. "It's understandable, but you seem pretty distracted." He glances down at the phone I'm still holding in my hand.


Damn. Apparently, I wasn't being as discreet as I thought.

"I'm sorry, Tom." I shake my head. "I swear, I'm usually more focused. Between my dad and my former girlfriend, I've just got a lot going on."

Ackerman's eyebrows furrow as though in confusion. "The photographer?"

"Yeah." I push my fingers into my temple, where I can feel a headache starting.

"Huh. I assumed that whole thing with you two was a publicity stunt."

My head jerks up, because what the actual fuck? I thought dating Ada was what convinced Ackerman I was willing to work with the press. And he knew it was a sham this entire time?

"You thought I was lying and you cast me anyway?"

Ackerman laughs. "Son, you're not the first actor I've worked with to pretend to date a regular to salvage their image. You're certainly the first I've known to date a paparazzi, though."

"So why'd you decide to hire me?"

"Well, besides the fact that you're a damn talented actor, Paul called me. He told me how hard you'd been working to repair your reputation and how dedicated you were to making Cipher a success. And frankly, you were the best fit for the role."

I had no idea Paul had talked to Ackerman. He never said anything about it. Hell, I didn't know Paul even recognized how committed to Cipher I've been.

"I'm going to have my assistant grab some coffees." Ackerman stands up. "Take a few minutes and get yourself together. After that, I expect your full attention. Got it?"

"Yeah. Got it."

Knowing I got this part on my own merit and not because of Ada releases a burden of guilt I hadn't known I'd been carrying. Ada betrayed my trust. But I'd been more than willing to use her to achieve my own goals, and then I lied about it to millions of people.

Ackerman walks out of the room. I know I'll never be able to focus on anything until I've seen the video. So I square my shoulders, bracing myself, and hit play.

I watch as Ada pours her heart out. She tells Ariani about her passion for taking celebrity photographs and how she got into the business because of her grandmother. She explains all about competing for a permanent spot at the agency she worked for and how her boss guaranteed her a job if she helped her expose my story. She doesn't talk about how our relationship started out as a lie. I wonder if she's keeping that quiet to protect me.

Listening to her recount the day she followed me out to Jersey is like having someone shove a hot poker through my chest. But I keep watching as she talks about how her coworker stole the picture of me and my dad and worked with someone formerly close to me to uncover my secret. She doesn't call Mia out by name.

Her story matches what Faye's texts said, and I remember seeing Mia talking to that pap at the StarTracker party. It all makes sense, and I realize...I believe her.

"Is there anything you want to say to a certain someone who had better be watching this video?" Ariani fires a pointed look at the camera, and I know it's aimed at me.

"Yes," Ada says quietly. Her shoulders rise and fall as she takes a breath and looks straight into the camera. "Liam, if you're watching this, which I really, really hope you are, I need you to know I'm sorry. There aren't words for how sorry I am. I would do anything to undo what I did if I could.

"You are the most loyal, caring, exasperating guy I've ever met." She laughs her voice heavy with unshed tears. "You deserve to have people in your life who'll fight for you, so that's what I'm doing. I'm fighting for you. For us.

"I'm sure you don't want me to be your date for the movie premiere tomorrow night anymore. But I just want you to know that I'll be there, standing right next to that red carpet. Because even if you can't forgive me, I want you to know that I will always be there for you, Liam Anders, because I love you."

Ariani gives her trademark sign off as she wraps up the video, but I don't hear a single word. All I can think about is Ada saying she loves me.

And the thing is, I still love her too, but I'm not sure I can trust her. So much of my life is already out there for everyone to see. I need to be with someone who understands how important it is to me to keep our private life private. I don't know if Ada can be that person, no matter how much I want her to be.


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